Part 73 (2/2)
At the appearance of dessert Nap rose. ”I must be getting back to Lucas,” he said.
”Oh, skittles! He won't be wanting you,” Bertie protested. ”Sit down again, man. You haven't been here an hour.”
But Nap was not to be persuaded. ”Many thanks, but I'm going all the same. I want to secure him a good night if possible. Good-bye, Mrs.
Bertie!” He bent and kissed her hand. ”I am going to be pretty busy for the next week or two, but I shall call on you when I have time.”
He took a cigarette from Bertie's case, and went out without stopping to light it.
Bertie followed him into the hall. ”Shall I come?” he asked.
”No,” said Nap.
He found a paper spill on the mantelpiece and lighted it. As he held it to his cigarette he looked at Bertie with a smile.
”Remember that day I baited you? It must be about a year ago.”
Bertie looked uncomfortable. ”I remember,” he said shortly.
Abruptly Nap thrust out his hand. ”I've eaten your salt now,” he said.
”I'll never bait you again.”
Bertie gave his hand. ”Is that what you wanted to dine for?”
”Partly.” Nap's fingers gripped and held. ”Also I wanted to persuade you that we are fighting for the same thing, only maybe with different weapons. You'll bear it in mind, eh, friend Bertie?”
Bertie looked at him hard for an instant. ”I will,” he said impulsively.
”Good!” said Nap laconically. ”It isn't going to be a walk over, but I guess we'll pull it off between us.”
”Amen!” said Bertie fervently.
And Nap wrung his hand and departed. For the first time in their lives there was a friendly understanding between them. For the first time Bertie was aware of a human heart throbbing behind that impenetrable mask.
It was growing late that night when Lucas opened his eyes after a prolonged and fruitless attempt to sleep, and found Nap standing at the foot of the bed watching him. A lamp was burning in the room, but it was turned very low. For a few seconds he lay wondering if the motionless figure he saw had been conjured there by some trick of the shadows. Then as he stirred he saw it move and at once he spoke.
”Hullo, dear fellow! You! I never heard you come in.”
Nap stepped noiselessly to his side. ”Don't talk!” he said. ”Sleep!”