Part 51 (1/2)
”You saw those knife wounds. A surgeon couldn't make better incisions.”
”Then what's wrong?” asked an exasperated Hearn, heavy circles forming beneath his eyes.
Then finding no method to the crime, Hearn sarcastically answered his own question.
”Maybe they got the wrong man.”
Sha.s.sad, in thought, said nothing. But his eyes were wide.
”Jumping Jesus I ” Sha.s.sad then said softly
”Of course. The wrong man.”
”Debbie Moran and her rent-a-m.u.f.f had nothing to do with it.
Try this: Her customer-Ryder-had the luck to walk out the building at the wrong second. Two professionals were there waiting for a hit. But not Ryder. No one cared about him. No, sir. They were waiting for someone more important who was supposed to step out precisely the same time. And who nearly did.”
Hearn twisted his face, half in enlightenment, half in skepticism.
”Daniels?” he asked.
-Yeah” said Sha.s.sad, opening his hands expansively.
”Yeah, why the h.e.l.l not?” They paused and considered it.
”He said himself that he was coming out right at that same time '
Sha.s.sad paused a few seconds between sentences, stopping to think as he spoke.
”How big is Daniels? Five ten? Five eleven?”
”Same as Ryder, right?”
Hearn nodded.
”Coloring? Hair? Build? All similar, right? Similar enough to be mistaken by people who were waiting for a man they'd never met before?
Waiting on a rainy 'night in January when they knew their victim would be coming out of that building.”
”But they'd have to know right down to the minute in order to jump to a conclusion like that?”
”Of course. They did know. Don't you see?”
”Sorry. No.”
”The janitor wanted to know almost to the minute how soon Daniels would be leaving. Remember?”