Volume Ii Part 95 (1/2)
Thus I presumptuous; and the Vision bright, As with a Smile more bright-tied, thus reply'd, &c.
--I, with leave of Speech implor'd And humble Deprecation, thus reply d: Let not my Words offend thee, Heavnly Power, My Maker, be propitious while I speak, &c.
Adam then proceeds to give an account of his second Sleep, and of the Dream in which he beheld the Formation of Eve. The new Pa.s.sion that was awaken'd in him at the sight of her, is touch'd very finely.
Under his forming Hands a Creature grew, Manlike, but different s.e.x: so lovely fair, That what seem'd fair in all the World, seemed now Mean, or in her summ'd up, in her contained, And in her Looks; which from that time infused Sweetness info my Heart, unfelt before: And into all things from her Air inspired The Spirit of Love and amorous Delight.
Adams Distress upon losing sight of this beautiful Phantom, with his Exclamations of Joy and Grat.i.tude at the discovery of a real Creature, who resembled the Apparition which had been presented to him in his Dream; the Approaches he makes to her, and his Manner of Courts.h.i.+p; are all laid together in a most exquisite Propriety of Sentiments.
Tho this Part of the Poem is work'd up with great Warmth and Spirit, the Love which is described in it is every way suitable to a State of Innocence. If the Reader compares the Description which Adam here gives of his leading Eve to the Nuptial Bower, with that which Mr. Dryden has made on the same occasion in a Scene of his Fall of Man, he will be sensible of the great care which Milton took to avoid all Thoughts on so delicate a Subject, that might be offensive to Religion or Good-Manners.
The Sentiments are chaste, but not cold; and convey to the Mind Ideas of the most transporting Pa.s.sion, and of the greatest Purity. What a n.o.ble Mixture of Rapture and Innocence has the Author join'd together, in the Reflection which Adam makes on the Pleasures of Love, compared to those of Sense.
Thus have I told thee all my State, and brought My Story to the sum of earthly Bliss, Which I enjoy; and must confess to find In all things else Delight indeed, but such As us'd or not, works in the Mind no Change Nor vehement Desire; these Delicacies I mean of Taste, Sight, Smell, Herbs, Fruits, and Flowers, Walks, and the Melody of Birds: but here Far otherwise, transported I behold, Transported touch; here Pa.s.sion first I felt, Commotion strange! in all Enjoyments else Superiour and unmov'd, here only weak Against the Charms of Beauty's powerful Glance.
Or Nature fail'd in me, and left some Part Not Proof enough such Object to sustain; Or from my Side subducting, took perhaps More than enough; at least on her bestowed Too much of Ornament in outward shew Elaborate, of inward less exact.
--When I approach Her Loveliness, so absolute she seems And in herself compleat, so well to know Her own, that what she wills to do or say Seems wisest, vertuousest, discreetest, best: All higher Knowledge in her Presence falls Degraded: Wisdom in discourse with her Loses discountenanced, and like Folly shews; Authority and Reason on her wait, As one intended first, not after made Occasionally: and to consummate all, Greatness of Mind, and n.o.bleness their Seat Build in her loveliest, and create an Awe About her, as a Guard angelick plac'd.
These Sentiments of Love, in our first Parent, gave the Angel such an Insight into Humane Nature, that he seems apprehensive of the Evils which might befall the Species in general, as well as Adam in particular, from the Excess of this Pa.s.sion. He therefore fortifies him against it by timely Admonitions; which very artfully prepare the Mind of the Reader for the Occurrences of the next Book, where the Weakness of which Adam here gives such distant Discoveries, brings about that fatal Event which is the Subject of the Poem. His Discourse, which follows the gentle Rebuke he received from the Angel, shews that his Love, however violent it might appear, was still founded in Reason, and consequently not improper for Paradise.
Neither her outside Form so fair, nor aught In Procreation common to all kinds, (Tho higher of the genial Bed by far, And with mysterious Reverence I deem) So much delights me, as those graceful Acts, Those thousand Decencies that daily flow From all her Words and Actions, mixt with Love And sweet Compliance, which declare unfeign'd Union of Mind, or in us both one Soul; Harmony to behold in--wedded Pair!
Adams Speech, at parting with the Angel, has in it a Deference and Grat.i.tude agreeable to an inferior Nature, and at the same time a certain Dignity and Greatness suitable to the Father of Mankind in his State of Innocence.
No. 346. Monday, April 7, 1712. Steele.
Consuetudinem benignitatis largitioni Munerum longe antepono. Haec est Gravium hominum atque Magnorum; Illa quasi a.s.sentatorum populi, mult.i.tudinis levitatem voluptate quasi t.i.tillantium.
When we consider the Offices of humane Life, there is, methinks, something in what we ordinarily call Generosity, which when carefully examined, seems to flow rather from a loose and unguarded Temper, than an honest and liberal Mind. For this reason it is absolutely necessary that all Liberality should have for its Basis and Support Frugality. By this means the beneficent Spirit works in a Man from the Convictions of Reason, not from the Impulses of Pa.s.sion. The generous Man, in the ordinary acceptation, without respect to the Demands of his own Family, will soon find, upon the Foot of his Account, that he has sacrificed to Fools, Knaves, Flatterers, or the deservedly Unhappy, all the Opportunities of affording any future a.s.sistance where it ought to be.
Let him therefore reflect, that if to bestow be in it self laudable, should not a Man take care to secure Ability to do things praiseworthy as long as he lives? Or could there be a more cruel Piece of Raillery upon a Man who should have reduc'd his Fortune below the Capacity of acting according to his natural Temper, than to say of him, That Gentleman was generous? My beloved Author therefore has, in the Sentence on the Top of my Paper, turned his Eye with a certain Satiety from beholding the Addresses to the People by Largesses and publick Entertainments, which he a.s.serts to be in general vicious, and are always to be regulated according to the Circ.u.mstances of Time and a Man's own Fortune. A constant Benignity in Commerce with the rest of the World, which ought to run through all a Man's Actions, has Effects more useful to those whom you oblige, and less ostentatious in your self. He turns his Recommendation of this Virtue in commercial Life: and according to him a Citizen who is frank in his Kindnesses, and abhors Severity in his Demands; he who in buying, selling, lending, doing acts of good Neighbourhood, is just and easy; he who appears naturally averse to Disputes, and above the Sense of little Sufferings; bears a n.o.bler Character, and does much more good to Mankind, than any other Man's Fortune without Commerce can possibly support. For the Citizen above all other Men has Opportunities of arriving at that highest Fruit of Wealth, to be liberal without the least Expence of a Man's own Fortune. It is not to be denied but such a Practice is liable to hazard; but this therefore adds to the Obligation, that, among Traders, he who obliges is as much concerned to keep the Favour a Secret, as he who receives it.