Chapter 11 (1/2)



”Maybe we rushed it too much”

”She's just weak! Why'd it have to be a weak bitch!”

”Calm yourself! I already reminded you that it was probably the portal!”


”Yo man I like er”

”You like everyone!”


”We'll just wait for her to wake up I guess we didn't think of her before we left Mondal”

”Weak bitch! She should be happy to leave Mondal! They all treated her like crap anyway”

”Not all of us!”

”Yeah, I like er”

”Shuddup! We're here now, she can just deal!”

”Fire! I told you to calm down!Now cook this for her for when she wakes up”

”Oh right, sure”

”ManYou confuse ht, sure' So confusing man”

”Yeah, you want to fight!?”

”Both of you are irritating!”

”Haha, so confusing man!”

What you can't see during each conversation the Elehs But they happen frequently, well, they would if they had bodies

At first, perhaps an hour, they were so happy to be reunited againAfter that hour, they got over the formalities and started to bicker, as they had done so before they had gotten punished by their father

Actually, their brother Arculas seemed to be the only one that could tolerate the Ele period of time

And they got into such mischief!

This tialaxy to cause ain, then harshly slapped onto planets and broken up, again!

It was quite a nor time!

Even Arculas is taking so long

It was obvious that their father had not let them rejoin themselves before a certain period of tioThey would have been reunited!

Then everything went backwards! The Earth Tribe got killed, leaving no one with all five of the powers and they had to wait for soain!

It had been a true pain! If they had been able to kill everyone they would have done it! But no, father had made it clear that human lives weren't toys! Humph!

They all knew that the Earth Eleet the people of Mondal to start getting involved with it, but they never seest themselves! How troublesome!

Their father's other condition of the hatred, to , was the real piece of work! If the hatred hadn't existed, all they had to do ait for the tiether through the Earth Tribe's 'royal' line

But no, the total opposite happened! They were all pulled apart and had to wait and depend on the stupid people of Mondal!

It was very lucky that Loralle had been born the way she was! Being abandoned in the cold earth for that short ah, and she had already a secondary line fro approved by water because of her father, which helped tremendously! The fire poas just an extra, but stillThey couldn't communicate!

So, very tiresome!

But, luckily, the Earth Eleht way! Even though they had to wait a long time!


Ah, the freedom!

Following Mahnu's and Richard's death, five centuries ago, changes has happened to Kralaide Obviously population advanced, especially in Nowell! From three hundred, Nowell's population excelled into thirty thousand!

And then there was currently a town that no longer was under the control of the 'King of Kralaide'! This toas Bena, in the southern east of Kralaide

Actually, Bena was totally cut off froained much in population in the last five centuries Within the last fifty years, they hadand they were never found!

Bena was under the do of Kralaide had co he could do!

Hector was a God!

And this God was responsible for the doctor's that didn't do their jobs probably, back when King Richard was still alive!

Hector had finally left Bena about two hundred years before and came back with a chest This chest, Mahnu herself knew as, 'The Chest of the God's'!

Following Hector's return back to Bena, he had gone into solitary confinement and taken into himself the power of the God's inside of the chest

Hector seemed to have the ability to either trap or release It was indeed, his 'trapping' ability that trapped all the God's in the first place! He 'trapped' Mahnu's e' He knew trapping the God's would workAs he had already done it himself!

He only had finished releasing and trapping the God powers and souls inside of the chest and into hi after that, Bena became his and a barrier was even put into place to prevent anyone fro the town

Food wasn't a problem, as Bena had been the town that rice was abundant inBut the people beca a third of Bena's population, but that was how they found out that Hector was immortal

In fear, some people had tried to escape, but they had died The barriers that they had tried to get throughDisintegrates anything or anyone! It was indeed, another kind of 'trap'!

In the space of a year, Bena's population was drastically reduced Then, the re but accept their fate, by being stuck in a cage

After the people looked like they had calmed down, Hector searched for the 'Box', that held the God's Thelmos and Eliza, and finally found which town it was hidden in the year before

To get it, he killed whomever was in Havlish at that time and put a barrier up around it also At least half of the King's Loyal Knights had been stationed there, as well as their families They had lost at least sixty thousand peopleThe event was quite a downfall to Kralaide, as the King couldn't seee that the Loyal Knights had The Knights could not fight back and felt like they were lost with nowhere to go

The ones eren't at Havlish at that tiether, quietly

Even Bena's problem hadn't effected Kralaide as the loss of Havlish did As the soldiers who keep Kralaide safe, they fell into a mess and many disbanded fro with half the auards and soldiers in Conrella that he did before Havlish had been touched by Hector

It started to beco beca was offered help froovernorWithin a couple of months, the 'royal' line within Conrella had been killed in high treason, shaking up the entire land of Kralaide even more!

Towns started to live by their own rules, even one of the the poor do the rich er all went to the capital, keeping it for themselvesIt was a mess!

Yet, while this pande, Hector continued, not in the least bit guilty or remorseful

Taking upthe box trapped yet again, Hector finally had it in his hands

And, eight days ago, it was opened

A light had escaped from his clutches and he was unable to catch it in time It hadn't happened with 'The Chest of the God's' and he didn't kno it should be explained

After Hector consumes the rest of the God's powers and souls, he finds outHe was still incoo, he needed it! Whatever it was, it was so that would help complete him!