Part 39 (2/2)
What we did find was in that big strip of forest over to the east of _El Sombrero_--”
Tom turned, for an instant, to point to the forest that he meant.
”You will remember, Mr. Haynes, that we had Don Luis include that forest tract in the t.i.tle of the _El Sombrero_ purchase. That forest is really a jungle. One has the greatest time forcing his way through it. When you open it up on a big scale you'll have to send hundreds of men in there with machetes to chop paths through and clear off the tangled brush. We spent days in that jungle, at first because we had nothing better to do. Mr. Haynes, and gentlemen, if we know anything about mining, then that forest land is worth an immense fortune in the minerals it will yield.
You paid two and a half millions of dollars for the entire property.
That great forest stretch, in our opinion as engineers, is worth as much and perhaps more than that.”
”That's right!” leered Don Luis. ”Jest with them, Senor Reade, to your heart's content.”
”I'm telling these countrymen of mine the truth, fellow,” retorted Tom Reade, casting a look of withering scorn at Don Luis Montez.
”Had you been square and decent with us, we would have told you of the mineral wealth in yonder forest. As it is, we've punished your conduct by beating you at your own game.”
”If I believed you, Senor Reade--” began Don Luis, bending his head low as he thrust it forward and gazed piercingly at Tom's face.
”I don't care anything about your believing me,” retorted Tom.
”But Harry and I will prove to these real men every word that we've been saying.”
”You have robbed me!” hissed Don Luis, now believing.
His hand flew to a rear pocket. He drew a pistol. But two soldiers had crept up behind Montez at a sign from Senor Honda. Now, one of the barefooted soldados struck the weapon down. It clattered on the porch, and the other soldier picked it up.
There was a struggle between Don Luis and the soldiers. Two other soldiers came to their aid, and--Click! snap! Montez was securely handcuffed.
”Take them off!” screamed Montez, paling like one about to die.
”Senor Honda, this is an outrage, and you shall--”
”Peace, fellow! Hold your tongue!” ordered Honda. ”Do you not understand? You are a prisoner, nor are you ever likely to be much better off than that. A complaint of the treatment of these Americans, Reade and Hazelton, was forwarded to our government by the American minister in Mexico City. The complaint mentioned that the governor of Bonista was a confederate of yours in more than one underhanded bit of business. On account of the urgings of the American minister to this country, I was despatched here to investigate, and with authority to arrest the governor of Bonista, if necessary, and any other rogues.”
”That's a lie!” snarled Don Luis. ”How could the American minister learn what was going on in this country? These mountains of Bonista have never told my secrets.”
”They did, for this one time,” Tom broke in, gleefully. ”And I can tell you how it happened. Harry, do you remember the day that Nicolas was gone so long that you were uneasy about him?
Well, I knew where Nicolas was, for I had sent him off. He thought he had found a messenger who would have more success in getting our letters mailed than had fallen to the lot of the messengers with our first two letters. Nicolas's messenger, from to-day's developments, must have got through. While I was sending one letter I thought it as well to send two. One letter was to our home offices, directing that the matter contained in my letter be taken on the jump to the government at Was.h.i.+ngton. The other letter, Mr. Haynes, was directed to you, sir, for I did not then know that you were one of the Americans expected here. I thought, Mr. Haynes, that your active hustling with the Was.h.i.+ngton government might help in rus.h.i.+ng matters. For some unknown reason, my letter to our offices must have gotten through before the letter did that was sent to Arizona. Your private secretary, Mr. Haynes, must have opened my letter addressed to you. He realized that he could not with safety to us send you more than the telegraphic code warning to keep out of the deal. I never told Hazelton, until just now, in the presence of you all, that I had ordered Nicolas to send off more letters by a messenger whom Nicolas felt that he could trust. But you remember the day well enough, Harry?”
”I do,” nodded Hazelton. ”I was fussing about the long absence of Nicolas just before you turned up with that stranger whom we nursed.”
”And speaking of strangers,” muttered Reade, glancing off down the driveway, ”there's the identical stranger, at this moment talking with the soldiers halted by the gate.”
Almost as though he had heard himself called the stranger glanced up at the group on the porch, then came forward. He walked briskly, despite his lean, wasted frame.
”How? So this fellow is in irons?” queried the stranger, halting as he saw the handcuffs on Don Luis's wrists. ”Justice is sometimes very tardy, though in this instance she has not failed. Handcuffs become this felon; they are his natural jewelry!”
”Then you know Don Luis?” questioned Tom, after an instant's silence.
”I should know Don Luis well,” boasted the stranger, drawing himself up proudly. ”Also I know this fellow!”