Part 71 (1/2)

1. The operation must be performed at once. The greater the experience of the surgeon the more he realizes that expectant treatment is nearly always fatal, and that a successful result depends largely on early and complete operative measures.

2. Before the sinus is interfered with in any way it is essential to obliterate its lumen below the thrombus in order to prevent any portion of it being swept into the circulation during its removal.


=Indications.= (i) In doubtful cases to decide whether thrombosis exists or not.

(ii) As a preliminary to opening the sinus with or without ligature of the jugular vein.

=Operation.= The first step is to perform the complete mastoid operation, except in the case of acute inflammation of the mastoid process, when Schwartze's operation will be sufficient.

To expose the field of operation more freely, an incision an inch or more in length is made horizontally backwards, beginning at the mid-point of the posterior margin of the primary incision (Fig. 216), the soft parts being reflected upwards and downwards from the bone, and the flaps so formed being then retracted. Above, the bone should be exposed beyond the level of Reid's base-line, which roughly corresponds to the line of the transverse sinus; below, the tip of the mastoid should be cleared until the mastoid vein is reached. If it be thrombosed it may be a.s.sumed that the lower part of the lateral sinus is also thrombosed. Bleeding from the bone at this point may be arrested by temporarily plugging the foramen with a fragment of sterilized wax.

The condition found on opening the mastoid process varies considerably.

If the result of acute inflammation of the mastoid process, the mastoid cells surrounding the sigmoid sinus usually contain pus or granulations, on removal of which a fistula may be seen to communicate with the outer wall of the sinus; or the bone around the sigmoid groove may already be destroyed, with free exposure of the sinus within the wound. With this there is frequently an extra-dural abscess. In other cases, if the infective process has been very virulent, evil-smelling pus, sometimes intermixed with bubbles of gas, may escape on chiselling through the mastoid cortex. This is a sure sign of extensive disease, the sinus wall often being gangrenous and the bone surrounding it necrosed and discoloured.

If occurring in the course of a chronic middle-ear suppuration, very little disease of the mastoid process may be found except along the path by which the infection has spread.

After the sinus wall has been reached, sufficient bone should be removed to expose its outer surface for at least half an inch above and below the supposed infected area.

The decision as to whether thrombosis exists or not may have to be made during the operation itself, and is based partly on the appearance of the sinus wall and partly on the symptoms, the relative value of each varying in each individual case.

Normally the sinus pulsates and is of a bluish-grey colour. If thrombosed, the wall of the sinus may be of a yellow or dark colour and may not pulsate, but neither discoloration nor the absence of pulsation is an absolutely reliable sign of thrombosis. Again, if the sinus be covered with granulations or purulent lymph, it is sometimes impossible to say whether it is thrombosed or not, especially if the clot is limited and parietal. Further, the thrombus may be situated low down towards the jugular bulb, so that if it has not extended very far upwards the exposed portion of the lateral sinus may still be normal in appearance. Palpation of the sinus with the finger or aspiration with a hollow needle is sometimes advised as an aid to diagnosis. These procedures, however, are extremely unwise, owing to the risk of dislodging a small fragment of the infected clot, which may easily occur if the latter does not obliterate the sinus completely. As a means of diagnosis the withdrawal of blood by the aspirating needle is of no value, as it does not negative the presence of a parietal thrombus, owing to the possibility of the needle pa.s.sing through it into the free lumen of the sinus.


=Indications.= The sinus should always be opened as soon as it is certain that septic thrombosis has occurred.

=Contra-indications.= The only contra-indication for opening the sinus and removing the thrombus is the certainty that either the patient's general condition will not permit of the operation being performed, or that the septic thrombosis has spread beyond the region from which it is possible to remove it.

For this reason, operation is unjustifiable if the patient is already suffering from septic pneumonia, pericarditis, or acute septicaemia; or, on the other hand, if there are symptoms of cavernous sinus thrombosis on both sides, or general meningitis. If, however, the patient's general condition be good, operation may be attempted as a last resource even although a pulmonary empyema or a one-sided cavernous sinus thrombosis already exists.

=Operation.= After exposure of the lateral sinus, the next point to determine is the site and extent of the infected area (Fig. 244). On this will depend whether it will be necessary or not to tie the jugular vein in the neck.

The sinus is first exposed towards the jugular fossa until its surface appears normal for at least half an inch. It is wiser, however, always to expose the sinus as low down as possible. A strip of sterilized gauze is then pressed in between the bone and the outer wall of the sinus so as to obliterate its lumen at this spot. Instead of removing the bone from above downwards, the sinus may be exposed first at its lowest limit by chiselling directly through the tip of the mastoid process. In this way it can be obliterated by a strip of gauze before attacking the area of infection. The overlying bone is afterwards removed from below upwards until the thrombosed area is reached.

In removal of the bone from above downwards there is a certain risk of small particles of clot being dislodged into the circulation, or, if the sinus wall is injured, of haemorrhage taking place if the thrombus at this particular point does not completely occlude the sinus. If, however, the sinus be first exposed and obliterated at its lowest limit, these risks are greatly minimized. There is no special technique in removing the bone beyond that already given in the description of the complete mastoid operation.

The next step is to expose the lateral sinus behind the infected area and follow it backwards until the dura mater appears normal for at least three-quarters of an inch. If necessary, the skin incision must be prolonged still farther backwards, in order to permit of removal of the bone overlying the transverse sinus, which may, perhaps, have to be exposed even to the torcular Herophili.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 244. DIAGRAM TO SHOW THE USUAL POINTS AT WHICH THE LATERAL SINUS IS PRIMARILY INFECTED. A, High up; from the posterior mastoid cells. In this case it may not be necessary to tie the jugular vein. B, Low down; involving the jugular bulb. This necessitates ligature of the vein.]

In removing the bone overlying the infected thrombus, the gouge and chisel should be used rather than the bone forceps or burr. With the latter there is greater risk of dislodging particles of clot into the circulation, owing to pressure of the instrument on the sinus wall.

After the sinus has been exposed well beyond the region of the thrombus, the bone forceps may safely be used, especially in exposure of the transverse sinus; and this is a much more rapid method than removing the bone by means of the gouge and mallet. To prevent the inner blade of the forceps from nipping the sinus wall between it and the bone, the dura mater forming the outer wall of the sinus should be separated from the overlying bone by means of a dura mater separator. In the region of the infected area the sinus wall may be adherent to the bony wall as a result of the inflammatory adhesions, and, in addition, may be extremely friable and so easily torn through.

In exposure of the sinus two points should be remembered: firstly, that it is sometimes difficult to differentiate it from the dura mater covering the temporo-sphenoidal lobe above and the cerebellum below; and secondly, that the transverse sinus is a very much broader vessel than is imagined, being even half an inch in width. Not much force is required to obliterate its lumen, but care must be taken to pack the gauze evenly across its whole width.

After the sinus has been occluded above and below the area of infection, it should be incised with a small knife along its whole length between the obstructing plugs of gauze (Fig. 245). If there be bleeding, it may be due to the sinus being obliterated incompletely, or it may come from the superior petrosal sinus. To find out where the bleeding comes from, the finger should be pressed upon the sinus at its upper and lower limits, close to the obstructing plugs of gauze. If the bleeding stops, it shows that the sinus has not been obliterated completely; this can now be done by further plugging with gauze. If, in spite of this, bleeding still continues, it presumably comes from the petrosal sinus.