Part 64 (1/2)

The Long Roll Mary Johnston 48620K 2022-07-22

East and south, sloping toward the Chickahominy, ran several miles of heavy forest. It was filled with sound,--the hoofs of horses, the rumbling of wheels, the breaking through undergrowth of of men,--sound that was dying in volume, rolling toward the Chickahominy.

On the trampled brow of the plateau, beneath shot-riddled trees, General D. H. Hill, coming from the northern face, found General Winder of the First Brigade standing with several of his officers, trying to pierce the murk toward the river. ”You rank here, General Winder?” said Hill.

”I think so, general. Such a confusion of troops I have never seen! They have been reporting to me. It is yours now to command.”

”Have you seen General Jackson?”

”No. Not lately.”

D. H. Hill looked toward the Chickahominy. ”I don't deny it's temptatious! And yet.... Very dark. Thick woods. Don't know what obstructions. Men exhausted. Our centre and right not come up. Artillery still across the swamp--What's that cheering toward the river?”

”I don't know. McClellan may have sent reinforcements.”

”Have you pickets out?”

”Yes. What do you think, Cleave?”

”I think, sir, the rout outweighs the reinforcements. I think we should press on at once.”

”If we had cavalry!” said Winder impatiently. ”However, General Stuart has swept down toward the Pamunkey. That will be their line of retreat--to the White House.”

”There is the chance,” said Cleave, ”that General McClellan will abandon that line, and make instead for the James and the gunboats at Harrison's Landing.”

Hill nodded. ”Yes, it's a possibility. General Lee is aware of it. He'll not unmask Richmond and come altogether on this side the Chickahominy until he knows. All that crowd down there may set to and cross to-night--”

”How many bridges?” asked Lawton.

”Alexander's and Grapevine. Woodbury's higher up.”

”I do not believe that there are three, sir. There is a report that two are burned. I believe that the Grapevine is their only road--”

”You believe, colonel, but you do not know. What do you think, General Winder?”

”I think, sir, with Colonel Cleave, that we should push down through the woods to the right of the Grapevine Bridge. They, too, are exhausted, their horses jaded, their ammunition spent. We could gather a little artillery--Poague's battery is here. They are crushed together, in great If we could fall upon them, cause a great panic there at the water, much might come of it.”

Hill looked with troubled eyes about the plateau. ”And two or three thousand men, perhaps, be swallowed up and lost! A grand charge that took this plateau--yes! and a grand charge at Beaver Dam Creek yesterday at dark, and a grand charge when Albert Sidney Johnston was killed, and a grand charge when Ashby was killed, and on a number of other occasions, and now a grand night-time charge with worn-out troops. All grand--just the kind of grandeur the South cannot afford!... An army yet of blue troops and fresh, shouting brigades, and our centre and right on the other side of the creek.... I don't dare do it, gentlemen!--not on my own responsibility. What do you think, General Lawton?”

”I think you are right, sir.”

”More and more troops are coming upon the plateau,” said Winder.

”General Hill, if you will order us to go we will see to it that you do not repent--”

”They are defeated and retreating, sir,” said Cleave. ”If they are crossing the river, it is at least in the realm of probability that they have but the one path. No one knows better than you what resolute pressure might now accomplish. Every moment that we wait they gain in steadiness, and other reserves will come up. Make their junction with their centre, and to-morrow we fight a terrific battle where to-night a lesser struggle might secure a greater victory.”

”Speaking largely, that is true,” said Hill. ”But--I wish General Jackson were here! I think you know, gentlemen, that, personally, I could wish, at this minute, to be down there in the woods, beside the Grapevine Bridge. But with the knowledge that the enemy is bringing up reserves, with the darkness so thick, with no great force, and that exhausted, and with no artillery, I cannot take the responsibility of the advance. If General Jackson were here--”

”May I send in search of him, sir?”

”Yes, General Winder, you may do that. And if he says, 'Go!' there won't one of you be happier than I.”

”We know that, general.--Cleave, I am going to send you. You're far the likeliest. We want him to come and lead us to the completest victory. By G.o.d, we want Front Royal and Port Republic again!”

Cleave, turning, disappeared into the darkness. ”See to your men, General Winder. Get them ready,” said Hill. ”I'm going a little way into the woods to see what I can see myself.” He went, Lawton with him.