Part 14 (1/2)
Prince Xavier stopped speaking abruptly. Vanya's eyes, nearly hidden by the puffy folds in the face, had suddenly bulged out, staring at him with shrewd intensity.
”Yes, your sister, the Empress,” the Bishop prodded blandly. ”You were saying? She is ... what?”
”What you and everyone else knows, yet what you and my imbecile brother-in-law have made treasonable to say,” returned Xavier smoothly. ”And it is only through your power and that of your catalysts that he can keep this up. Bring it to an end. Put me on the throne.” Xavier smiled, and shrugged slightly. ”I am no trained bear as is my brother-in-law. I will not dance at the end of your rope. Still, I can be amenable, easy to work with. You will need me,” he continued in a softer tone, ”when you go to war.”
”A tragic circ.u.mstance we pray the Almin to avoid,” Bishop Vanya Vanya said piously, raising his eyes to heaven. ”You are aware, Prince Xavier, that the Emperor is opposed to war. He will turn the other cheek -” said piously, raising his eyes to heaven. ”You are aware, Prince Xavier, that the Emperor is opposed to war. He will turn the other cheek -”
”- and get kicked in the a.s.s,” Xavier concluded.
Bishop Vanya flushed, his eyes narrowed in rebuke. ”With due regard to your station, Prince Xavier, I cannot allow even you to speak with disrespect of my sovereign lord. I do not know what you want with me. I do not understand your words and I resent your insinuations. I must again ask you to go. It is nearly time for Evening Prayers.”
”You are a fool,” Xavier said pleasantry. ”You would find it much to your advantage to work with me, much to your disadvantage to thwart me. I am a deadly enemy. Oh, you and my brother-in-law are protected now, I admit. The Duuk-tsarith Duuk-tsarith are in your pocket. But you can't keep this charade going forever.” are in your pocket. But you can't keep this charade going forever.”
Xavier spoke a word and the Corridor opened behind him.
”If you are returning to the Palace, my lord,” said Bishop Vanya humbly, ”please give my regards to your sister and say that I hope to find her in good health ...”
The words lingered on the Bishop's lips.
For an instant, Xavier's studious, calm demeanor cracked - a flaw in the ice. The face paled, the dark eyes glittered.
”I will give her your regards, Bishop,” Xavier said, stepping into the Corridor. ”And I will add that your your health is good, as well, Bishop. For the time being....” health is good, as well, Bishop. For the time being....”
The Corridor closed its jaws over him, and the last Vanya saw of Prince Xavier was a splash of crimson, flowing like a stream of blood through the air. The image was an alarming one, and it remained with Bishop Vanya long after the Prince had disappeared. With a shaking hand, Vanya rang the bell, demanding that the lights in his chamber be lit immediately. And he ordered up a bottle of sherry as well.
”Where are you going today, my treasure?”
The young woman to whom this question was fondly addressed bent over her mother, entwining white arms around the elderly lady's neck and laying her naturally rose-tinted cheek against the cheek that magic kept in full bloom.
”I am going to visit Papa at the Three Sisters and dine with him. He said I might, you know. And then I am going to City Below to spend the afternoon with Lilian and Majorie. Oh, don't be a frowning mama. There, you see, a wrinkle line comes when you frown like that. Look, now watch. See, it's gone.” The girl - for she was a girl at heart still, though woman in figure and face - laid her delicate fingers on her mother's lips and turned them upward into a smile.
Midmorning suns.h.i.+ne crept into the room like a thief, sneaking between the folds of the drawn tapestries, crawling across the floor and gleaming out suddenly from unexpected places. It flashed off the shaped gla.s.s of crystal vases and glistened in the silken thread of gowns tossed carelessly over chairs. The sun did not touch the feather bed that floated beneath the arched canopy in the corner. It wouldn't dare. Full suns.h.i.+ne was never permitted into the room until noon at least, by which time Lady Rosamund had risen from her bed and she and her catalyst had performed the magic necessary for milady to face the day.
Not that Lady Rosamund required much magic to enhance her appearance. She prided herself on that and kept her touches to a minimum, most of these reflecting whatever was currently in style in Merilon. Lady Rosamund made no attempt to disguise her age. That was undignified, particularly when she had a daughter who, at sixteen, had recently left the nursery and entered into adult society.
Milady was wise and observant; she had heard the women of the n.o.ble laugh behind their fans at those of her own station who looked younger than the daughters they chaperoned. The family of Lord Samuels and Lady Rosamund was not a member of these n.o.ble, but so close were they that the only thing needed was one hand outstretched in matrimony to lift them into glittering realms of court. Therefore Lady Rosamund maintained her dignity, dressed well but not above her station, and had the satisfaction of hearing herself p.r.o.nounced ”elegant” and ”a sweet thing” by her betters.
Milady looked intently into the ice mirror that stood on the dressing table before her and she smiled at what she saw. Her proud gaze was not on her own face, however, but rested on the youthful repet.i.tion of her own features that smiled from behind her.
The family treasure - and treasure is an apt word - was their eldest daughter, Gwendolyn. This child was their investment in the future. It was she who would raise them up from the middle cla.s.s, carrying them skyward on the wings of her rosy cheeks and her substantial dowry. Gwendolyn was not beautiful in the cla.s.sic sense currently much admired in Merilon - that is, she did not appear to have been sculpted of marble with the same cold and stony charm to match. She was of medium height with golden hair, large blue eyes that laughed their way into a man's heart, and a gentle, giving nature that kept her there.
Her father, Lord Samuels, was p.r.o.n-alban p.r.o.n-alban, a craftsman, though he no longer performed the menial magic of his trade. He was a Guildmaster now, having risen to that high position among the ranks of the Stone Shapers through intelligence, hard work, and shrewd investments. It was Guildmaster Samuels who had developed the means to repair a crack in one of the gigantic stone platforms upon which City Above was built, thus earning for him a knighthood from the Emperor.
Now able to put ”Lord” before his name, the Guildmaster and his family had moved from their old dwelling on the northwest side of City Below to the very edge of the Low Avenue of City Above. Situated on the west side of Mannan Park, the house looked out over the rolling green expanse of carefully manicured gra.s.s, shaped and nurtured trees with - here and there - a flower.
It was a well-to-do neighborhood without being too too well-to-do. Lady Rosamund knew the advantage of having her n.o.ble visitors admire ”what charming things you have done to this dear little cottage” of twenty rooms or so. And it pleased her no end to hear them remark sympathetically when they left, ”So unworthy of you, my dear. When are you moving to something better?” well-to-do. Lady Rosamund knew the advantage of having her n.o.ble visitors admire ”what charming things you have done to this dear little cottage” of twenty rooms or so. And it pleased her no end to hear them remark sympathetically when they left, ”So unworthy of you, my dear. When are you moving to something better?”
When indeed? Sometime soon, it was hoped - when her daughter became Countess Gwendolyn or d.u.c.h.ess Gwendolyn or Marchioness Gwendolyn.... Lady Rosamund sighed with pleasure as she admired the lovely daughter in the icy face of the frozen reflecting pool.
”Ah, Mama, the mirror is weeping!” Gwendolyn said, reaching out her hand to catch a drop of water before it fell upon her mother's feathered hair adornments.
”So it is,” said Lady Rosamund with a sigh. ”Marie, do come here. Grant me Life.” Milady negligently held out her hand to the catalyst. Clasping it, Marie murmured the ritual chant that transferred the magic from her body to the wizardess. Like her husband, Lady Rosamund was born to the Earth Mystery, and though her skills were more those of a Quin-alban - Quin-alban - a conjurer - she could perform the tasks needed to run a household with admirable skill. Suffused with Life, Lady Rosamund laid her fingers on the reflecting pool and spoke the words that would keep the water - encased in a golden frame that stood upon her dressing table - frozen solid. a conjurer - she could perform the tasks needed to run a household with admirable skill. Suffused with Life, Lady Rosamund laid her fingers on the reflecting pool and spoke the words that would keep the water - encased in a golden frame that stood upon her dressing table - frozen solid.
”It's this warm weather,” Lady Rosamund said to her daughter. ”I would certainly not criticize Her Highness for the world, but I wouldn't mind a change of season. Spring does grow tiresome, don't you think, my poppet?”
”I think winter would be fun, Mama,” said Gwendolyn, fussing with her mother's hair. A darker gold than her own, but rich and luxuriant still, it needed no magic to make it s.h.i.+ne. ”Lilian and Majorie and I have been down to the Gates, watching the people come in from Outside. It is so funny to see them covered head to foot with snow, their cheeks and noses red with cold, stamping their feet to warm them. And then, when the Gate was open, we could look Outside and see the countryside, so lovely and white. Ah, there goes my beautiful mama, frowning again and making herself ugly.”
Lady Rosamund could not help but smile, so coaxing was Gwendolyn, though she tried to appear firm. ”I don't like you spending so much time with your cousins ...” she began.
This was an old argument and one Gwen knew how to handle. ”But, Mama,” she pleaded persuasively, ”I'm so good for them. ”You've said so yourself. Look how much improved they were, over the holidays. Their manners at table and their conversation, so much more refined and genteel. Weren't they, Marie?” calling upon the catalyst for support.
”Yes, my lady,” the catalyst replied with a smile. There were two other children in the household - a boy to carry on the family name and a girl to delight her parents in their middle years. And though both were cute, they were young and neither had developed much personality yet. The catalyst, who, in this modest household, doubled as nanny and governess, made no secret of the fact that Gwen was her pet.
”Just think, Mama,” Gwen continued, ”how fine it would be if my cousins married into one of the families of our friends. Sophia told me that her brother told her that Guildmaster Reynald's son, Alfred, said the next day after our party that Lilian was a 'stunner.' His very words, Mama. I can't help but think that, after praise like that, their engagement cannot be far off.”
”My dear child, how silly you are!” Lady Rosamund laughed, but it was fond laughter and she patted her daughter's white hand. ”Well, if such an event happens, your cousins will have you to thank for it. I hope they realize that. I suppose it will be all right, today, if you visit them. But after this, I don't believe it proper that you should be seen in City Below more than once a week. You are a young woman now, not a child, and such things are important.”
”Yes, Mama,” said Gwen, more subdued, for she saw the firm set of the mouth and the arch in the eyebrows that indicated to servants, children, catalyst, and husband that Lady Rosamund had issued a decree and was not to be disobeyed.
But, at sixteen, Gwen could not be unhappy long. Next week was far away. Meanwhile, there was today. Lunch with her dear papa, who was to take her to a new inn near the Guild Halls; an inn famous for its chocolate. Then the rest of the day with her cousins - a day spent in Gwen's newest, favorite pastime - flirtation.
The Earth Gate of Merilon was a place of bustling activity. The great invisible dome that held within its fragile sh.e.l.l the glories of the city of Merilon soared skyward from the Gladewall. Seven Gates pierced the dome, providing entrance into Merilon from Outside. But six of the Gates were used little, if ever. Most of the time, they remained magically locked. Death Gate and Spirit Gate were never used now that the Necromancers were no longer around to treat with visitors from beyond the grave. Life Gate was reserved for victorious processionals following war, and it had not been used in over a century. The only thing that entered by Druid's Gate was the river; the Druids now used the front gate like everyone else. Wind Gate and Earth Gate were the portals of major commerce between the outer and inner worlds. The kan-Hanar - kan-Hanar - the Gatekeepers - allowed only the Ariels to fly through Wind Gate. Earth Gate was, therefore, the only true access to the city. the Gatekeepers - allowed only the Ariels to fly through Wind Gate. Earth Gate was, therefore, the only true access to the city.
There was always a throng of people around Earth Gate, waiting to greet friends and relatives or seeing them off after a visit. It was currently fas.h.i.+onable among the young people of the city to spend at least part of each day there, socializing, flirting, and observing all who entered.
The first to enter this day was a high-ranking Albanara Albanara from one of the outlying districts. She had traveled through the Corridors and therefore appeared to materialize out of nothing. The wizardess was greeted by her family from City Above, waiting to meet her in their tortoise-sh.e.l.l carriage drawn by a team of a hundred rabbits, their entire equipage floating two feet above the ground. from one of the outlying districts. She had traveled through the Corridors and therefore appeared to materialize out of nothing. The wizardess was greeted by her family from City Above, waiting to meet her in their tortoise-sh.e.l.l carriage drawn by a team of a hundred rabbits, their entire equipage floating two feet above the ground.
The n.o.ble lady was followed by a party of catalysts from the Font, gliding in through Earth Gate in their winged carriages. The people bowed in respect for the Priests; the men doffing their hats, the women sinking into pretty curtsies, not sorry for the opportunity to show off white bosoms and smooth necks. Next came a humble tradesman, trudging on foot, half-frozen by the snow. He was met with joy by seven rowdy children, whose antics while waiting for their father had been driving the dignified Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar on duty to distraction. Finally there came a partry of university students, returning after a few days spent frolicking in the winter weather, who kept das.h.i.+ng in and out of the Gate to grab handfuls of snow, tossing it at each other and into the crowd. on duty to distraction. Finally there came a partry of university students, returning after a few days spent frolicking in the winter weather, who kept das.h.i.+ng in and out of the Gate to grab handfuls of snow, tossing it at each other and into the crowd.
The Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar deal with all who enter in the same manner, be they highborn n.o.ble or lowborn tradesman. Everyone who arrives in Merilon is subjected to the same scrutiny, asked the same questions. The deal with all who enter in the same manner, be they highborn n.o.ble or lowborn tradesman. Everyone who arrives in Merilon is subjected to the same scrutiny, asked the same questions. The Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar are born to the Mystery of Air, and are thus in charge of most of the transportation of Thimhallan (the exception being the are born to the Mystery of Air, and are thus in charge of most of the transportation of Thimhallan (the exception being the Thon-Li Thon-Li, the Corridor Masters. They are catalysts, since the Corridors are controlled and regulated by the Church). The magi and archmagi of the Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar serve the state; a division of the Emperor's household guard. Among their many tasks are to care for and maintain the Ariels, those magically mutated humans with wings who are the messengers of Thimhallan. And though the catalysts guard and watch over the Corridors, it is the serve the state; a division of the Emperor's household guard. Among their many tasks are to care for and maintain the Ariels, those magically mutated humans with wings who are the messengers of Thimhallan. And though the catalysts guard and watch over the Corridors, it is the Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar who expend their magical Life in keeping them operational. But guarding the city gates - not only of Merilon but the gates of all the city states in Thimhallan - is their most important task. It is a position of trust and honor, and only archmagi - those of n.o.ble birth who have attained their high rank through years of service and study - can become Gatekeepers. who expend their magical Life in keeping them operational. But guarding the city gates - not only of Merilon but the gates of all the city states in Thimhallan - is their most important task. It is a position of trust and honor, and only archmagi - those of n.o.ble birth who have attained their high rank through years of service and study - can become Gatekeepers.
For it is up to the Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar to make certain that only those to make certain that only those belonging belonging in Merilon enter Merilon. Further, it is their duty to separate those who are permitted to enter City Below from those who can, literally, rise higher into City Above. Those so designated are provided with a charm that allows them to penetrate the magical, unseen barrier separating the two cities. in Merilon enter Merilon. Further, it is their duty to separate those who are permitted to enter City Below from those who can, literally, rise higher into City Above. Those so designated are provided with a charm that allows them to penetrate the magical, unseen barrier separating the two cities.
Those travelers who cannot prove that they have reason to be in Merilon are turned from the Gate without regard to their rank or station. The Kan-Hanar Kan-Hanar are adept at this, but, in case of undue trouble, they have support in the form of several black-robed are adept at this, but, in case of undue trouble, they have support in the form of several black-robed Duuk-tsarith Duuk-tsarith, who stand in the shadows; silent, un.o.btrusive, observant.
This day, the Gates were unusually busy, due in part to the n.o.bility in the outlying areas fleeing the inclement winter weather which the Sif-Hanar - Sif-Hanar - those magi who control the winds and clouds - had decreed was necessary for the growth of crops in the spring. Gwendolyn and her cousins, ages seventeen and fifteen, spent a merry afternoon strolling among the many shops and outdoor cafes that surrounded the Gate, watching those who entered, studying their dress and hairstyles with the critical eyes of youth, and breaking the hearts of nearly a dozen young men. those magi who control the winds and clouds - had decreed was necessary for the growth of crops in the spring. Gwendolyn and her cousins, ages seventeen and fifteen, spent a merry afternoon strolling among the many shops and outdoor cafes that surrounded the Gate, watching those who entered, studying their dress and hairstyles with the critical eyes of youth, and breaking the hearts of nearly a dozen young men.
This was a particularly entertaining afternoon for Gwen, since she was not hampered in her flirtations by the presence of Marie, the catalyst. Ordinarily Marie would have accompanied her when she went out in public, as was proper for an unwed young girl. But today either the little brother or the little sister was ”fractious,” due undoubtedly to teeth, and so Marie was needed at home.
At first there had been a dreadful moment when it seemed Lady Rosamund might have insisted her daughter remain at home as well. But a flood of tears with the cry that ”poor Papa will be so distressed, he has planned this for so long” won the day. Lady Rosamund was much attached to her husband. The life of a Guildmaster is a demanding one, and she knew - no one better - how hard he labored to maintain their life-style. He was, in truth, looking forward to this luncheon with his daughter - a rare break in his busy life - and milady had not the heart to deprive either him or Gwen of this time together. There was also the thought that certain members of the aristocracy were permitting their daughters to go about unchaperoned - a mark of a new spirit of freedom much in vogue currently. Lady Rosamund therefore allowed herself to be persuaded - an easy task for her bewitching daughter - and Gwen went off happily, having been given Life enough by Marie to sustain her.