Part 16 (2/2)

Chinese Poems Various 12600K 2022-07-22

Tripping sylph-like, as the Graces, East wind blowing on their faces, Which it holds in soft embraces, And would ever there abide.

_The Poet-Beggar_


T'SIN DYNASTY (A.D. 265-419)

Impelled by hunger, forth I strode, But whither causing little care, While feeling life's oppressive load-- Too great for me to bear.

At last your village here I reached, By tramping many weary miles, And knocking at an unknown door, You welcomed me with smiles.

And when I roughly asked for food, Gave meat and wine my need to sate, And in a kind and friendly mood You chatted while I ate.

Now having shared your generous cheer, And drained the oft refilled gla.s.s, Revived and glad, unthanked I fear To let such goodness pa.s.s.

A linen-bleacher, poor and old, Fed Han-Sin,[68] sprung of royal breed, From out her hard-earned scanty store In time of darkest need.

Your kindly help to me this hour Is fraught with equal love and grace, Would I had Han-Sin's royal power, Thy bounty to replace.

Alas! the fullness of my heart My tongue can only lamely tell, So now in simple verse I write Of kindness done so well.

And though at last the m.u.f.fled drum Will beat the end of earthly days, Throughout the cycles yet to come My verse shall speak your praise.

[68] Han-Sin was the grandson of a prince of Han, whose State was annexed by the founder of the T'sin Dynasty. In early life Han-Sin suffered great poverty, and for some time was befriended by a poor woman who bleached flax. Afterwards he became the commander of the armies of Liu-Pang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and regained his ancestral domain; he then sought out his friend, the flax-bleacher, and gave her 1,000 pieces of gold.
