Part 38 (1/2)
Smythe looked at the carnage strewn across the stone platform. Some of the bodies were missing parts, but he estimated there were about thirty corpses. Judging from the horrific wounds, it appeared Ethel had done the lion's share of the killing. He was unhappy to find that Harbinger was not among the dead.
Smythe sighed and almost pa.s.sed out. Ethel caught him before he could fall over.
”We need to get you to a hospital,” she said.
”They took a lot of my blood,” he said.
”For what?”
”The nectar...” He looked at the next table and discovered the crystal flask was missing. ”s.h.i.+t! It's gone! Harbinger claimed there was enough poison to kill a hundred thousand people. This is a disaster!”
”Don't panic,” Ethel said. ”Who is Harbinger?”
”The leader. Tall and blond with scars on his forehead. A real s.a.d.i.s.t.”
”We'll watch for him. Marina, you have to fly Smythe to the nearest hospital.”
”But I'll miss the action, ma'am,” Marina said.
”You're our only helicopter pilot,” Ethel said.
”Please,” Smythe said, ”don't make her go, ma'am. I'll live. We need all our manpower here in case the enemy comes back with reinforcements.”
Ethel raised her eyebrows. ”So be it. Can you stand?”
She helped him off the table. His legs were as limp as overcooked spaghetti, but after a moment he could support his own weight. The tingling warmth was spreading, and it seemed to give him extra strength. However, walking would still be difficult.
”I saw something strange today,” he said. ”A glowing ball of green mist. It wasn't natural.”
”A messenger from G.o.d's enemy,” she said.
”Harbinger took it as a warning.”
”Then he should've fled immediately. Staying here was stupid, and this is the result.” Ethel pointed towards the corpses on the ground with a machete. ”We have to get moving. Do you want to wait here until we're done?”
”No, ma'am, I'll come with you. I want to stay involved. I'll help any way I can.”
”There could be more fighting,” she said.
”Just give me a gun. I'm strong enough to pull a trigger.”
Aaron gave him a Beretta Px4 Storm. The compact pistol was just right for a man in his weakened condition. It seemed to be Aaron's emergency backup piece.
Smythe chambered a round. ”Let's roll.”
Chapter Twenty-three.
The ceremonial platform was a quarter-mile away from the central part of the ”Farm” where most of the buildings were located. Aaron saw the distant buildings as a cl.u.s.ter of angular shapes in the darkness. He had studied a satellite photo during the helicopter flight, so he knew the general layout. There was a very large farmhouse, big enough for dozens of people. Silos, barns, and sheds surrounded it.
Aaron, Ethel, and Smythe walked together towards the buildings. Smythe moved slowly and leaned on Aaron's shoulder with every step. Aaron admired the man for coming at all because it was obvious he could barely stand. n.o.body would've thought less of Smythe if he had decided to hang back and rest.
Aaron couldn't see Marina, who was scouting ahead. Like him, she wore black and gray camouflage, which made her invisible in the shadows. Her movements were as quick and silent as a ghost. Her job was to make sure the rest of them didn't stumble into an ambush.
An ambush was likely because some of the Eternals were probably still in the area. Aaron tried to look in all directions. The open fields made him feel exposed but also gave the enemy little cover to hide behind. Every few steps he peered through the thermal scope of his sniper rifle.
Ethel's presence soothed his anxiety. She still carried her famous machetes, and her gray robes were soaked with the blood of her enemies. The smile on her face was unpleasant to behold. If there was trouble, she would deal with it.
Watching her work tonight had caused him to feel the usual conflicted emotions. On one hand, her abilities were extraordinary. He was very happy they were on the same team. She was like a true guardian angel. On the other hand, she was also frightening as h.e.l.l. When she fought, G.o.d's wrath flowed through her like a billion amps of rage.
”How do you feel when you kill, ma'am?” Aaron asked in a very quiet voice.
”I'm at peace,” she said. ”I'm focused.”
”You never show any emotion. Do you think about anything?”
”Only about who I'm going to attack next.”
”But you move so fast. How can you think at all?”
”The world moves in slow motion for me,” she said. ”I always have plenty of time to contemplate my choices. Too much.”
”What does that mean, ma'am?” he asked.
She looked at him. ”Some days I get tired of being the Lord's instrument of vengeance.” She turned away. ”It's a lonely existence.”
”You regret your life?”
”No, but I could use a break from it sometimes.”
”Then take a vacation,” Aaron said. ”Marina and I can hold down the fort. After we're done with this mission, go to Tahiti for a week. Soak up some sun. Relax.”
She smiled. ”Thanks, but I don't know how to relax. I'll have a long vacation when I'm dead. Besides, I don't think G.o.d wants me to take time off. He has plans for me. For both of us, actually.”
He heard a twig snap. He stopped walking and looked around but couldn't see any movement. He used the thermal scope and spotted a rabbit hiding in the brush.
”How do you know what G.o.d wants, ma'am?” Smythe said. ”Do you communicate with Him?”
Ethel turned to him. ”Not with words,” she said, ”but I feel His presence sometimes. I can sense His intentions. I can't really explain it.”
Smythe furrowed his brow.
The farm buildings loomed large in the night. Plenty of places for bad guys to hide, Aaron thought. This will be difficult.
”How do you want to do this, ma'am?” he said.
”I'm sure the Eternals have a grand plan,” Ethel said. ”They still intend to kill a huge number of people even with the carnival gone.”