Part 56 (1/2)

'The puzzle isn't finished just because three pieces fit together.'

'For f.u.c.k's sake, Erik was there,' Benny goes on, 'outside the house. We found his car, he knows the victims, he's lied to the police, et cetera, et cetera.'

'I understand that you've already shot at him with live ammunition,' Joona says.

'He's regarded as extremely dangerous and probably armed,' Benny says.

'But it's all a mistake,' Joona says, pulling out a chair.

He sits down at the table and leans back in his chair, making it creak.

'We're going to bring Erik in,' Margot says. 'And he'll be remanded in custody and given a fair trial.'

'Try catching a will-o'-the-wisp,' Joona says quietly, thinking how the law is doomed never to achieve justice.

'What's he talking about?' Benny asks.

'The fact that you're directing your own fears against an innocent man, because-'

'We're not f.u.c.king afraid,' Petter interrupts.

'Calm down,' Margot says.

'I'm not going to sit here and listen to-'

'Petter,' she warns.

The room falls silent. Magdalena Ronander fills her gla.s.s of water and tries to catch Joona's eye.

'Joona, maybe you're thinking slightly differently because you're no longer a police officer,' she says. 'I don't mean anything negative, but that might be why we don't understand what you're saying.'

'I'm saying that you're letting the real murderer get away,' Joona replies.

'Right, that's enough of this bulls.h.i.+t,' Benny roars, slamming both hands down on the table.

'Is he drunk?' someone whispers.

'Joona doesn't give a s.h.i.+t about the force, and he doesn't give a s.h.i.+t about us,' Petter says in a loud voice. 'There's so much f.u.c.king talk about him, I don't get it. Look at him, he dropped his f.u.c.king gun, it was his fault Adam got shot, and now-'

'Maybe it would be best if you left,' Margot says, putting a hand on Joona's shoulder.

'And now he comes here and tries to tell us how to run an investigation,' Petter concludes.

'One more thing,' Joona says, standing up.

'Just shut up,' Petter snaps.

'Let him speak,' Magdalena says.

'I've seen this plenty of times,' Joona says. 'When family, friends or colleagues are directly affected, it's easy to start thinking of revenge.'

'Are you trying to say that we aren't going to act professionally?' Benny asks with a cold smile.

'I'm saying that there's a chance that Erik will contact me, and I'd like to be able to offer him safe pa.s.sage,' Joona says seriously. 'So that he dares to turn himself in and have his innocence proven in court.'

'Of course,' Magdalena replies, looking at the others. 'That's right, isn't it?'

'But if it's true that you've already fired at him how am I supposed to convince him to hand himself in?'

'Just tell him we guarantee his safety,' Benny says.

'And if that isn't enough?' Joona says.

'Lie better,' he grins.

'Joona, have you actually seen the pictures of Katryna?' Petter says agitatedly. 'I can't believe it's even her ... What do I say to my wife? This is so f.u.c.king sick ... I mean, think about Adam, think about what he's going through right now ... I have to say, I personally don't give a s.h.i.+t what happens to your friend.'

'Everyone's upset,' Margot says. 'Obviously, we want to make it easier for him to hand himself in, and naturally, he'll get a fair trial-'

'a.s.suming he doesn't hang himself in his cell before then,' says a young officer who has been quiet up to now.

'That's enough,' Magdalena says.

'Or swallows some broken gla.s.s,' Benny mutters.

Joona pushes his chair back and nods towards the others.

'I'll be in touch when I've found the real killer,' he says, and leaves the room.

'He's totally f.u.c.king pathetic,' Petter mutters as his steps fade away down the corridor.

'Before we go on I want to say something,' Margot begins. 'Like you, I believe that Erik is the murderer, but if we all take a step back ... Can we even entertain the possibility that we might be wrong, that Erik is actually innocent?'

'Aren't you supposed to be giving birth soon?' Benny asks sarcastically.

'I'll give birth when I'm done with this case,' she replies drily.

'Let's get to work,' Magdalena says.

'OK ... This is how things stand at the moment,' Margot says. 'We've issued a national alert, but we know that Erik's got enough money to leave the country ... We've started our searches, of both Erik's home and his place of work ... We're trying to trace his mobile phone ... his bank cards have been blocked, but he managed to withdraw a large amount last night ... the area around the cash machine is being searched ... We're watching five addresses, and ...'

She tails off when there's a knock at the door. Anja Larsson enters the room. Without acknowledging the others she leans over and has a whispered conversation with Margot.

'OK,' Margot says after a while. 'It looks like we've managed to trace Erik's mobile. He's somewhere close to Vxj, in Smland. It looks like he's heading south.'
