Part 3 (1/2)
”Of anything in Don Luis's larder,” replied the _peon_ grandly.
”Yet surely there must be some rule about the meal.”
”The only rule, excellency, is the pleasure of the host.”
”What does Don Luis, then, usually order?”
”Chocolate,” replied the servant.
”Nothing else?”
”And a roll or two, excellency.”
”What does he eat after that?” Harry demanded, rather anxiously.
”Nothing, _caballero_, until the next meal.”
”Chocolate and a roll or two,” muttered Harry. ”I am afraid that wouldn't hold me through a day's work. Not even a forenoon's toil. I never did like to diet on a plan of tightening my belt.”
”Anything for which the _caballero_ will ask shall be brought,”
replied Nicolas, with another bow.
”How about a steak, Tom?” Harry asked, turning to his chum.
”Pardon, excellency, but we have no such thing here,” Nicolas interposed, meekly.
”Eggs?” Harry guessed.
”Excellency, we shall hope to have some eggs by to-morrow,”
”Harry, you idiot, why didn't you ask for mince pie and doughnuts, too?” laughed Reade.
”Nicolas, my boy, the trouble with me,” Harry explained, ”is that chocolate and rolls will never hold my soul and body together for more than an hour at a time. Chocolate and rolls by all means, but help us out a bit. What can we call for that is more hearty.”
”There are _tortillas_ to be had sometimes,” the servant answered.
”Also, sometimes, _frijoles_.”
”They both sound good,” Harry a.s.sented vaguely. ”Bring us some.”
”_Caballeros_, you shall be served with the speed at which the eagle flies!” exclaimed the servant. With a separate bow to each he withdrew, softly closing the door after him.
”Now Harry, let's hustle into some clothes,” urged Tom. ”Since we are to eat here mine clothes will be the thing. Hustle into them!”
Bred in the ways of the camps, ten minutes later Tom and Harry were washed, dressed and otherwise tidy in every respect.
”I've a mind to go outdoors and get some glimpses of the scenery for a few minutes,” Harry hinted.
”Don't think of it. You don't want to come back to a cold breakfast.”
So both seated themselves, regretting the absence of morning newspapers.