Part 31 (1/2)
Prince Xavier turned immediately from the seemingly mollified Bishop to the young man seated at his side. ”Yes, Nephew, I thought that might stir your blood.”
”Gwendolyn!” Joram said, his voice cracking. ”Where is she. What have you done to her! By the Almin!” His fist clenched. ”If you've hurt her -”
”Hurt her?” The DKarn-Duuk was cool, his tone rebuking. ”Give us some credit for common sense, Joram. What would it benefit us to harm this girl whose only crime has been the misfortune of falling deeply in love with you?”
Prince Xavier turned back to the Bishop.
”Lord Samuels came to me in the Palace last night at my request. I was aware, of course, that the Duuk-tsarith Duuk-tsarith were searching for the young man with what I thought unusual zeal. I was naturally curious to know why, and Lord Samuels was eager to answer my questions. He told me all he knew of Joram and of the strange testimony of the were searching for the young man with what I thought unusual zeal. I was naturally curious to know why, and Lord Samuels was eager to answer my questions. He told me all he knew of Joram and of the strange testimony of the Theldara Theldara. There were many unaswered questions that piqued my curiosity. Why had the records on Anja disappeared? Why insist that a child had been stolen from among the waifs and orphans when it was obvious that one had not?
”I immediately sent for the Head of the Duuk-tsarith Duuk-tsarith. At first, she was reluctant to talk. Upon my exhibiting how much I already knew, and upon emphasizing the advantages of speaking versus the disadvantages of remaining silent and loyal to one who did not deserve her loyalty” - who did not deserve her loyalty” - Prince Xavier emphasized this, to the renewed fury of the Bishop - ”she decided to cooperate, and told me all I wanted to know. You need not worry, Nephew. Your young lover is back in the bosom of her family, no doubt shedding copious tears over your capture. She has one more trial to undergo, which - though painful - is necessary. They tell that, in the ancient world, it was customary to cut off a diseased limb to save the life of the body as a whole. She is young. She will recover From the wound, especially when she discovers that the man she loved is a Dead man being convicted for the murder of two citizens of the realm and for dabbling in the Dark Arts.” Prince Xavier emphasized this, to the renewed fury of the Bishop - ”she decided to cooperate, and told me all I wanted to know. You need not worry, Nephew. Your young lover is back in the bosom of her family, no doubt shedding copious tears over your capture. She has one more trial to undergo, which - though painful - is necessary. They tell that, in the ancient world, it was customary to cut off a diseased limb to save the life of the body as a whole. She is young. She will recover From the wound, especially when she discovers that the man she loved is a Dead man being convicted for the murder of two citizens of the realm and for dabbling in the Dark Arts.”
Color was returning to Bishop Vanya's bloated face. He cleared his throat, coughing.
”Yes, Eminence,” Prince Xavier continued, a sneer curling the thin lip, ”I will keep your secret. It is in the best interests of the people to do so. There is, of course, a condition.”
”The Empress,” Vanya said.
”Her death will be made known tomorrow,” the Bishop said, swallowing. ”We have long counseled this course of action” - Vanya's eyes went to the two catalysts present - ”as being only fitting to give the poor soil the eternal rests it seeks. But the Emperor opposed our will. There is no doubt” - the Bishop glanced at Prince Xavier nervously - ”that the Emperor is insane?”
”None,” responded the warlock dryly.
The Bishop nodded in relief, licking his lips.
”There is just one other small matter,” Prince Xavier said.
Vanya's face darkened. ”What is that?” he asked suspiciously.
”The Darksword -” began the warlock.
”None shall touch that weapon of abomination!” Vanya roared, his face flus.h.i.+ng red. Veins popped out in his forehead; his eyes were nearly engulfed by swelling flesh. ”Not even you, DKarn-Duuk! It will be present at the Judgment as evidence of this young man's guilt. Then it will return to the Font, where it will be locked away forever!”
There was no doubting, from the Bishop's tone, that Prince Xavier, in cultivating the soil of a newly plowed field, had suddenly struck a gigantic boulder. He might move it, but that would take time and patience. Much better, for the moment, to go around. Shrugging, he bowed in acquiescence.
”You have my sword, but what is to become of me?” Joram demanded in low, proud tones. A bitter smile twisted his face. ”It seems you have a true dilemma on your hands. You cannot kill me, without fulfilling the Prophecy. Yet you can't afford to let me live. There have been too many 'mistakes' made already. Lock me up in the deepest dungeon - there wouldn't be one night you slept easily without wondering if I haven't, somehow, managed to escape.”
”I grow fonder of you by the minute, Nephew,” Prince Xavier said with a sigh, rising to his feet. ”Your fate is, I fear, in the hands of the catalysts, since you are a threat to the realm. And, I have no doubt, Bishop Vanya has - at last - found a solution to this th.o.r.n.y problem. My work here is concluded. Eminence.” The DKarn-Duuk bowed slightly. ”Revered Brethren.” He nodded to Saryon, who was staring at Vanya with wide, terror-stricken eyes, and to Dulchase, who s.h.i.+fted uneasily in his chair and refused to meet the man's flat gaze.
Casting the red hood of his luxuriant robe over his head. The DKarn-Duuk turned last to Joram.
”Rise and bid me farewell, Nephew,” said the warlock.
Reluctantly, with the defiant toss of his black hair, the young man obeyed. He stood up, but he made no movement beyond that. Clasping his hands behind him, he stared straight ahead, into the darkness of the empty Hall.
Stepping forward, Prince Xavier took hold of the young man by the shoulders with his thin hands. Flinching, Joram instinctively tried to free himself from the warlocks grasp, but he checked himself, too proud to struggle.
Smiling, The DKarn-Duuk leaned near the young man. Placing his hooded head next to Joram's cheek, he kissed him, first on the left side, then on the right. Now the young man faltered, cringing visibly, his flesh shrinking from the touch of the cold lips. Jerking spasmodically, he pulled himself from the man's grasp, rubbing the flesh of his bare arms as though to rid himself of the touch.
A corridor opened behind Prince Xavier. Stepping into it, he vanished. The light he had brought with him disappeared as well. Most of the Hall was plunged into darkness, except for the faint, ghastly radiance emanating from the Well of Life in the center and the harsh, bright light streaming out from behind the Bishops throne.
Though still obviously shaken, Vanya appeared to be regaining his composure. At a gesture from the Bishop, the young Duuk-tsarith Duuk-tsarith came forward from the shadows. He spoke a word and, once more, Joram was surrounded by three fiery rings, their flaming light casting an eerie glow in the deep gloom of the Hall. The Bishop stared in silence at the young man, sucking air in loudly through his nose. came forward from the shadows. He spoke a word and, once more, Joram was surrounded by three fiery rings, their flaming light casting an eerie glow in the deep gloom of the Hall. The Bishop stared in silence at the young man, sucking air in loudly through his nose.
”Holiness,” began Saryon, rising slowly and haltingly to his feet, ”you promised he would not be killed.” The catalyst clasped his trembling hands before him. ”You swore to me by the blood of the Almin....”
”Get down on your knees, Brother Saryon,” said Bishop Vanya sternly, ”and beg Him for your own redemption!”
”No!” Saryon cried, throwing himself forward.
Struggling to his feet, Vanya heaved his great bulk from the throne and, thrusting the catalyst out of his way, walked over to stand before the young man. Joram watched him without speaking, the bitter half smile on his lips.
”Joram, son of -” Vanya began, then stopped, confused. The half smile on the young man's face widened into a proud smile of triumph. The Bishop's face grew livid with anger. ”You ”You are correct, young man!” he said, his voice quivering. ”We dare not let you live. We dare not let you die. As you have been Dead among the Living, so now you will find a living Death.” are correct, young man!” he said, his voice quivering. ”We dare not let you live. We dare not let you die. As you have been Dead among the Living, so now you will find a living Death.”
Dulchase sprang up, his throat constricting. No! he wanted to shout. I won't be a party to this! He tried to speak, but nothing came out. For once, his tongue failed him. They had trapped him neatly. He knew too much. He would go to Zith-el, where they had a remarkable zoo ...
Saryon gave an anguished cry, falling on his knees to the floor before Vanya's throne.
The Bishop paid no attention to either of his catalysts. Joram's gaze went once to the wretched Saryon, but it was cool and unforgiving and almost immediately returned to the Bishop.
”Joram. Having been found guilty as charged of all counts presented against you by three catalysts as prescribed by the laws of Thimhallan, I hereby sentence you to the Turning. This dawn, you will be taken to the Border where your flesh shall be turned to stone, your soul left to live within your body to contemplate your crimes. Forever more, you will stand Guard at the Border, dead but alive, staring eternally into Beyond.”
Obedire Est Vivere There came a soft knock upon the closed door.
”Father Saryon?” called a gentle voice.
”Is it time?”
There were no windows in the small chapel. The harsh, bright dawn of a new day might come to the world outside, but it would never penetrate the cool darkness of this sanctuary.
”Yes, Father,” said the voice in hushed tones.
Slowly, Saryon raised his head. He had spent the remainder of the night kneeling on the stone floor of one of the private chapels in the Font, seeking solace in prayer. Now his body was stiff, his knees bruised. His legs had long ago lost any feeling.
How he wished the same might be said of his heart!
Reaching out a hand, Saryon grasped the prayer rail before him and struggled to stand. A stifled groan escaped his lips, returning circulation sending sharp needles of pain through his limbs. He tried to move his legs and discovered he was too weak. Leaning his weary head upon his hand, he blinked back the tears.
”You who have denied me everything else, grant me strength to walk,” he prayed bitterly. ”I will not fail him in this, at least. I will be with him at the end.”
Placing both hands on the prayer rail, gritting his teeth, Saryon struggled to his feet. He stood still for several moments, breathing heavily, until he was certain he could move.
”Father Saryon?” came the voice again, a tinge of worry. There was a scratching on the chapel door.