Part 12 (1/2)

Torn: Crushed Pamela Ann 88160K 2022-07-22

”You want to f.u.c.k that bad? Okay, let's f.u.c.k!”

”I ... uh...” I licked my lips, fighting the excitement that just unfurled in my body at the very thought of him taking me the way he used to-pa.s.sionate, rough, and out of this world.

Why couldn't my mind and body be in sync the way they were supposed to? Why was I wired differently when it came to Brody? I hated it. I hated him, because try as I might, fighting him off when he decided to target my body made me a goner.

Story of my life.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

”What? Changed your mind already?” he taunted, eyeing me as if he was about to ravish me on the spot. ”You can go out there, f.u.c.k as many men as you want, but we both know you will never be satisfied, because it's me that you want. It's me you're in love with. So say whatever you like, but I'm going to f.u.c.k you until you no longer remember any other man's c.o.c.k but mine,” he said, leaving me panting shallowly as I felt my p.u.s.s.y quiver with l.u.s.tful antic.i.p.ation.

Dear me, how could he be so ... bold and pa.s.sionately sensual while declaring his dominance towards me? It was arousing, and I couldn't help being swayed by his display of potent, masculine virility and control. It was as forbidding as it was thrilling. He was in his element and never had I seen him so impa.s.sioned towards me. It was a knee-buckling moment for me.

”Your p.u.s.s.y is so excited that you can't even manage to talk, Amber?” he pressed on, closing the hairsbreadth that was left between us before I felt his hot breath teasing my cheek then the tip of my nipple as it drew goose b.u.mps all over me. ”I love how these little suckers respond to me,” he gruffly said then bestowed the same treatment to the counterpart, driving me mad because I was giving in too quickly, but at the same time, I hungered for him like no other.

”Is this all you want to do, tease me until your ego is satisfied?” Scratchy though my voice was, it was obvious how I needed him to just get it over with so I could continue verbally sparring with him. I would feel more in control if I were attacking him instead of this blatant display of his s.e.xual prowess towards me.

”It f.u.c.king strokes my ego to know I can do this to your body, but I want more than this,” he huskily whispered then tapped his forefinger against the side of my head. ”I want this, too-all of you. I want every part of you. It's your mind I want to seduce. It's your soul I want to slowly conquer...”

As my mind was occupied and enthralled by his moving speech, his hand was busy minding itself, gradually progressing towards the tender wetness between my thighs.

”I want all of this, but you're pretty stubborn about everything, so I'll slowly work my way until you give in to me. In time, you'll see how good we could be.”

I was biting my lip, waiting for what was to come next, when I felt his middle finger glide its way across the outer side of my lips, but lo and behold, that moment never came. Instead, he kept on skimming the sensitive area without delving into the epicenter of my nirvana.

”f.u.c.k, don't tell me you need a f.u.c.king map to find my p.u.s.s.y?” I hissed at him, so frustrated that I was fighting the chance to punch him. How dare he mess around with me this way? It was f.u.c.king cruel.

His face hid any amus.e.m.e.nt he was having, though his dark, bottomless depths showed how entertained he was by my torment.

”My hand is at your service. What do you want it to do to your sweet c.u.n.t, babe?”

Had it been in a different circ.u.mstance, I would have been offended by his crude comment, yet for some reason, his boldness and filthy talk was turning me on even more. If my p.u.s.s.y was wet before, it was now a second away from an o.r.g.a.s.m.

My mind ran ideas of how down and dirty I would want him to get, but before I even began to speak, he had his own agenda and unexpectedly shoved two fingers inside of me. He was that confident I would be wet enough to welcome his intrusion, and he was d.a.m.n right about it, much to my dismay and delight.

”If you want me to scratch the itch, you gotta f.u.c.k these fingers, babe,” he demanded in a voice that made me want to smack him hard.

Instead of following my instincts, I carried out his instructions, because h.e.l.l, I was h.o.r.n.y, and the moment I had this out of the way, the better for me overall.

Holding back a groan, I s.h.i.+fted my hips to gradually grind my p.u.s.s.y against his fingers. The tension in my body was building rapidly, and even though it was great, this was barely scratching the itch, so to speak. I needed more ... more of him.

As if knowing what I was thinking, Brody took hold of the situation, taking over as he looked into my eyes while he finger f.u.c.ked me steadily, purposely. My body quaked as he picked up his momentum, his fingers working their magic on me, making me climb higher by the second. My right hand latched on his shoulder while the other was clutching his chest, almost digging into his skin.

”G.o.d!” I screeched, panting heavily as I shut my eyes, shaking. ”I'm almost there...” Groaning as my body gave off the telltale signs of my impending release, I let out a yelp, calling out his name as I let it all go, welcoming its tidal force, quake after quake, until I barely had the strength to stand on my own feet.

How could he be so disarming? I though as my mind drew a blank, still reeling from the power of his fingers.

”Taste just how good I can make this body feel.” He sensually stuck his finger in my mouth, gently twirling it around my tongue as I savored the essence of his handiwork. ”I could just give in and f.u.c.k you right up against the wall, but I won't, because you're worth more than a hot f.u.c.k. I need you and this tight body open and wide for me, ready to be touched and stretched to its limits.” He then pulled out his finger before pus.h.i.+ng me against the bed, spread-eagled to his liking as his wild eyes devoured me whole. ”I want to relish this body like one would with a decadent dessert by savoring it until every last drop has been lapped up.” He situated himself between my legs without his eyes ever leaving mine as he unb.u.t.toned his pants and unzipped them then pushed them down above his knees and knelt before me with his enormous c.o.c.k springing in the air, engorged and ready to conquer whatever was in its way.

My eyes were drawn to its beauty, making me salivate like a b.i.t.c.h in heat. I took in the thickness of it, its gorgeous tone of light brown and the ridge-like veins that adorned its meaty magnificence. I was in awe, and without fail, each time I encountered it, every single time, it always took my breath away.

Drenched as my p.u.s.s.y was, I felt the wetness slowly trickle out of me as my eyes remained glued in on his d.i.c.k. And, when he daringly gripped the base of his c.o.c.k to give my c.u.n.t a good, wet smack, I could have sworn I came again from the delicious, p.u.s.s.y-clenching impact.

”Do you see how this little c.u.n.t responds to me? You can run as far as you like, but you can't hide the truth. This body is mine. It was before, and it's f.u.c.king mine now. It always was, and it always will be.” He gave my c.l.i.t another round of las.h.i.+ngs, sending wave after wave of ecstasy through me. I was so out of it I was unknowingly lifting my hips towards him, begging for more.

”Brody! G.o.d, please, don't stop!” I whimpered desperately as I closed my eyes, and my hand sought to cup my breast, clutching it, ma.s.saging it for more pleasure to go with his sweet torture.

”Who owns this body, Amber?”

I was so out of my depth with him. ”You...” It was a bittersweet surrender, but it was the d.a.m.n, bold truth. ”You know it's you ... It's always been you.”

My response earned me a coa.r.s.e growl. ”No more men. Promise me, no more men.”


”What?” Instantly, my eyes opened, staring wildly at him as I pondered what he'd just said. ”Why? Why!” I rushed out saying.

He seemed unperturbed about my reaction. ”I hate the thought of Carter or any other guy taking what's always been mine. I knew I was f.u.c.ked up all these years, but it's time I stake a claim on what's mine. Do you hear me? No more playing hide and seek, no more one-night stands, no more games. The games stops right here, right now.”

”Brody, you're asking for too much.”

”I want you. I want you like I have never felt before. It's like I'm possessed, because I can't stop thinking about you and what I want to do to you when I have you to myself. And, quite frankly, the thought of sharing you like before doesn't sit well with me anymore.”

Well, f.u.c.k. Of all the times to throw demands and s.h.i.+t, did it have to be when I have my legs open while begging to be f.u.c.ked? Jesus me, what timing!

”You can't just trap me this way. I don't know...” I sighed out. ”You have to give me time.”

Brody had stated what he wanted from me, but I wasn't sure if I even wanted to head down the route he had in mind. s.e.x with him was one thing, but to be solely his? I wasn't sure. What if he needed a quick remedy, a rebound yet again because of Lindsey? As much as I loved him, I didn't want to be used like that again. It was just too much to handle.

”Time...” he voiced out skeptically.

”Yes, time,” I reiterated, unwavering from my prior decision.

”Don't you think the past decade was enough time?” he shot back like I had just slapped him with an insult.

”That's not fair-”

”It isn't, but I know what I want now, and I'm going for it. I want you. I need you in my life, Amber. I can't bear it if you shut me out of your life, too. Just give me a chance. I want this. I really f.u.c.king want you,” he declared, giving me a glimpse of what I could have with him, because I knew, with every fiber in me, he meant every single word.

Brody wanted to be with me.


Amber Harrison.