Part 13 (1/2)

”Wal', boys, off to yer bunks now! We'll hev a fairly calm night, but thar'll be wet decks to-morrow!”



The captain's prophecy was literally fulfilled, and the boys had no opportunity for fairweather games the next day. Instead, clad in oilskins, they lounged about the wet decks, watching the captain's skillful handling of the boat, ringing the big fog bell when the atmosphere grew thick, and clinging to the railing when the sloop pitched and tossed restlessly on the heaving sea.

Dave retired as usual in rough weather into sullen silence, coming on deck most reluctantly only when his services were demanded by the captain.

Late in the day, the storm increased to a gale of some little violence, and the captain decided to make for the nearest harbor.

He had hoped to reach the home haven that night, but his policy was to meet disappointment rather than to run risks.

”Mebbe I hev a surprise up my sleeve fer you boys,” Captain Lem said, his eyes twinkling as he saw their long faces on hearing the news of delay. ”Wouldn't mind addin' a little excitement ter the end of the trip, would ye?”

”We're aching for it,” returned Billy promptly. ”This has been an awfully long day, you know, captain.”

”Wal', ef I've got my bearin's all right, we'll spend the evenin' in a right cheerful place. That's all I kin say now, but you boys go collect your belongin's, so's we kin land fer the night ef my calc'lations hold good.”

Just as the early darkness of the rainy night shut down over the rolling sea, the boys discovered a gleaming light, high and steady, not far off toward the Florida coast.

”Jimmy!” cried Billy excitedly. ”Bet the captain is going to take us to a lighthouse for the night!”

”Can't be your uncle's light, Mark, where we saw the spongers on the way down,” commented Chester thoughtfully. ”We're too near home for that.”

”I have an _idea_---” began Hugh slowly.

”And so have I!” interrupted Alec, glancing at Mark.

At that moment, Roy Norton began to ring the fog bell under the captain's directions.

”Ding! Ding! Ding, ding, ding!” resounded the heavy iron tongue.

There was a pause, and then the signal was repeated. A longer silence followed and again the slow, clear signal was twice repeated.

By this time, the captain had guided his dauntless little vessel into slightly quieter waters, although she still pitched and tossed in a way that would have alarmed a ”landlubber.”

Then came a new sound, louder than the noise of the pounding waves, deeper than the clang of the iron bell.

”Boom! Boom! Boom, boom, boom!” An answering signal had broken the silence where the steady light shone.

Mark started, as though recognizing the sound.

”Why, that-----” he began bewilderedly, ”that is the signal gun at Red Key! Captain, are you signaling to my father?”

”Jest so,” Captain Vinton replied. ”Keeper Anderson knows my knock on his door!”

”How shall we land?” asked Chester excitedly, as he saw Dave making ready to drop anchor.