Volume I Part 46 (1/2)

Vive memor lethi: fugit hora. Hoc quod loquor, inde est.

En quid agis? Duplici in diversum scinderis hamo.

Hunccine, an hunc sequeris!----_

Whether alone, or in thy Harlot's Lap, When thou wouldst take a lazy Morning's Nap; Up, up, says AVARICE; thou snor'st again, Stretchest thy Limbs, and yawn'st, but all in vain.

The rugged Tyrant no Denial takes; At his Command th' unwilling Sluggard wakes.

What must I do? he cries; What? says his Lord: Why rise, make ready, and go streight Aboard: With Fish, from _Euxine_ Seas, thy Vessel freight; Flax, Castor, _Coan_ Wines, the precious Weight Of Pepper and _Sabean_ Incense, take With thy own Hands, from the tir'd Camel's Back, And with Post-haste thy running Markets make.

Be sure to turn the Penny; Lye and Swear, 'Tis wholsome Sin: But _Jove_, thou say'st, will hear.

Swear, Fool, or Starve; for the _Dilemma's_ even: A Tradesman thou! and hope to go to Heav'n?

Resolv'd for Sea, the Slaves thy Baggage pack, Each saddled with his Burden on his Back.

Nothing r.e.t.a.r.ds thy Voyage, now; but He, That soft voluptuous Prince, call'd LUXURY; And he may ask this civil Question; Friend, What dost thou make a s.h.i.+pboard? To what End?

Art thou of _Bethlem's_ n.o.ble College free?

Stark, staring mad, that thou wouldst tempt the Sea?

Cubb'd in a Cabbin, on a Mattress laid, On a brown _George_, with lousy s...o...b..rs fed; Dead Wine, that stinks of the _Borachio_, sup From a foul Jack, or greasy Maple Cup!

Say, wouldst thou bear all this, to raise the Store, From Six i'th' Hundred to Six Hundred more?

Indulge, and to thy Genius freely give: For, not to live at Ease, is not, to live: Death stalks behind thee, and each flying Hour Does some loose Remnant of thy Life devour.

Live, while thou liv'st; for Death will make us all, A Name, a Nothing but an Old Wife's Tale.

Speak, wilt thou _Avarice_ or _Pleasure_ choose To be thy Lord? Take one, and one refuse.

When a Government flourishes in Conquests, and is secure from foreign Attacks, it naturally falls into all the Pleasures of Luxury; and as these Pleasures are very expensive, they put those who are addicted to them upon raising fresh Supplies of Mony, by all the Methods of Rapaciousness and Corruption; so that Avarice and Luxury very often become one complicated Principle of Action, in those whose Hearts are wholly set upon Ease, Magnificence, and Pleasure. The most Elegant and Correct of all the _Latin_ Historians observes, that in his time, when the most formidable States of the World were subdued by the _Romans_, the Republick sunk into those two Vices of a quite different Nature, Luxury and Avarice: [1] And accordingly describes _Catiline_ as one who coveted the Wealth of other Men, at the same time that he squander'd away his own. This Observation on the Commonwealth, when it was in its height of Power and Riches, holds good of all Governments that are settled in a State of Ease and Prosperity. At such times Men naturally endeavour to outs.h.i.+ne one another in Pomp and Splendor, and having no Fears to alarm them from abroad, indulge themselves in the Enjoyment of all the Pleasures they can get into their Possession; which naturally produces Avarice, and an immoderate Pursuit after Wealth and Riches.

As I was humouring my self in the Speculation of these two great Principles of Action, I could not forbear throwing my Thoughts into a little kind of Allegory or Fable, with which I shall here present my Reader.

There were two very powerful Tyrants engaged in a perpetual War against each other: The Name of the first was _Luxury_, and of the second _Avarice_. The Aim of each of them was no less than Universal Monarchy over the Hearts of Mankind. _Luxury_ had many Generals under him, who did him great Service, as _Pleasure_, _Mirth_, _Pomp_ and _Fas.h.i.+on_.

_Avarice_ was likewise very strong in his Officers, being faithfully served by _Hunger_, _Industry_, _Care_ and _Watchfulness_: He had likewise a Privy-Counsellor who was always at his Elbow, and whispering something or other in his Ear: The Name of this Privy-Counsellor was _Poverty_. As _Avarice_ conducted himself by the Counsels of _Poverty_, his Antagonist was entirely guided by the Dictates and Advice of _Plenty_, who was his first Counsellor and Minister of State, that concerted all his Measures for him, and never departed out of his Sight.

While these two great Rivals were thus contending for Empire, their Conquests were very various. _Luxury_ got Possession of one Heart, and _Avarice_ of another. The Father of a Family would often range himself under the Banners of _Avarice_, and the Son under those of _Luxury_. The Wife and Husband would often declare themselves on the two different Parties; nay, the same Person would very often side with one in his Youth, and revolt to the other in his old Age. Indeed the Wise Men of the World stood _Neuter_; but alas! their Numbers were not considerable.