Part 15 (2/2)

”By the way, sir,” Reade went on, carelessly, ”how far do you have to send ore to have it smelted.”

”About sixty miles.”

”By mule-train, I suppose.”

”Yes, Senor Tomaso.”

”It must be costly s.h.i.+pping.”

”So it is,” sighed Don Luis, ”and yet the ore is rich enough to bear easily the cost of s.h.i.+pping.”

”In what direction is the smelter?”

Don Luis pointed.

”Straight ahead, as I am showing you,” he added.

”We saw the lights of a train last night,” Tom went on. ”I judged that the mule-train came from the mines above. Yet the mule-train did not follow the direction that you have just shown me. The road runs crooked, I take it.”

”Oh, yes,” nodded their host, as carelessly as Tom had spoken.

”Do the other mines pay as well as _El Sombrero_?”

”Oh, no, Senor Tomaso,” Montez replied quickly. ”The other mines yield not anywhere near as rich ore as comes from _El Sombrero_.”

”Are you going to take us to see the other mines?” Tom hinted.

”Gladly would I do so, Senor Tomaso, only I am not on good terms with the owners.”

”I'm sorry,” Tom sighed. ”While we are here I wish that we could see much of Mexican mines. Nevertheless, when we are through here I have no doubt that you can give us letters to other mine owners.”

”Beyond a doubt,” smiled Don Luis, ”and it will give me great pleasure. But I, myself own many mines, and I am seeking to locate more. If you are suited with my employment, and if we agree, I shall be able, undoubtedly, to keep you both engaged for many years to come. Indeed, if you display sufficient resourcefulness in handling mines I do not believe it will be long ere I shall be able to pay you each fifty thousand dollars a year. I have plenty of money, and I pay generously when I am pleased and well served.”

”The scoundrel is fis.h.i.+ng for something,” thought Tom Reade, swiftly.

”I must not let him beat me in craft.”

So he exclaimed, aloud:

”Fifty thousand dollars a year, Don Luis? You are jesting!”

”I beg to a.s.sure you that I am not,” replied Montez, smiling and bowing.

”But fifty thousand a year is princely pay!” cried Reade.

”Such pay goes, of course, only to the most satisfactory of employes,”

declared Don Luis.

”At such pay,” Tom said, ”Harry and I ought to be satisfied to remain in Mexico all our lives.”
