Part 49 (1/2)

”Then I suggest you wait and watch. The solution will eventually become apparent.”

”That's optimistic,” Aaron said.

”I have faith in G.o.d and you. Is there anything else?”

”No, ma'am.”

”Good luck.” She ended the call.

He put his phone in his pocket. The back of the squad car smelled of alcohol and vomit. He tried to avoid touching the hard, plastic seat with his skin.

He waited and watched. The police did nothing until a man in a crisp, blue suit arrived in a private car. After a quick conversation with Captain Robinson, he came over to speak to Aaron.

The newcomer smiled pleasantly, opened the door, and said, ”Hi. Come out. Let's talk.”

Aaron got out of the car. ”You're the hostage negotiator?”

”That's right. I'm Johnson.” He put out his hand. ”The captain told me you're a federal agent?”

Aaron shook his hand. ”Yes. I've been after this suspect for weeks.”

”You mentioned a bomb. Where is it?”

”He must've tossed it while I was chasing him. I believe he's only carrying knives now.”

”Just knives?” Johnson said.

”With poison on the blades, and he may have other surprises. Don't underestimate him. He's a skilled I really think you should let me deal with him. I'm specially trained for this type of situation.”

”Do you have experience with hostage negotiation?”

”I've been in plenty of life and deaths situations,” Aaron said. ”I can handle this one.”

”I'll think about it.” Johnson looked at the bus. ”Stay here. If I need you, I'll get you.”

”Let me come with you as protection.”

Johnson shook his head. ”I can't do that.”

Aaron sighed. Fool.

Johnson went into the bus.

Aaron was left standing on the street. The cops didn't seem to notice he wasn't back in the car, so he just waited quietly and avoided attracting attention. He thought about his guns locked in the trunk. He wanted them.

A sizable crowd of onlookers was gathering outside the police perimeter. Aaron spotted a reporter and expected there would be many more soon. Once the story of a terrorist trying to bomb Wrigley Field got out, it would become national news.

After a few minutes Johnson came out of the bus. With an expression of irritation, he walked straight over to Aaron.

”He claimed he doesn't know anything about a bomb,” Johnson said.

Aaron shrugged. ”He's lying.”

”He sounded very sincere.”

”Then he's a good liar.”

Johnson raised his eyebrows. ”He also claimed you want to kill him.”

”If duty had required it,” Aaron said, ”I would've. I hope that won't be necessary now.”

”He was very specific. You, personally, want to kill him.”

”He can't know that. We just met a few minutes ago. Did he make any demands?”

”Not really,” Johnson said. ”It's strange. Terrorists always have a message to deliver. The first thing they want to do is make a statement to the media. Even ordinary criminals will always negotiate. This guy barely opened his mouth. What's going on here?”

”That's cla.s.sified,” Aaron said. ”Please, let me talk to him.”

”He wants to talk to you, so I guess I don't have a choice, but I don't like it.”

Both of them went back to the bus. Aaron cautiously climbed up the stairs and looked around. Not much had changed. Lucifer still sat in the middle of a protective circle made of hostages. He still held the boy and the teenage girl at knifepoint.

”What is this bulls.h.i.+t about a bomb?” Lucifer said.

”I had to tell the police something,” Aaron said. ”Do you want me to tell them the truth instead? I can provide all the information about the Order of Eternal Night: members.h.i.+p lists, payments, victims. Your secrets will become a matter of public record.”

”No.” Lucifer frowned. ”Don't.”

Johnson pushed forward. ”What are you talking about?”

Aaron pushed him back and said, ”Have you thought about my offer?”

”What offer?” Johnson asked.

Aaron gave him a sharp look. ”Be quiet, please.”

”I still don't trust you,” Lucifer said.

”Make a decision,” Aaron said. ”You can't spend the rest of your life on this bus.”

”What do you want me to do?”

”Let the hostages go peacefully. Give yourself up. Prove you can be a good citizen first.”

”But the cops will arrest me.”

”Don't worry about that,” Aaron said. ”My people will get you out of jail.”

Johnson leaned close to him and whispered, ”What are you talking about?”