Part 92 (1/2)

”All right ” she said, turning toward him.

”Yes. I did. So what?”

”So what? You shot him and you say

”So what'?”

”He was trying to kill you,” she said.

”He and some others ”Oh, brother,” he said with disbelief

”Tell me a better one. Explain the man in the blue car.”

”You'll know eventually. Soon, in point of fact ”Yes, sure,” he said.

”That's what I mean. You never lie completely, just omit the truth.

The man at Grover's house a few mornings ago was the same man who was in the parking garage the night you disappeared. Correct?”

”Correct ” ”And yet at Grover's you wouldn't even look at him, much less admit that you knew him. Correct?”

”Correct again.”

”And you do know him. He's a ... how shall I phrase it? An 'a.s.sociate' of yours. He got you out of the parking garage. You were in his car. The trunk, I'd guess.”

”Very good'” she allowed.

”And Peter Whiteside and George McAdam,” he pressed.

”They're alive, aren't they? As alive as you or I ”Of course,” she admitted.

”Their names on the Avianca pa.s.senger list was a hoax. I've always known that.”

”Then why-?”

”I didn't want you seeing them.”

”And the reason is that they could identify the real Leslie Mc- Adam,” he suggested.


She nodded.

”What about the real Leslie?” he pursued.

”Arthur Sandler's daughter. Dead or alive?” He waited. When she didn't answer, he thought he knew.

”Dead?” he concluded.
