Volume Iii Part 128 (1/2)
116. VIRG. Georg. iii. 43.
'The echoing hills and chiding hounds invite.'
117. VIRG. Ecl. viii. 108.
'With voluntary dreams they cheat their minds.'
118. VIRG. aen. iv. 73.
'--The fatal dart Sticks in his side, and rankles in his heart.'
119. VIRG. Ecl. i. 20.
'The city men call Rome, unskilful clown, I thought resembled this our humble town.'
120. VIRG. Georg. i. 415.
'--I deem their b.r.e.a.s.t.s inspired With a divine sagacity--'
121. VIRG. Ecl. iii. 66.
'--All things are full of Jove.'
122. PUBL. SYR. Frag.
'An agreeable companion upon the road is as good as a coach.'
123. HOR. 4 Od. iv. 33.
'Yet the best blood by learning is refined, And virtue arms the solid mind; Whilst vice will stain the n.o.blest race, And the paternal stamp efface.'