120 Forging Potential (1/2)
The Apprentice Examination consisted of only two stages. The Forging Potential Examination and the live Armament Forging. In the Forging Potential Examination, the examinee would be tested by a crystal ball, which could determine one's forging potential. Most of the time, the examinees would already fail from this first step and only a few could move on to the final examination. In live Armament Forging, just like its name implied, an examinee will forge an armament. But of course, it was not some high-grade armaments since they were only aspiring master forgers.
However, this Armament Forging Examination was not to be underestimated. After all, what would be the reason why this was the last exam? And depending on what the examiner wanted, the examinees had no right to complain.
Once an examinee passes all of these, they would be entitled as Apprentice Forgers.
”Alright, now that I explained everything, if anyone of you has questions, ask it now. I would not be entertaining them later once the exam started.” Selestine said.
The examinees did not respond to this, indicating none of them had questions.
”Okay then, let's proceed to the first examination!” Selestine led everyone to another room where the first examination will be held.
The room was not that big, with walls painted with plain black. There were also hanging armaments here. This room was giving off a silent aura like this was a room of emptiness. In the middle of this room, there was a white crystal ball that was glowing faintly. It seemed that this was the ball that could determine their potential.
”Now, let's start the Forging Potential Examination.” Selestine declared, ”Just touch the ball and it will determine your potential with a hundred percent accuracy. Whatever the result, never doubt what the ball gave you since it never got mistaken. After all, that was a high-grade Emperor Armament.”
”Emperor Armament!” Everyone gasped and repeated the words. They found themselves unable to breathe for a moment. What was Emperor Armament? This was the symbol of a true powerhouse! After all, not all sects, in fact only a few, had Emperor Armaments.
”Yes, that's right. This was an Emperor Armament that personally created by the founder of this Blacksmith Guild. So of course.” Selestine smiled proudly.
The examinees were in awe. To think that this ball was personally created by the most powerful forger of the history of this world, the founder of Blacksmith Guild, who would not be in awe? Oh, except Jin Rou.
”Alright, enough talking. Go one by one in the front to take the test. Remember, your potential should be at least 7.0 and up.” Selestine said.