Part 22 (1/2)
A.S. Cwara, found in Cwaeringas--Frnk. Guario--Eng. Quare, Quary, Quarry, Quear, Query--French Querrey.
(_Hari_, warrior), O.G. Warher--Eng. Quarrier. (_Man_, vir), O.G.
Warman--Eng. Quarman--French Guermain.
The stem _wid_, on which is formed _guid_ and _cwid_, may perhaps be referred to O.H.G. _wid_, wood, in the sense of weapon (see next chapter _in voce_ Guido), though in this case also there may probably be a mixture of words.
_Gwid, cwid_, for _wid_.
Frnk. Guid, Guido, Quido--Eng. Quiddy--French, Guide.
(_Man_, vir), O.G. Witman--Eng. Quitman. (Gis, hostage), O.G.
Witichis--Eng. Quittacus (_Suff. Surn._).
The stem _wig_ or _wic_, on which are formed _gwig_ and _cwic_, may be taken to be from _wig_, war.
_Gwig_, _cwic_, for _wig_, _wic_.
Frnk. Gwigo--Eng. Quig, Quick, Quy--Fr. Guiche, Quyo.
Ending in _el_.
O.G. Wigilo--Eng. Quiggle.
O.G. Wigger, Wiher--Eng. Gwyer, Quier, Quire.
The stem _will_, on which are formed _guill_ and _cwill_, may be referred to Goth. _wilya_, will, perhaps, in the sense of resolution.
_Guil, cwil_, for _will_.
Frnk. Guila--Eng. Guille, Guily, Quill--Fr. Guille, Quille.
O.G. Willic--Eng. Quilke--Fr. Quillac.
(_Helm_, helmet), Frnk. Guilhelm--Eng. Gwillam--Fr. Guillaume. (_Man_, vir), O.G. Wilman--Eng. Quillman--Fr. Guillemain. (_Nand_, daring), O.G.
Willinand--Eng. Quillinan.