Part 71 (1/2)


From where he's lying, Erik can't hear anything except the sound of the engine, the monotonous thrum of the tyres on the tarmac, and Nelly's inadvertent little sighs as she concentrates on the traffic.

After Sickla strand, she drove for twenty minutes around central Stockholm, with lots of traffic lights, turns and changes of lane. Then she stopped and got out of the car, and was gone for a long time. Erik lay there completely covered by the blanket, occasionally s.h.i.+fting position very carefully, waiting. He fell asleep in the heat of the car, but woke up abruptly to the sound of voices right outside the car.

It sounded like two men quietly discussing something with each other. He tried to hear what they were saying, he thought they sounded like police, but wasn't sure.

He lay motionless with the heavy blanket over his back, trying to breathe carefully. The whole of his right side went numb, but he didn't dare change position until long after the voices had gone.

After another forty minutes or so Nelly came back. He heard her open the back of the car and lift some heavy luggage in with a groan. The car rocked, and then she got into the driver's seat. She started the engine and Igor Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms filled the car.

When they emerged on to the motorway he dared to lift the blanket from his face. Nelly's voice sounded cheerful when she called out to him over the music, saying she must be mad to be doing this, but that she went through a serious punk phase when she was sixteen and still wanted revenge on the cops and all the other fascist b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

They've been driving for over an hour when she slows down, pressing Erik against the back of the driver's seat in front of him.

The large vehicle turns sharply into an uneven track. Small stones clatter against the underside of the cha.s.sis. She slows down even more, and Erik hears branches against the roof and windows. The car rocks over lumps and potholes before coming to a halt. There's a click as the handbrake is applied on, then silence.

The driver's door opens and when the cool air carrying a hint of diesel reaches him, he finally dares to sit up on the back seat. Dazed, he looks out across overgrown ruins and sees a white sky, leafy treetops and large fields that have been left fallow.

They're deep in the countryside. Gra.s.shoppers are chirruping in the tall gra.s.s. Nelly stands and looks at him with s.h.i.+ning eyes. Her floral green dress is creased around her thighs, and strands of her blonde hair have escaped from the scarf round her head. One of her cheeks seems to be blus.h.i.+ng oddly, as if she's had a knock. Everything is so quiet and there's so little wind that Erik can hear the charms on her bracelet jangle as she adjusts the glittery bag on her shoulder.

He pushes the door open and climbs out carefully on to the gra.s.s. His vest has dried, and his whole body aches.

Nelly has parked in an overgrown courtyard. A yellow two-storey house stands in the middle of the ruins of some sort of factory. A tall brick chimney rises from a sooty oven. The buildings are surrounded by weeds, and through the tall gra.s.s he can make out the remains of a huge grid of railway sleepers.

'Come on, let's go inside,' Nelly says, licking her lips.

'Is this Solbacken?' Erik asks in surprise.

'Nice, isn't it?' she says, and giggles.

Broken gla.s.s s.h.i.+mmers in the courtyard, and there are bricks and soot-blackened sheets of corrugated tin lying in the tall gra.s.s. The foundations of some of the buildings have collapsed in on their cellars, and the shafts look like empty pools with weeds growing at the bottom, and brick arches leading to underground tunnels.

An old was.h.i.+ng machine stands in a clump of young elms, along with a few dirty plastic chairs and a couple of tractor tyres.

'Now I want to show you the house, I love it,' she says, tucking her hand under his arm with a contented smile.

The whole of the main house is surrounded by dark green stinging nettles. The gutter has come loose and is resting on the roof of the veranda.

'It's really nice inside,' she says, trying to pull him along.

The ground sways and he feels suddenly sick, and he finds himself staring at a pool of brown water with a sheen of oil on its surface.

'How are you feeling?' Nelly asks with an anxious smile.

'It's hard getting a grip on everything ... that fact that I'm here now,' he replies.

'Let's go inside,' she says, walking backwards towards the house without taking her eyes off him.

'I hypnotised Rocky this morning,' Erik tells her. 'He remembered the person who murdered Rebecka Hansson, he said the name of the church where they met.'

'We'll have to try to tip the police off about that,' she says.

'I don't know ... everything's-'

'Come on, let's go in,' she interrupts, and sets off towards the house.

'I haven't had any time to think, I've just been running,' he says as he follows her across the yard.

'Of course,' she replies in a distant voice.

A crow hops away and flaps up over the roof. The cable of a television aerial hangs down the front of the building into the weeds. Drifts of wet leaves lie beside an old drum of diesel with a grubby Sh.e.l.l logo on the side.

'I need to find a way of handing myself in,' Erik says.

He follows her up a green path that has been trodden through the tall nettles.

'They shot Nestor in front of me, I can't believe it,' he goes on.

'I know.'

'They thought he was me, and they shot him through the window, using snipers, it was like an execution ...'

'You can tell me everything when we get inside,' Nelly says with a little frown of impatience between her eyebrows.

Resting against the wall among the nettles is a snow-shovel with a broken handle. The paint of the veranda is hanging off in large strips, and one of the windows is broken. There's a piece of plywood covering the hole instead of gla.s.s.

'Now you're here, anyway,' Nelly says. 'You can feel safe. I mean, I'm happy for you to stay as long as you like.'

'Maybe you could contact a defence lawyer once everything's calmed down?' Erik suggests.

She nods and licks her lips again, then tucks a lock of hair behind her scarf.

'Hurry up,' she says.

'What is it?' he asks.

'Nothing,' she says quickly. 'I just ... you know ... all this talk about everyone hunting you. And sometimes the neighbours call round when they see I'm here.'

Erik glances along the narrow track at the edge of the field. There are no other houses in sight, just overgrown fields and a strip of forest.

'Come on,' she repeats with a tense smile, and takes his arm again. 'You need something to drink, and some warm clothes.'