Part 12 (1/2)

”So it is, by Jove! Schoolmaster abroad, I should think. When we got on to Athens and Greek sculpture he condescended to set us right about that, too.”

”I heard him this morning holding forth to the doctor on a.s.syriology. No wonder he doesn't dance!”

The pa.s.senger they were speaking of was a man of middle height, between thirty and forty apparently, who lay stretched in a deck-chair a little way off. He was dressed in grey throughout, from his travelling-cap to the spats above his brown shoes. His face was sallow, and the short brown beard was flecked with grey. But his eyes had gay little gleams in them as they followed the dancers. It was Peer Holm.

As he sat there watching, it annoyed him to feel that he could not let himself go like the others. But it was so long since he had mixed with his own countrymen, that he felt insecure of his footing and almost like a foreigner among them. Besides, in a few hours now they should sight the skerries on the Norwegian coast; and the thought awoke in him a strange excitement--it was a moment he had dreamed of many and many a time out there in the wide world.

After a while stillness fell on the decks around him, and he too went below, but lay down in his cabin without undressing. He thought of the time when he had pa.s.sed that way on the outward voyage, poor and unknown, and had watched the last island of his native land sink below the sea-rim. Much had happened since then--and now that he had at last come home, what life awaited him there?

A little after two in the morning he came on deck again, but stood still in astonishment at finding that the vessel was now boring her way through a thick woolly fog. The devil! thought he, beginning to tramp up and down the deck impatiently. It seemed that his great moment was to be lost--spoiled for him! But suddenly he stopped by the railing, and stood gazing out into the east.

What was that? Far out in the depths of the woolly fog a glowing spot appeared; the grey ma.s.s around grew alive, began to move, to redden, to thin out as if it were streaming up in flames. Ah! now he knew! It was the globe of the sun, rising out of the sea. On board, every point where the night's moisture had lodged began to s.h.i.+ne in gold. Each moment it grew clearer and lighter, and the eye reached farther. And before he could take in what was happening, the grey darkness had rolled itself up into mounds, into mountains, that grew buoyant and floated aloft and melted away. And there, all revealed, lay the fresh bright morning, with a clear sun-filled sky over the blue sea.

It was time now to get out his For a long time he stood motionless, gazing intently through them.

There! Was it his fancy? No, there far ahead he can see clearly now a darker strip between sky and sea. It's the first skerry. It is Norway, at last!

Peer felt a sudden catch in his breath; he could hardly stand still, but he stopped again and again in his walk to look once more at the far-off strip of grey. And now there were seabirds too, with long necks and swiftly-beating wings. Welcome home!

And now the steamer is ploughing in among the skerries, and a world of rocks and islets unfolds on every side. There is the first red fisher-hut. And then the entrance to Christiansand, between wooded hills and islands, where white cottages s.h.i.+ne out, each with its patch of green gra.s.sland and its flagstaff before it.

Peer watched it all, drinking it in like nourishment. How good it all tasted--he felt it would be long before he had drunk his fill.

Then came the voyage up along the coast, all through a day of brilliant suns.h.i.+ne and a luminous night. He saw the blue sounds with swarms of white gulls hovering above them, the little coast-towns with their long white-painted wooden houses, and flowers in the windows. He had never pa.s.sed this way before, and yet something in him seemed to nod and say: ”I know myself again here.” All the way up the Christiania Fjord there was the scent of leaves and meadows; big farms stood by the sh.o.r.e s.h.i.+ning in the sun. This was what a great farm looked like. He nodded again. So warm and fruitful it all seemed, and dear to him as home--though he knew that, after all, he would be little better than a tourist in his own country. There was no one waiting for him, no one to take him in. Still, some day things might be very different.

As the s.h.i.+p drew alongside the quay at Christiania, the other pa.s.sengers lined the rail, friends and relations came aboard, there were tears and laughter and kisses and embraces. Peer lifted his hat as he pa.s.sed down the gangway, but no one had time to notice him just now. And when he had found a hotel porter to look after his luggage, he walked up alone through the town, as if he were a stranger.

The light nights made it difficult to sleep--he had actually forgotten that it was light all night long. And this was a capital city--yet so touchingly small, it seemed but a few steps wherever he went. These were his countrymen, but he knew no one among them; there was no one to greet him. Still, he thought again, some day all this might be very different.

At last, one day as he stood looking at the window of a bookseller's shop, he heard a voice behind him: ”Why, bless me! surely it's Peer Holm!” It was one of his fellow-students at the Technical College, Reidar Langberg, pale and thin now as ever. He had been a s.h.i.+ning light at the College, but now--now he looked shabby, worn and aged.

”I hardly knew you again,” said Peer, grasping the other's hand.

”And you're a millionaire, so they say--and famous, out in the big world?”

”Not quite so bad as that, old fellow. But what about you?”

”I? Oh, don't talk about me.” And as they walked down the street together, Langberg poured out his tale, of how times were desperately bad, and conditions at home here simply strangled a man. He had started ten or twelve years ago as a draughtsman in the offices of the State Railways, and was still there, with a growing family--and ”such pay--such pay, my dear fellow!” He threw up his eyes and clasped his hands despairingly.

”Look here,” said Peer, interrupting him. ”Where is the best place in Christiania to go and have a good time in the evening?”

”Well, St. Hans Hill, for instance. There's music there.”

”Right--will you come and dine with me there, to-night--shall we say eight o'clock?”

”Thanks. I should think I would!”

Peer arrived in good time, and engaged a table on a verandah. Langberg made his appearance shortly after, dressed in his well-saved Sunday best--faded frock-coat, light trousers bagged at the knees, and a straw hat yellow with age.

”It's a pleasure to have someone to talk to again,” said Peer. ”For the last year or so I've been knocking about pretty much by myself.”