Part 19 (1/2)

”So we'll exchange some information. Who's your client?”

Thomas sat down again.

”A girl' he said. Zenger, unsatisfied, waited without replying.

”I've got 'a girl who claims she's Arthur Sandler's daughter.”

Zenger's face appeared frozen for several seconds.

”Oh, Christ” he finally scoffed.

”All this for some female fruitcake who turned up? My advice to you is take the p.u.s.s.y and run.”

”I'm inclined to believe her claim” said Thomas.


”She has some doc.u.ments. And I have a feeling. I think she's telling the truth. I suspect she is Arthur Sandler's daughter.”

Zenger was already shaking his head.

”Not possible,” he said.


”Your father handled the Sandlers more than I did. But yes, I know a few things about the family. Arthur Sandler wasn't the type of man who ran around siring b.a.s.t.a.r.d children.”

”She's not illegitimate.”

”Well, then there's immaculate conception involved, because Arthur Sandler never married” ”Apparently he did ' ”Bulls.h.i.+t!” roared Zenger heatedly.

”During World War Two. In England” Now it was Zenger's turn. For an instant Thomas sensed the old man was stunned by a revelation of truth.

But, if he had been, he recovered just as quickly. He began to smile.

”That proves that it's a hoax” said Zenger grimly.


”The fact is that Arthur Sandler never left the United States during the war. Not for a single day. Being wealthy and being Germanic by ”traction, he was afraid to leave.”


”Some people, people with influential friends, knew what was happening to j.a.panese Americans. Sandler feared the same. He was scared that if he left the country he'd never be let back in. He'd be stripped of his fortune and his citizens.h.i.+p in one neat little swoop Zenger, feeling his case winning, allowed himself a calm smile.

He added,

”And I can prove this” ”How?”

”I have an old friend in the office in Was.h.i.+ngton. I can arrange a visit for you. You can go down there yourself and inspect the old records.”