Volume Iii Part 133 (1/2)

'It gives me pleasure to be praised by you, whom all men praise.'

189. VIRG. aen. x. 824.

'An image of paternal tenderness.'

190. HOR. 2 Od. viii. 18.

'A slavery to former times unknown.'


'--Deluding vision of the night.'


192. TER. Andr. Act i. Sc. 1.

'--All the world With one accord said all good things, and praised My happy fortunes, who possess a son So good, so liberally disposed.'


193. VIRG. Georg. ii. 461.

'His lords.h.i.+p's palace view, whose portals proud Each morning vomit forth a cringing crowd.'

(Warton, &c.)

194. HOR. 1 Od. xiii. 4.

'With jealous pangs my bosom swells.'

195. HESIOD.

'Fools not to know that half exceeds the whole, How blest the sparing meal and temperate bowl!'

196. HOR. 1 Ep. xi. 30.