Part 17 (1/2)

So that though the son of a gouty parent may have a const.i.tution predisposing to the gout; that is, more liable to be affected by causes, which produce this disease, still, if he regulate the stimuli to the state of his excitability, he will remain exempt from it.

This distinction is of much greater importance than is generally imagined; for if a person firmly believes that the gout, as a disease, is hereditary, what will be his conduct? My father had the gout, says he, therefore I must have it; well, what cannot be avoided, must be endured; let me then enjoy a short life, but a merry one: he therefore abandons himself to a luxurious mode of life, and, if the gout be the consequence, which most probably it will, he accuses his stars, and his ancestors, instead of his own misconduct.

On the contrary, if a person be convinced that he has received from his ancestors a const.i.tution liable to be overpowered by the use of high seasoned food, and fermented liquors, and excited into gouty action, what will be his conduct? Surely, if he reason at all, it must be in this way: my father was dreadfully afflicted with the gout; I have frequently witnessed his sufferings with the deepest concern. But is not my const.i.tution, which resembles his, liable to be affected in the same manner, by similar causes? To avoid his sufferings, therefore, I must be very temperate; more so than those who have not the hereditary propensity; for the exciting powers, which would only keep them in health, would, if applied to me, infallibly bring on the gout. In consequence of this reasoning, he adopts a temperate mode of living, and avoids the disease.

From this you must be convinced, that it is not a matter of small moment to determine, whether the gout is hereditary, and consequently unavoidable, or not. The next part of Dr. Cullen's definition is ”oriens sine causa evidente”. This too, I can have little hesitation to p.r.o.nounce erroneous. The cause of gout, namely, the use of highly seasoned food, and the use of fermented liquors, with, in general, a luxurious, and indolent mode of living, are quite evident enough in most gouty cases, and are amply sufficient to produce the disease.

There is another part of the definition, likewise, to which I would object, as it gives a false idea of the nature of the disease, and therefore causes the preventative plan to be pursued with less confidence. I mean that part where he says ”per intervalla revertens.”

That the gout, when once cured, is apt to return, if the mode of life which brought it on be not abandoned, no one will deny; nay, the fits will increase in violence, because the const.i.tution gets more and more debilitated. This, however, is not peculiar to the gout, but common to most diseases.

In describing a broken leg, it would surely be wrong to say, that it is a disease which returns at intervals, after being cured; yet, it will return as infallibly as the gout, if a person take the same kind of leap, or expose himself to the same accidents as those which brought it on. Let those, therefore, who wish to avoid a return of the gout, totally change their mode of living: otherwise, if the attacks return, let them blame themselves, and not the nature of the complaint.

These observations were thought necessary, with a view to do away some prejudices, which very much r.e.t.a.r.ded our inquiries into the nature and cure of this disease. I shall now proceed to give an account of the symptoms by which it is usually attended.

The gout generally attacks the male s.e.x; but it sometimes, though more rarely, attacks also the female, particularly those of robust and full habits. It does not generally make its appearance, till the period of greatest strength and vigour is past; for instance, about the fortieth year; but, in some cases, where the exciting causes have been powerfully applied, or where the hereditary predisposition is very strong, it attacks much earlier; such cases are, however, comparatively rare, and can, in general, be easily accounted for.

This disease is seldom known to attack persons employed in constant bodily labour, and who live temperately; and is totally unknown to those who use no wine or other fermented liquors.

If then a person of a full strong habit have for several years accustomed himself to full diet of animal food, and a regular use of wine, and malt liquor, though he may for a long time find that he can perform all the functions with vigour, his strength will at last fail: the mind and body become affected with a degree of torpor and languor for which he cannot account, and the functions of the stomach become more or less disturbed. The appet.i.te becomes diminished, and flatulency, and other symptoms of indigestion are felt. These symptoms take place for several days, and sometimes for several weeks before the fit comes on; but often, on the day immediately preceding it, the appet.i.te becomes greater than usual.

In this state, if the person have fatigued himself by violent exercise, or if he have exposed the extremities to cold, or if his mind have been particularly affected by any anxiety, or distressing event; or in short, if any directly debilitating cause have been applied, the fit will often follow. It sometimes comes on in the evening, but more commonly, about two or three o'clock in the morning; the pain is felt in one foot, most commonly in the ball or first joint of the great toe; but sometimes in the instep, or other parts of the foot. With the coming on of this pain there is generally more or less of a cold s.h.i.+vering, which as the pain increases, gradually ceases, and is succeeded by heat, which often continues as long as the pain; from the first attack the pain becomes by degrees more violent, and continues in this state, with great restlessness of the whole body, till next midnight, after which it gradually remits, and after the disease has continued for twenty four hours from the commencement of the first attack, it often ceases, and with the coming on of a gentle perspiration allows the patient to fall asleep.

The patient on coming out of this sleep in the morning finds the part affected with some degree of redness and swelling, which, after having continued for some days, gradually abate.

Still however, after a fit has come on in this manner, although the violence of the pain after twenty four hours, by the excitement that it produces, cures itself, and is considerably abated, the patient is seldom entirely relieved from it. For several days he has every evening a return of considerable pain and fever, which continue with more or less violence till morning. This return is owing to the exhaustion of the excitability by the stimuli of the day, and its remission is caused by the acc.u.mulation of the excitability, by sleep.

After having continued in this manner for several days, the disease often goes off, and generally leaves the person in much better health, and enjoying greater alacrity in the functions of both body and mind, than he had for some time experienced. This is owing to the general excitement produced by the pain, which removes the great torpor and debility which preceded the fit; and from the inability to take exercise or food, the excitability acc.u.mulates again. This is the true explanation: it does not depend on any morbid matter, which the gout hunts from its lurking places, drives to a joint, and thence out of the body, as has been imagined by many.

At first the attacks of the disease are confined to one foot only: afterwards both feet become affected, though seldom at the same time; but when the inflammation appears in one, it generally disappears in the other, and as the disease continues to recur, it not only affects both feet at once, but is felt in the other joints, especially those in the upper and lower extremities, so that there is scarcely a joint in the body that is not on one occasion or other affected. After frequent attacks, the pains are commonly less violent than they were at first, the joints lose their strength and flexibility, and often become so stiff as to be deprived of all motion.

Concretions of a chalky or calcarious nature are likewise formed upon the outside of the joints. This arises from an inability of the capillary vessels, which ought to secrete the calcarious matter, and deposite it in the bones, to perform their office, from debility: hence by sympathy other vessels ta ke up the matter and deposite it in the wrong place. These concretions, though at first fluid, become at last dry, and firm: they effervesce with acids, and are totally, or in a great measure, soluble in them.

After this short description of the gout, when it occurs in its regular form, as it is called, I shall now proceed to inquire how the exciting causes produce this disease, and what is the state of the body under which it occurs.

The gout seldom occurs but in those who have for several years lived upon a full diet of animal food, often highly seasoned, and at the same time been in the habit of taking daily, or at least very constantly, a greater or less quant.i.ty of fermented liquors, either in the form of wine, or malt liquor, or both. The affection of the limb has all the appearance of an active inflammation: the part becomes swelled, hot, red, and intolerably painful. It is this circ.u.mstance which has misled pract.i.tioners, who have supposed it a case of sthenic, or active inflammation: not only the appearance, but the causes which produced it, induced them to think so; hence they were naturally led to employ the debilitating plan: a little time and observation would, however, be sufficient to convince them of its inefficacy. They would find that the application of leeches to the part, and of the lancet to the arm, instead of subduing the inflammation, would increase it: or if it did not, that the pain often attacked some internal part, which was ascribed to a translation of the morbific matter from one part to another, but which is merely owing to an increased debility: a little attentive observation would convince pract.i.tioners, however mysterious it might seem to them, that this violent inflammation was not to be cured by debilitating: on the contrary, they would see cases, in which the patient, though contrarily to the strict orders of his physicians, could not forego his old habits; but would take his wine as usual, or in greater quant.i.ty, after a few days abstinence; and this abstinence having in some degree acc.u.mulated the excitability, he would find himself much relieved by wine, and would exultingly tell them, that they were mistaken. Circ.u.mstances of this kind seem to have staggered their faith a little, but still the idea of active inflammation which they believed was visible, and almost palpable, dwelt so upon their minds, that they were but half convinced. The favourite idea of increased action of the vessels of the part had so interwoven itself with every other, that we find it never lost sight of, in the indications of cure. Hence, though bleeding is not now generally practised with the lancet, yet leeches are often applied; but the most usual plan is to consign the patient to patience and flannel; strictly forbidding wine, or fermented liquors. As an exception to this general mode, it is however observed, by some pract.i.tioners, that when the stomach is weak, and when the patient has been much accustomed to the use of strong liquors, a little animal food, and even wine, may be allowable, and even necessary.

Thus has an erroneous view of the disease been the cause of an inert practice, which wavers between the suggestions of a favourite hypothesis, and the conviction of facts.

On inquiry, however, we shall find none of the increased vigour in the system, which has been suspected, nor increased action in the part more particularly affected; on the contrary, the whole body is in a state of indirect debility, or exhausted excitability, and the part more particularly affected, in a state of asthenic inflammation.

If the gout were of a sthenic or inflammatory nature, might we not ask, why the causes which produce it, do not produce it in the meridian of life, when they produce their greatest effect, and when real sthenic diseases are most apt to occur? or, why the symptoms of the inflammation, like all other real sthenic inflammations, are not relieved by the debilitating plan? The contrary, however, points out to us clearly the nature of the disease: the gout is not a sthenic disease, or a disease of strength: it does not depend upon increased vigour of the const.i.tution, and plethora, but is manifestly asthenic, like all the rest of the asthenic diseases. The mode of living is such as brings on indirect debility, or exhaustion of the excitability, such as the use of rich and highly seasoned food, and a daily use of fermented liquors. These at first certainly produce vigour, or strength, and will be the cause of sthenic diseases; but they are generally taken in such a manner, that, though they produce a degree of excitement above the point of health, still they only approach the line of sthenic disease, without in general falling into it. They continue, however, to exhaust the excitability, and by the time that the vigour of the body begins naturally to decline, the system of a person who has lived in this manner is unusually torpid; all the blood vessels, which have hitherto been distended with rich blood, begin to lose their tone, from their excitability having been exhausted by the use of these powerful stimulants; but this torpor is particularly and first experienced in those parts which have been more immediately subject to the action of the exciting causes; viz.

the stomach and bowels: symptoms of indigestion occur, and the excitability of these organs having been almost entirely exhausted by the violent action of the stimulants applied, cannot now be roused to any healthy action; the food is not properly digested, but runs into a kind of fermentation, which causes an extrication of gas: this distends the stomach and bowels, and produces pains, uneasy eructations, and all the distressing symptoms of indigestion. Nor is this in the least surprising, when we consider that many people who have brought on complaints of this kind, have been in the habit of eating heartily of rich and highly seasoned animal food, and of drinking from a pint to a bottle of wine, and perhaps a quant.i.ty of malt liquor, almost every day of their lives for years. This mode is sufficient to wear out the powers of the stomach, were it three times as capacious as it is, and of the const.i.tution, were it ten times as strong.

When a torpor, or state of exhausted excitability, of the whole system, has been induced in this manner, and symptoms of indigestion produced, any directly debilitating cause applied to the extremities, adding to the indirect debility, causes a total torpor, or inactivity of the minute vessels of the part, and thus totally destroys the balance between the propelling and resisting force; hence the vessels will be morbidly distended with blood, a swelling and redness will take place, and an asthenic inflammation, produced in the way which I fully pointed out in the last lecture, will be established. Hence the pain, and other symptoms, which accompany a fit of the gout. Hence likewise we see, why debilitating powers applied to the part will not reduce the inflammation; and why a warmth, which aggravates every really sthenic inflammatory affection, is so comfortable in this.

Almost any debilitating cause, when the system has been brought by intemperance to the torpid state, which I have described, will bring on a fit of the gout, but nothing more certainly than cold or moisture: hence if a person have his feet chilled or wet, he will be almost certain to have an attack.

Hence we see that the asthenic inflammation is not the disease, but merely a symptom of it; and like other symptoms, fallacious in its appearance; the disease is a state of indirect debility, to which our attention ought to be directed.

When this inflammation is violent, and accompanied with great pain, after several hours continuance, it excites the action of the minute vessels, enables them to propel the blood, by which they are morbidly distended, and restores the balance between the resisting and the propelling force; and thus the inflammatory appearances will for a time subside, but the torpor of the whole system remaining, and the debility of the vessels returning, when their excitement, which was the consequence of their action, has ceased, another asthenic inflammation will take place, which will again cure itself as before; so that during a paroxysm, several remissions will take place, as was mentioned in the description of the disease. As, during the paroxysm, the pain causes a considerable degree of excitement over the whole system, the action of the stomach and other parts is roused by it; during the fit likewise, little nutriment is taken, so that by the action of the stomach and bowels, they get rid of their load; rest likewise a.s.sists to acc.u.mulate the excitability, so that from all these causes together, the body becomes restored to a state of vigour, which, compared with its former torpidity, makes the patient imagine that this friendly disease has restored him to a state of unusual health, and even renovated the powers of his const.i.tution.

Under this mistaken idea, he does not, when the fit leaves him, abandon the mode of life, which brought on the disease; highly seasoned food, and the usual quant.i.ty of wine, are again resorted to: after a time the torpor of the system, and symptoms of indigestion return, and he again hopes that his friend the gout will come and cure him.