Part 16 (1/2)
”I don't get it. The government recruits the best scientists available, sets up a dedicated research laboratory, and accomplishes nothing. Meanwhile, you talk to 'fringe lunatics.'”
”It was Ethel's idea. She has fantastic intuition.”
Marina opened the evidence kit and snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. Aaron used his hands to create a step so she could reach the knife.
”Don't touch the hilt,” he said. ”Try to grab a spot where you won't smudge fingerprints.”
She gave him a look. ”I know what I'm doing, darling.”
She stepped onto his hands, reached up, and grabbed the knife by the guard. Carefully, she worked the blade out of the wood. His arms were getting tired from holding her when she finally freed the knife. The black envelope fell, and she s.n.a.t.c.hed it with her other hand.
She hopped down, still holding both items. He found a couple of plastic bags in the evidence kit, and she deposited the evidence in them.
”Are we going to look inside the envelope?” Smythe said.
”Hold on,” Aaron said.
The kit contained a scalpel. He kept the envelope inside the bag as he gently sliced it open, taking care not to touch the evidence with his fingers. Then he took a pair of tweezers from the kit and extracted the contents of the envelope. It was a folded piece of black paper. With her hands still protected by rubber gloves, Marina took the paper by the corners and unfolded it.
”It's blank.” She held it up. ”I can't see any writing.”
Smythe moved in and looked closely. ”s.h.i.+t!” He backed away hastily. ”It's poisoned. Close your mouth! Put the paper back in the bag without shaking it. Aaron, don't touch it!”
Marina slipped the paper back into the bag. His heart beating fast, Aaron put everything into the evidence kit.
”Hold up your hands,” Smythe said to Marina. ”Don't move.”
She held up her gloved hands. He peeled off the gloves, starting from the bottom, so that they turned inside-out. He was very careful not to touch the outer surface. He threw the gloves into the evidence kit and kicked it closed with his foot.
”How did you know?” Aaron said.
”I saw a very fine powder.” Smythe ran over to the river and rinsed his hands. ”These Eternals are more dangerous than I thought. Marina, do you feel OK?”
She nodded. ”Fine.”
”Wash your hands and face. If you have any symptoms, let me know.”
She washed herself in the river. ”Thanks. You may have just saved my life.”
”Yeah.” He furrowed his brow. ”I guess you owe me.”
”What's our next step?” Aaron said. ”We can't give up. Maybe we should call the number again and find out where the Eternals are having their next meeting.”
”I bet there won't be another meeting,” Marina said. ”At least not for a while. They know their recruiting has been compromised.”
”What number?” Smythe said.
Aaron took out the Eternals' black business card and handed it to him. ”It connects to an answering machine.”
Smythe studied the card. ”That machine must be somewhere.”
”That's a very good point.” Marina took the card. ”Edward can use this phone number to determine the location. I need to report our status to Ethel, anyway.” She took out her phone and stepped away.
”Who is Edward?” Smythe asked quietly.
”Our resident technology geek,” Aaron said.
”How big is your team?”
”Marina and I are field operatives, also known as legionnaires. Our a.s.sistants are called caculas. We have five in Chicago, each with a technical specialty. They usually stay in headquarters.”
Smythe raised his eyebrows. ”So, including Ethel, that's eight.”
”Nine. You're a legionnaire now.”
Smythe clenched his jaw.
Marina finished her conversation a moment later and closed her phone.
”Good news,” she said. ”Edward got an address. It's in Rockford, Illinois. My orders are to go there alone and investigate.”
”What about us?” Aaron said.
”Ethel wants to give Smythe the introduction speech. Take him and the evidence back to headquarters.”
”Will you be all right on your own?” He touched her arm.
”Yes.” She rolled her eyes. ”Don't be so overprotective. You know I hate that.”
”I'm sorry.” He raised his hands in surrender. ”But you'll call if you need help.”
”Yes, I'll call! You act like I've never done this before. Let's get out of here, but we need a second car.”
He nodded. ”I'll steal one.”
”I have a better idea! The manager of this motel is still asleep in the office. Take his keys and his car.”
”You're still mad about being called a tramp? You can be a vindictive b.i.t.c.h sometimes.”
”Yes.” She smiled. ”It's part of my charm.”
Chapter Eleven.
Smythe stared at the cars ahead on the Eisenhower expressway, west of Chicago. As usual it was stop and go as far as he could see. He had never seen good traffic on this highway, but at least the weather was pleasantly cool. He hated being stuck in a jam on a hot day.
”How long have you been in the Society?” he asked Aaron.