Part 67 (1/2)

Thomas froze with the sudden realization. His mind was instantly off Leslie. He wanted to be out of there, preferably back inside.

Thomas started to move, but his worst fears were suddenly realized. The man grabbed him by the arm, pus.h.i.+ng him back to the raU.

Thomas tried to push the man's grip away, but heard his voice.

”I want to talk!” the man said, shouting to be heard above the elements.

The men came eye to eye. The coldness Thomas felt beneath his clothes was not from the wind and water! This was one of the men in the elevator at Ans.p.a.cher Gallery. This, in fact, was the man with the scarf.

”Where is she?” he said.

”Get your hand off me,” Thomas countered.

The gloved hand released his arm. A gesture of good faith?

”Where'd she go?” he asked.

”I don't know what you're talking about' A bold lie, which didn't betray the fact that Thomas's heart was pounding so fiercely that he could feel it throughout his chest.

The man's face, thick with vaguely Eastern European features, broadened into a wide grin.

”I'll help your memory a little,” Said the man. And as if on cue, with the end of the sentence, the inquisitor's fist smacked into the center of Thomas's stomach.

Thomas was completely unprepared for the shot to the solar plexus. He winced violently and doubled up, gasping and taking in half a mouthful of rain.

The strong hand went to his shoulder and straightened him into an upright position.

”Does that help you think?” asked the man.

”Maybe now you know.”

Thomas coughed. He tried to gasp.

”I don't know The man shook him and said,

”Answer me. Answer me!”

”I don't know!” Thomas barked again, sputtering the words through the rain. His face and head were soaked.

”Bet you don't know how to swim either Thomas was shoved hard against the rear railing. The ferry's diesel engines ground noisily below. The water swirled.

”I'm telling you,” he insisted angrily and fearfully,

”I don't know!

She disappeared! Maybe you already tossed her overboard ”Maybe,”

gloated the man.

”But not yet. She came on the boat with you. I I want her!”

”So do I A moment pa.s.sed as the a.s.sailant seemed to decide his next move. Thomas's throat and stomach still pained him. He spoke, playing for time.