Part 83 (1/2)
In the room at Frederick there was a silence that might have been felt.
At last McClellan rose, and stepping softly to the window, leaned his hands upon the sill, and looked out at the bright blue sky. He turned presently. ”Gentlemen, the longer I live, the more firmly I believe that old saying, 'Truth is stranger than fiction!'--By the Hagerstown Road--General Hooker, General Reno--”
On the morning of the tenth Stonewall Jackson, leaving Frederick, marched west by the Boonsboro Road. Ahead, Stuart's squadrons stopped all traffic. The peaceful Maryland villages were entered without warning and quitted before the inhabitants recovered from their surprise.
Cavalry in the rear swept together all stragglers. The detachment, twenty-five thousand men, almost half of Lee's army, drove, a swift, clean-cut body, between the autumn fields and woods that were beginning to turn. In the fields were farmers ploughing, in the orchards gathering apples. They stopped and stared. ”Well, ain't that a sight?--And half of them barefoot!--and their clothes fit for nothing but scarecrows. Well, they ain't robbers. No--and their guns are mighty bright!”
South Mountain was crossed at Turner's Gap. It was near sunset when the bugles rang halt. Brigade by brigade Stonewall Jackson's command left the road, stacked arms, broke ranks in fair, rolling autumn fields and woods. A mile or two ahead was the village of Boonsboro. Jackson sent forward to make enquiries Major Kyd Douglas of his staff. That officer took a cavalryman with him and trotted off.
The little place looked like a Sweet Auburn of the vale, so tranquilly innocent did it lie beneath the rosy west. The two officers commented upon it, and the next moment ran into a Federal cavalry company sent to Sweet Auburn from Hanc.o.c.k for forage or recruits or some such matter.
The blue troopers set up a huzzah, and charged. The two in grey turned and dug spur,--past ran the fields, past ran the woods! The thundering pursuit fired its revolvers; the grey turned in saddle and emptied theirs, then bent head to horse's neck and plied the spur. Before them the road mounted. ”Pa.s.s the hill and we are safe!--Pa.s.s the hill and we are safe!” thought the grey, and the spur drew blood. Behind came the blue--a dozen troopers. ”Stop there, you d.a.m.ned rebels, stop there! If you don't, when we catch you we'll cut you to pieces!” Almost at the hilltop one of the grey uttered a cry. ”Good G.o.d! the general!”
Stonewall Jackson was coming toward them. He was walking apparently in deep thought, and leading Little Sorrel. He was quite alone. The two officers shouted. They saw him look up, take in the situation, and put his hand on the saddle bow. Then, to give him time, the two turned.
”Yaaiih! Yaaaaiiahh!” they yelled, and charged the enemy.
The blue, taken by surprise, misinterpreted the first shout and the ensuing action. There must, of course, be coming over the hill a grey force detached on some reconnoissance or other from the rebel horde known to be reposing at Frederick. Presumably it would be cavalry--and coming at a gallop! To stop to cut down these two yelling grey devils might be to invite destruction. The blue troopers first emptied their revolvers, then wheeled horse, and retired to Sweet Auburn, out of which a little later the grey cavalry did indeed drive them.
In the last of the rosy light the two officers, now again at the hilltop, saw the camp outspread below it and coming at a double quick the regiment which Jackson had sent to the rescue. One checked his horse. ”What's that?” asked the other.
”The general's gloves. He dropped them when he mounted.”
He stooped from his horse and gathered them up. Later, back in camp, he went to headquarters. Jackson was talking ammunition with his chief of ordnance, an aide of A. P. Hill's standing near, waiting his turn.
”Well, Major Douglas?”
”Your gloves, general. You dropped them on the hilltop.”
”Good! put them there, major, if you please.--Colonel Crutchfield, the ordnance train will cross first. As the batteries come up from the river see that every caisson is filled. That is all. Now, Captain Scarborough--”
”General Hill very earnestly asks, sir, that he may be permitted to speak to you.”
”Where is General Hill? Is he here?”
”Yes, sir, he is outside the tent.”
”Tell him to come in. You have a very good fast horse, Major Douglas.
There is nothing more, I think, to-night. Good-night.”
A. P. Hill entered alone, without his sword. ”Good-evening, General Hill,” said Jackson.
Hill stood very straight, his red beard just gleaming a little in the dusky tent. ”I am come to prefer a request, sir.”
”Yes. What is it?”
”A week ago, upon the crossing of the Potomac, you placed me under arrest for what you conceived--for disobedience to orders. Since then General Branch has commanded the Light Division.”
”I feel certain, sir, that battle is imminent. General Branch is a good and brave soldier, but--but--I am come to beg, sir, that I may be released from arrest till the battle is over.”
Stonewall Jackson, sitting stiffly, looked at the other standing, tense, energetic, before him. Something stole into his face that without being a smile was like a smile. It gave a strange effect of mildness, tenderness. It was gone almost as soon as it had come, but it had been there. ”I can understand your feeling, sir,” he said. ”A battle _is_ imminent. Until it is over you are restored to your command.”