Volume Ii Part 17 (1/2)
_Longinus_ has observed, that this Description of Love in _Sappho_ is an exact Copy of Nature, and that all the Circ.u.mstances which follow one another in such an Hurry of Sentiments, notwithstanding they appear repugnant to each other, are really such as happen in the Phrenzies of Love.
I wonder, that not one of the Criticks or Editors, through whose Hands this Ode has pa.s.sed, has taken Occasion from it to mention a Circ.u.mstance related by _Plutarch_. That Author in the famous Story of _Antiochus_, who fell in Love with _Stratonice_, his Mother-in-law, and (not daring to discover his Pa.s.sion) pretended to be confined to his Bed by Sickness, tells us, that _Erasistratus_, the Physician, found out the Nature of his Distemper by those Symptoms of Love which he had learnt from _Sappho's_ Writings. [4] _Stratonice_ was in the Room of the Love-sick Prince, when these Symptoms discovered themselves to his Physician; and it is probable, that they were not very different from those which _Sappho_ here describes in a Lover sitting by his Mistress.
This Story of _Antiochus_ is so well known, that I need not add the Sequel of it, which has no Relation to my present Subject.
[Footnote 1: The Belvidere Torso.]
[Footnote 2: The other translation by Ambrose Philips. See note to No.
[Footnote 3: Wanting in copies then known, it is here supplied by conjecture.]
[Footnote 4: In Plutarch's Life of Demetrius.
When others entered Antiochus was entirely unaffected. But when Stratonice came in, as she often did, he shewed all the symptoms described by Sappho, the faltering voice, the burning blush, the languid eye, the sudden sweat, the tumultuous pulse; and at length, the pa.s.sion overcoming his spirits, a swoon and mortal paleness.]
No. 230. Friday, Nov. 23, 1711. Steele.
Homines ad Deos nulla re propius accedunt, quam salutem Hominibus dando.
Human Nature appears a very deformed, or a very beautiful Object, according to the different Lights in which it is viewed. When we see Men of inflamed Pa.s.sions, or of wicked Designs, tearing one another to pieces by open Violence, or undermining each other by secret Treachery; when we observe base and narrow Ends pursued by ignominious and dishonest Means; when we behold Men mixed in Society as if it were for the Destruction of it; we are even ashamed of our Species, and out of Humour with our own Being: But in another Light, when we behold them mild, good, and benevolent, full of a generous Regard for the publick Prosperity, compa.s.sionating [each [1]] others Distresses, and relieving each others Wants, we can hardly believe they are Creatures of the same Kind. In this View they appear G.o.ds to each other, in the Exercise of the n.o.blest Power, that of doing Good; and the greatest Compliment we have ever been able to make to our own Being, has been by calling this Disposition of Mind Humanity. We cannot but observe a Pleasure arising in our own Breast upon the seeing or hearing of a generous Action, even when we are wholly disinterested in it. I cannot give a more proper Instance of this, than by a Letter from _Pliny_, in which he recommends a Friend in the most handsome manner, and, methinks, it would be a great Pleasure to know the Success of this Epistle, though each Party concerned in it has been so many hundred Years in his Grave.
What I should gladly do for any Friend of yours, I think I may now with Confidence request for a Friend of mine. _Arria.n.u.s Maturius_ is the most considerable Man of his Country; when I call him so, I do not speak with Relation to his Fortune, though that is very plentiful, but to his Integrity, Justice, Gravity, and Prudence; his Advice is useful to me in Business, and his Judgment in Matters of Learning: His Fidelity, Truth, and good Understanding, are very great; besides this, he loves me as you do, than which I cannot say any thing that signifies a warmer Affection. He has nothing that's aspiring; and though he might rise to the highest Order of n.o.bility, he keeps himself in an inferior Rank; yet I think my self bound to use my Endeavours to serve and promote him; and would therefore find the Means of adding something to his Honours while he neither expects nor knows it, nay, though he should refuse it. Something, in short, I would have for him that may be honourable, but not troublesome; and I entreat that you will procure him the first thing of this kind that offers, by which you will not only oblige me, but him also; for though he does not covet it, I know he will be as grateful in acknowledging your Favour as if he had asked it. [2]