Part 25 (1/2)

Ethel walked into the kitchen and went to the fridge. Aaron never got tired of watching how gracefully she moved. Even the smallest, most casual actions seemed thoroughly rehea.r.s.ed.

She took out some bread, cheese, and salami. With a sharp knife she sliced the meat and a.s.sembled a sandwich so quickly that it looked like a camera trick. Her fingers were a blur. She came over and sat with Aaron and Smythe.

”We have to discuss sleeping accommodations,” she told Smythe. ”You'll stay here for now. We'll find an apartment for you later, when there is time.” She looked at Aaron. ”Since there are two guest rooms, I'll also give you the option of staying. I know how tired you must be.”

Aaron wanted to go home and sleep in his own bed, but it would feel weird to be there without Marina. Also, his apartment was compromised because his mother knew the address. If he went back there, he would have to take extreme precautions, and he didn't have the energy for that tonight.

”I'll stay, ma'am,” he said. ”I'll sleep as soon as I'm done eating. What time is it?”

”Four in the morning,” Ethel said. She took a big bite out of her sandwich and chewed very rapidly.

”d.a.m.n. No wonder my eyes keep closing.”

n.o.body spoke for a minute. The only sounds were lips smacking together and air blowing through ventilation ducts.

”This is strange,” Smythe said. ”I'm having a casual meal with both of you. A couple of days ago, I would've bet anything against this ever happening. The strangest part is it feels normal, like it was meant to be.” He shook his head.

”Do you still want to quit?” Ethel asked.

”Is that an option?”


”Well, hypothetically, I still would like to return to my old life, but I have to admit this-” He looked around. ”-isn't so bad. For the first time in years, I feel...”

”Relevant?” she said.

”Right. Was it the same for you when you joined, ma'am?”

She exhaled. ”Wow, that was a long time ago. I almost can't remember what my life was like before this. I was a nurse in an emergency room. That may sound exciting, but after a while even knife wounds and heart attacks get dull. I thought I'd seen it all. Dealing with egomaniacal doctors all day, every day wasn't a treat either. No offense.”

”None taken,” Smythe said.

”One day a man came in with a bullet in his liver. The doctors were busy with other patients, and the man was dying, so I performed the surgery myself. I'd seen it done many times and it turned out fine. Still, I got into trouble with the hospital administrators. Insurance companies don't like nurses performing emergency surgery. That was the moment when I realized what was wrong with my life. I had lost my pa.s.sion. I was just doing a job. That surgery was the first time in years I had stepped out of line to save a life, and the life I saved was the former decurion of this cell. I occupy his office now.”

”He recruited you because he was grateful?”

”No,” Ethel said, ”because he knew talent when he saw it. My transition into the Spears was a little easier than yours. I wasn't clinging to rigid notions of justice and honor, like you are. But it was still 'strange' for a while.”

He leaned forward. ”What happened to your predecessor?”

”Crushed by a wrecking ball. It only took one careless moment to end the life of a great man. Remember that lesson. Now let's finish eating. We all need to sleep.”

Aaron was renewed after several hours of rest, but his sense of time was still confused. The clock on the wall showed noon but it felt like early morning.

Edward was presenting the results of his investigation in the conference room. The rest of the team listened attentively.

”I started with the cell phone,” Edward said. ”It contained a half-ounce of explosive, which was set to go off if I pushed the wrong b.u.t.tons. But thanks to Ethel, I was careful and defused the detonator. I obtained the records for the phone number. Several recent calls were made in and around Rockford, which is also where the Eternals have their fancy answering machine. Rockford is a transportation hub, so it's a good base of operations. Highways and train tracks go through there, and there is a decent sized airport. It seems like we should focus on that geographic area.”

Ethel nodded. ”Agreed.”

”After I was done with the cell phone, I worked on the radio headset. The manufacturer is an outfit named White Flame Technology.”

”I've heard of them,” Smythe said. ”Top grade stuff.”

”They only sell to military forces,” Edward said. ”I had trouble breaking into their computer system, so I worked the human angle instead. I called their s.h.i.+pping department on the phone. I convinced the clerk a headset sent to Rockford had been lost. We went back and forth until she finally gave me an exact address. I found out where the Eternals take their deliveries. It's a large, public warehouse, open 24 hours a day.”

”Smart,” Ethel said. ”The Eternals can pick up their packages when it's safe and convenient, even in the middle of the night. Our next destination is that warehouse.”

”Our?” Aaron said. ”You're coming, ma'am?”

”Marina is still recovering from a concussion, so I'll take her place. Besides, I'm itching to get out of the office.” She grinned. ”I need some action.”

Chapter Sixteen.

The Riverwalk Warehouse in Rockford was a sprawling facility adjacent to Rock River. Three giant buildings were spread across more than fifty acres of land. The tall concrete walls were painted with red, white, and blue stripes. A stream of trucks rumbled back and forth between the warehouse and Interstate 20, which was just a half-mile away.

Aaron, Ethel, and Smythe stepped out of their car.

”My G.o.d,” Aaron said. ”It's huge.”

”It's like an airport,” Smythe said. ”I can see why the Eternals use this place. You could hide an elephant here. Ten elephants.”

”We obviously can't search the entire warehouse,” Ethel said, ”and even if we tried, we wouldn't know what to look for. We need a better plan.”

Aaron watched the trucks pa.s.s by. There were more than a hundred docks and most of them were occupied.

”I have a plan, sort of,” he said. ”We know the Eternals are buying military equipment, chemicals for poisons, and other nasty stuff. Receiving those deliveries here is risky. Eventually, a worker will read a manifest and ask the obvious questions. So, the Eternals must've made special arrangements to avoid those questions, and those arrangements will involve large cash payments. If we can figure out who is receiving the money, we can squeeze him for information.”

”I like that idea,” Ethel said. ”Simple and direct. Stay here.”

She walked over to the nearest loading dock and exchanged a few words with one of the workers. She wore a casual, blue business suit that was remarkable for being so unremarkable. A pleasant smile adorned her face and her posture was relaxed. Aaron reminded himself that it was just an act. She felt real happiness only when she was exterminating her enemies.

Ethel returned. ”Follow me.”

Smythe gave Aaron a curious look, and Aaron just shrugged.

They walked around the huge warehouse to a separate parking lot. Signs stated ”EMPLOYEE PARKING ONLY,” but the restriction seemed pointless to Aaron because parking s.p.a.ces were more than plentiful.

”Start looking,” Ethel said.

”For what?” Aaron said.

”The car of the guy who receives the large cash payments. I think it will be obvious.”