Part 5 (2/2)

”Greaser?” bellowed Pedro Gato. ”That is foul insult!”

”Not more so than to call me a Gringo,” Tom Reade went on coolly.

”So we are even, though I feel rather debased to have used such a word. Gato, if you make the mistake, again, of using an offensive term when addressing me, I shall--well, I may show a somewhat violent streak.”

”You?” sneered Gato. Then something in the humor of the situation appealed to him. He threw back his head and laughed loudly.

”Gringo,” he began, ”you will--”

”Stop that line of talk, fellow,” commanded Tom quietly. ”When you address me, be good enough to say either 'senor' or 'sir.'

I am not usually as disagreeable as this in dealing with my fellow men, but you have begun wrong with us, Gato, and the first thing you'll have to learn to do will be to treat us with proper courtesy.”

From the shaft entrance showed the faces of four grinning, wondering Mexicans of the usual type. The talk had proceeded in Spanish, and they had been able to follow it.

As for the mine manager, his bronzed face was distorted with rage.

The veins near his forehead were swelling. With a sudden roar, Pedro Gato sprang forward, aiming a blow with his open right hand at Reade's face.! That blow failed to land. It was Gato, instead, who landed.

He went down on his back, striking the ground with jarring force.

”What did I say?” whispered Dr. Tisco.

”Wait!” responded Don Luis, with a shrug of his shoulders.

Well-nigh frothing at the mouth, Pedro Gato leaped to his feet.

All was red now before his eyes. He rushed forward bellowing like a bull, intent on crus.h.i.+ng the young American who had dared to treat him thus.

Tom's left fist drove into the fellow's unguarded face. His right followed, and Gato, big as he was, staggered back. Tom's right foot performed a trip that sent the big Mexican bully to earth again.

”Now get up, Gato, like a man of intelligence, and behave yourself,”

advised Reade coolly. ”Just because we have had a bad introduction is no reason why we should continue enemies. You treat me with proper respect and I'll do as much for you.”

But Gato snarled like a wild beast. He was not armed. With every man in these Bonista mountains afraid of him, Gato had never felt the need of carrying weapons. But now he plunged to the doorway of the shaft house, then came bounding back, flouris.h.i.+ng a knife that he had s.n.a.t.c.hed from one of the _peons_.

”Back! Back, Gato!” shouted Dr. Tisco, rus.h.i.+ng from the office building.

To the secretary Gato paid no heed. He was close to Tom now, circling cautiously around the young engineer. Harry, though not at all minded to bolt, had stepped back far enough to give Reade elbow room.

”Stop, Gato!” shouted Don Luis. ”It is I who command it--I, Don Luis. Throw your knife on the ground.”

Gato snarled, but he was cowed. The brutal manager held his employer in awe. He was about to cast his weapon down when Tom Reade interposed.

”Don Luis, I ask you to let the fellow go on. This question will have to be settled right before we can proceed. This fellow is only a coward, or he wouldn't need a knife in fighting with a man half his size.”

”Better throw away your knife, my good Gato,” purred Don Luis, ”or Senor Reade will shoot you.”
