Chapter 85 Annihilate The Shen Group (1/2)
The Shen Group? Stephen?
Jackson looked disturbed. He thought dejectedly to himself, 'All of this is related to that damn woman!'
Derek looked at Jackson and asked, ”Jackson, do we need to take an action against Stephen?”
Derek knew very well that Jackson's hostility towards Stephen was not only because of the clans' conflicts but also because of the connection with Cherry.
”Annihilate the Shen Group. I want to hear that the Shen Group has disappeared from the city, within three days, ” ordered Jackson growling.
Derek could not believe what he was hearing.
Selina looked a little surprised, but Jackson's tone had been too firm to leave any doubt.
”But I think the Shen Group matters very little to us. Instead, Stephen should be the first priority for us to deal with. In the last five years, Stephen's strength has hardly diminished, no matter how hard we have tried to weaken him. If he also decides to compete for the Future Project, he will be a tough competitor” said Derek, evidently worried.
Jackson stared firmly ahead as if everything was under control. ”Stephen is not powerful enough to be our opponent. We are sure to win the project, ” said Jackson.
Derek and Selina shared a glance with each other without saying anything. They believed Jackson's words.
”Okay. I'll deal with the Shen Group”, Selina spoke, convinced, ”What about Stephen?”
Selina looked at Jackson, waiting for his response.
Jackson put on an evil smile and said casually, ”Spare him some leisure days and then give him the finishing stroke.”
As soon as Jackson finished his words, Selina understood his intentions.
Only Derek looked between Jackson and Selina, confused. He had no idea what they were talking about.
Selina smiled lovingly, ”Jackson, I really admire you.”
Jackson stared out of the window and kept silent. He would never forgive those who had anything to do with that damn woman. He had never stopped hating her in these five years. And this hatred