Volume Iii Part 122 (1/2)

29. HOR. 1 Sat. x. 23.

'Both tongues united, sweeter sounds produce, Like Chian mixed with Palernian juice.'

30. HOR. 1 Ep. vi. 65.

'If nothing, as Mimnermus strives to prove, Can e'er be pleasant without mirth and love, Then live in mirth and love, thy sports pursue.'


31. VIRG. aen. vi. 266.

'What I have heard, permit me to relate.'

32. HOR. 1 Sat. v. 64.

'He wants no tragic vizor to increase His natural deformity of face.'

33. HOR. 1 Od. x.x.x. 5.

'The graces with their zones unloosed; The nymphs, with beauties all exposed From every spring, and every plain; Thy powerful, hot, and winged boy; And youth, that's dull without thy joy; And Mercury, compose thy train.'


34. JUV. Sat. xv. 159.

'From spotted skins the leopard does refrain.'


35. CATULL. Carm. 39. in Enat.

'Nothing so foolish as the laugh of fools.'

36. VIRG. aen. iii. 583.

'Things the most out of nature we endure.'

37. VIRG. aen. vii. 805.