Volume Iii Part 114 (1/2)


'Whether I am not old enough to chuse for my self?


'Whether it would not have been rude in me to refuse a Lock of his Hair?


'Shou'd not I be a very barbarous Creature, if I did not pity a Man that is always Sighing for my Sake?


'Whether you would not advise me to run away with the poor Man?


'Whether you do not think, that if I won't have him, he won't drown himself?


What shall I say to him the next time he asks me if I will marry him?


The following Letter requires neither Introduction, nor Answer.


I wonder that in the present Situation of Affairs, you can take Pleasure in writing any thing but News; for, in a Word, who minds any thing else? The Pleasure of increasing in Knowledge, and learning something new every Hour of Life, is the n.o.blest Entertainment of a Rational Creature. I have a very good Ear for a Secret, and am naturally of a communicative Temper; by which Means I am capable of doing you great Services in this way. In order to make my self useful, I am early in the Antichamber, where I thrust my Head into the thick of the Press, and catch the News, at the opening of the Door, while it is warm. Sometimes I stand by the Beef-Eaters, and take the Buz as it pa.s.ses by me. At other times I lay my Ear close to the Wall, and suck in many a valuable Whisper, as it runs in a streight Line from Corner to Corner. When I am weary with standing, I repair to one of the neighbouring Coffee-houses, where I sit sometimes for a whole Day, and have the News as it comes from Court fresh and fresh. In short, Sir, I spare no Pains to know how the World goes. A Piece of News loses its Flavour when it hath been an Hour in the Air. I love, if I may so speak, to have it fresh from the Tree; and to convey it to my Friends before it is faded. Accordingly my Expences in Coach-hire make no small Article; which you may believe, when I a.s.sure you, that I post away from Coffee-house to Coffee-house, and forestall the _Evening-Post_ by two Hours. There is a certain Gentleman who hath given me the slip twice or thrice, and hath been beforehand with me at _Child's_. But I have play'd him a Trick. I have purchas'd a pair of the best Coach-horses I could buy for Money, and now let him out-strip me if he can. Once more, Mr. SPECTATOR, let me advise you to deal in News. You may depend upon my a.s.sistance. But I must break off abruptly, for I have twenty Letters to write.

_Yours in haste_, Tho. Quid-nunc.

No. 626. Monday, November 29, 1714. Henry Grove.