Part 3 (1/2)
[6] This fly kills well when the water is low and fine.
_July._--1. Orange Fly--dubbed with brown fur of a badger, warped with red silk, wings from dark grey feather of mallard, with a head made of red silk. 2. The Wasp Fly--dubbed with brown bear or cow's hair, ribbed with yellow silk, and the wings of the inside of starling's wing. 3.
The Black Palmer--dubbed with black copper coloured peac.o.c.k's harl, and a black c.o.c.k's hackle over that, wings, blackbird. 4. The July Dun--dubbed with the down of a watermouse, mixed with bluish seal's fur, or with the fur of a mole, mixed with a little marten's fur, warped with ash coloured silk, wood-pigeon's wing feather for wings.--A good killer.
_August._--The Late Ant Fly--dubbed with the blackish brown hair of a cow, warp some red silk in for the tag of the tail, the wings from a woodc.o.c.k. 2. The Fern Fly--dubbed with the fur from a hare's neck, which is of a fern colour, wings dark grey feather of mallard. 3. The White Palmer--dubbed with white peac.o.c.k's harl, and a black hackle over it. 4. The Pale Blue--dubbed with very light blue fur, mixed with a little yellow marten's fur, and a blue hackle over the whole, the wings from a blue pigeon.--A very killing fly. 5. The Harry Longlegs--dubbed with darkish brown hair, and a brown hackle over it, head rather large.
_September._--The Peac.o.c.k Harl--dubbed with ruddy peac.o.c.k's harl, warped with green silk, and a red c.o.c.k's hackle over that. 2. The Camel Brown--dubbed with old brownish hair, with red silk, wings dark grey feather from mallard. 3. The Late Badger--dubbed with black fur of a badger or spaniel, mixed with the soft yellow down of a sandy coloured pig, wings dark mallard. 4. The September Dun--dubbed with the down of a mouse, warped with ash coloured silk, wings feather of a starling.
_October._--Same as March.
As I never fished for Trout in November, I attempt no list of Flies for that month. From Michaelmas to the middle of February, all anglers should refrain from killing Trout.
_Moths Brown and White for Evening Fis.h.i.+ng._--The Brown--from the feathers of a brown Owl, dubbed with light mohair, dark grey c.o.c.k's hackle for legs, and red head. White Moth--strands from an Ostrich, wings from a white Pigeon, a white hackle for legs, and a black head.--Hooks No. 2 or 3. Good killers at dusk on a Summer's evening.
_February._--Small black flies, made from Starling's breast or Black bird, with black or purple silk--hook No. 1. Inside and out of Woodc.o.c.k's wing and yellow silk. Plover's breast or Dottrel's wing feather and yellow silk--hooks No. 1 or 2; red c.o.c.k's hackle and yellow silk.
_March._--Inside of Woodc.o.c.k's wing and yellow silk, No. 2 hook. Dark Woodc.o.c.k, and dark orange silk, No. 2 hook. Dottrel and yellow silk, No. 2 hook. Dark Snipe and crimson silk, No. 2 hook. Dark Snipe and purple silk, No. 1 hook.
_April._--Woodc.o.c.k's as for March. Inside of Woodc.o.c.k's wing and yellow silk, No. 2 hook. Freckled Snipe and yellow silk. No. 2 hook. Dark Snipe and crimson silk, No. 2 hook. Dottrel and yellow silk,--inside of Snipe's wing, and pale yellow silk,--hooks No. 2.
_May._--All the above April flies are taken, also, Partridge's breast and yellow or crimson silk, very light Dottrel's or plover's breast and fawn coloured silk, Blackbird and purple silk, Blackbird and dark crimson silk, sea Swallow and primrose silk, inside of Woodc.o.c.k's wing and crimson silk--hooks, 1 or 2 according to water.[7]
[7] When there is much water some of the Spring and Autumn Hackle flies may be dressed on No. 3 Hooks.
_June._--Most of the above, to which add Dottrel and orange silk, Plover and light orange silk, dark Snipe and orange silk, Freckled Snipe and orange silk, freckled Snipe and crimson silk. Hooks No. 1 or two according to size of water. Dottrel's breast and yellow silk,--Hooks No. 1.
_July._--Many of the above, with Sandpiper and yellow or purple silk, Plover's breast and crimson silk Wren's tail and orange silk, Dottrel and bright scarlet silk; Plover's back feather with gold twist and orange silk, Landrail and bright red silk, dark Snipe and sky coloured blue silk.--Hooks No. 1 or 2 at discretion. If the water is very clear, use hooks as small as possible.
_August._--Some of the July flies for the first fortnight, with dark Snipe and green, Snipe's breast and purple silk, Dottrel and black silk, Landrail and red silk, dark Snipe or Starling's breast and red silk, Grouse hackle and bright scarlet silk.--Hooks 1 and 2 according to water.
_September._--Some of the August Flies, with Landrail and yellow silk, pale blue from sea Swallow and primrose silk, pale blue from ditto and crimson silk,--Hooks 1 and 2.
_October._--Inside of Snipe's wing feather and yellow silk, Woodpigeon's feather and pale yellow silk, dark outside feather of Snipe's wing and crimson or orange silk, outside feather of Dottrel's wing and yellow silk--hooks No. 1 or 2.
_November._--Same Flies as February.
The Blue, Black and Dun Gnats are at times on the water from May to August, and when the fish are taking them they generally refuse the larger flies.
The Blue Gnat may be made thus: A blue feather from a t.i.tmouse's tail for wings, body from pale blue floss silk, on a cypher hook, which means the smallest hook made; or the wings may be had from Heron's plumes, with same or primrose silk.