Part 23 (1/2)

”Why didn't you wake me?” he asked.

”What's the use? You want all the sleep you can get, because you an'

me have got to sail my smack into Yarmouth. But I was minded to call you, lad,” he said, with a sort of cry leaping from his throat. ”The wave struck us at about twelve, and it's been mighty lonesome on deck since with Willie callin' out of the sea. All night he's been callin'

out of the welter of the sea. Funny that I haven't heard Upton or Deakin, but on'y Willie! All night until daybreak he called, first on one side of the smack and then on t'other, I don't think I'll tell his mother that. An' I don't see how I'm to put you on sh.o.r.e in Denmark, after all.”

What had happened Duncan put together from the curt utterances of Captain Weeks and the crazy lamentations of Rail. Weeks had roused all hands except Duncan to take the last reef in. They were forward by the mainmast at the time the wave struck them. Weeks himself was on the boom, threading the reefing-rope through the eye of the sail. He shouted ”Water!” and the water came on board, carrying the three men aft. Upton was washed over the taffrail. Weeks threw one end of the rope down, and Rail and Willie caught it and were swept overboard, dragging Weeks from the boom on to the deck and jamming him against the bulwarks.

The captain held on to the rope, setting his feet against the side.

The smack lifted and dropped and tossed, and each movement wrenched his arms. He could not reach a cleat. Had he moved he would have been jerked overboard.

”I can't hold you both!” he cried, and then, setting his teeth and hardening his heart, he addressed his words to his son: ”Willie! I can't hold you both!” and immediately the weight upon the rope was less. With each drop of the stern the rope slackened, and Weeks gathered the slack in. He could now afford to move. He made the rope fast and hauled the one survivor on deck. He looked at him for a moment. ”Thank G.o.d, it's not my son!” he had the courage to say.

”And my heart's broke!” had gasped Rail. ”Fair broke.” And he had gone forward and sung hymns.

They saw little more of Rall. He came aft and fetched his meals away; but he was crazed and made a sort of kennel for himself forward, and the two men left on the smack had enough upon their hands to hinder them from waiting on him. The gale showed no sign of abatement; the fleet was scattered; no glimpse of the sun was visible at any time; and the compa.s.s was somewhere at the bottom of the sea.

”We may be making a bit of headway no'th, or a bit of leeway west,”

said Weeks, ”or we may be doing a sternboard. All that I'm sure of is that you and me are one day going to open Gorleston Harbour. This smack's cost me too dear for me to lose her now. Lucky there's the tell-tale compa.s.s in the cabin to show us the wind hasn't s.h.i.+fted.”

All the energy of the man was concentrated upon this wrestle with the gale for the owners.h.i.+p of the _Willing Mind_; and he imparted his energy to his companion. They lived upon deck, wet and starved and peris.h.i.+ng with the cold--the cold of December in the North Sea, when the spray cuts the face like a whip-cord. They ate by s.n.a.t.c.hes when they could, which was seldom; and they slept by s.n.a.t.c.hes when they could, which was even less often. And at the end of the fourth day there came a blinding fall of snow and sleet, which drifted down the companion, sheeted the ropes with ice, and hung the yards with icicles, and which made every inch of bra.s.s a searing-iron and every yard of the deck a danger to the foot.

It was when this storm began to fall that Weeks grasped Duncan fiercely by the shoulder.

”What is it you did on land?” he cried. ”Confess it, man! There may be some chance for us if you go down on your knees and confess it.”

Duncan turned as fiercely upon Weeks. Both men were overstrained with want of food and sleep.

”I'm not your Jonah--don't fancy it! I did nothing on land!”

”Then what did you come out for?”

”What did you? To fight and wrestle for your s.h.i.+p, eh? Well, I came out to fight and wrestle for my immortal soul, and let it go at that!”

Weeks turned away, and as he turned, slipped on the frozen deck. A lurch of the smack sent him sliding into the rudder-chains, where he lay. Once he tried to rise, and fell back. Duncan hauled himself along the bulwarks to him.


”Leg broke. Get me down into the cabin. Lucky there's the tell-tale.

We'll get the _Willing Mind_ berthed by the quay, see if we don't.”

That was still his one thought, his one belief.

Duncan hitched a rope round Weeks, underneath his arms, and lowered him as gently as he could down the companion.

”Lift me on to the table so that my head's just beneath the compa.s.s!

Right! Now take a turn with the rope underneath the table, or I'll roll off. Push an oily under my head, and then go for'ard and see if you can find a fish-box. Take a look that the wheel's fast.”

It seemed to Duncan that the last chance was gone. There was just one inexperienced amateur to change the sails and steer a seventy-ton ketch across the North Sea into Yarmouth Roads. He said nothing, however, of his despair to the indomitable man upon the table, and went forward in search of a fish-box. He split up the sides into rough splints and came aft with them.