Vol 3 Chapter 4 (1/2)

Volume 3 Chapter 4, “I love the both of you”

———– The Holy Eonal Palace

Holy Ies of the Children of Light”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Hmm”

Military Strategist: “We’ve achieved alet”

Holy Imperial General: “However, there appears to be a ru”

Crown Prince Marshal: “That ithin the scope of our calculations We don’t really need the ru, but we can just leave it as it is for now At least they’ll help to increase interest in the project”

Holy Imperial General: “Yes”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Hmm… However, now that we’re on this, the next probleunpowder”

Military Strategist: “Saltpetre, your Highness”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Can we procure dom of Copper?”

Military Strategist: “Yes I have already sent people to secure that”

Holy I so much emphasis on these muskets? From what I can tell, the reload rate is fairly slow and the effective distance is not very far either Their penetrative power is not bad, but a ical battalion has far ht?”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Hehehehe Hahahaha”

Holy Ihness…?”

Crown Prince Marshal: “No, no, you are correct These are not particularly powerful weapons It is as you say However, that is because you only consider the battle to take place on the battlefield”

Military Strategist: “Indeed”

Holy Imperial General: “…The battle is outside of the battlefield?”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Think about it Look at all these countries in the Central Continent Let’s assume there is a ould the noble order to their vassal knights If these knights have other vassal knights, then they can muster theo on, all the way until nobody has anythe noble orders and their subordinate noblemen will ride to their banner There are a few systems but this is more or less the saanisational proble orders, then we e portion of the population who could be in the ar horses, it takes a specific skillset, and apart frodom of Red Horses, where they are the local product, we can’t expect those villages to be able to procure Warhorses Another way to put it, in the Central Continent, people who are prepared to fight = people who can ride and oarhorses = people who are rich enough to afford the training and equipht and above, or people related to them”

Holy Imperial General: “I-I see”

Crown Prince Marshal: “The exception are iven their lives to battle, so they’re different There are est reason is that learning the techniques which allow you to be effective in a war requires a long ti your sword around since you were old enough to hold one”

Holy Iht, and ht me to use a sword……”



Warhorse: A horse which has received the specific battle training to endure the loud sounds and stench of blood on the battlefield Well-trained horses are capable of charging directly into a sharp wall of eneht to sto a warhorse requires a lot of tiher social classes can afford them


Crown Prince Marshal: “Yes, that’s the reality of the countries of the Central Continent”

Holy Imperial General: “…”

Crown Prince Marshal: “That’s the issue of swordsmanshi+p Youable to ride a horse is one thing, but how long does it take to learn how to fight from the back of a horse? It’s the sabowman can probably fire ten tie, but that requires long years of training and practice

“Moreover, the ability to use a bow effectively is very dependent on your physical condition It is coo very far with significant penetrative ability is largely dependent on the strength of the individual However, with a bullet propelled by black powder, we can expect even a woical division? Out of the question Each one of the and study”

Holy Imperial General: “That is indeed true”

Crown Prince Marshal: “The fact is that all the weapons that we hu up till now have required an enor a level where they can be used practically in battle A knight takes about 15 years to train A squire e will take 20 years A mercenary is likely to have spent ht They flit from battlefield to battlefield so they h most of them die before that

“Spending tito subject the, so the price is likely to be quite high It is because we use such expensive knights that our country is unable to field an exceptionally large ar arhts Anyorder fro troops will depend on the opinions of the vassal noblemen and the speed of their et cut off, morale will crash almost instantly”

Military Strategist: “Correct That is the reason why the previous expedition failed”

Holy Imperial General: “I understand”

Crown Prince Marshal: “As for muskets…”

cocks musket

Holy I compared to bows, is more similar to crossbows A er sound than a crossbow If it hits its target, it is capable of penetrating eventime required is exceptionally short Even a peasant levy will be able to learn its use in months and take to the field as elite soldiers”

Holy I time…”

Crown Prince Marshal: “You could say that is the only advantage, but it would still be the key to changing everything With thesea war on continuous resources will be , we can change the entire face of battle We can throw a nearly inexhaustible supply of peasants onto the battlefield Compared to other infantry men, these peasants who have been used to a life of poverty and hardshi+p are er distances every day, even bows can shoot faster than muskets? In that case, I just need to field ten tie attack? In that case, I just need to field ten times more musketeers than cavalrymen noblemen have more battle spirit? In that case, I just need to field ten times more musketeers than noblemen All of this is possible because of the musket If we can kill one enemy soldier, it will take them 5-10 years to train another soldier of a similar calibre On the other hand, if they kill one of our soldiers, ill be able to replenish him in a matter of months”

Military Strategist: “But there are other disadvantages”

Crown Prince Marshal: “I will leave you to work out the logistics of the gunpowder”

Military Strategist: “—Understood”

Holy Imperial General: “It sounds wonderful This is a very scary invention, how should I say it…”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Of course, it co this many people, they will require a lot of food, without which ill already begin to incur many casualties”

Military Strategist: “Yes”

Crown Prince Marshal: “Furthermore, once we fire one volley, it will take time to load the next round into the musket In that interval, ill be practically defenceless against the enemy”

Military Strategist: “Correct”

Crown Prince Marshal: “However, if I only had a frontline commander who could deal with these problems, it is no est throughout the land”

Military Strategist: “If only we had the Black General…”

Crown Prince Marshal: “It is useless to dwell on dead people Thatinvolved in a scandal at the palace”

Holy Imperial General: “The Hero of the Seven Miles?”

Crown Prince Marshal: “That is an old story”

Military Strategist: “The Grey King of the Kingdoed our forces With a feords of advice, he was able to turn the situation around”

Crown Prince Marshal: “H command of the army myself”

Military Strategist: “Hahaha It is a long time to the summer”

Holy Imperial General: “I shall speed up the construction of the Villages of Light”

Crown Prince Marshal: “I’ on you The Holy Empire shall rule over the Continent”

——– The Village of Wintering, the Manor of the Deht in the Central Courtyard

(—The world is big and without end Here there are countless people, some are heartless and evil but sole type of existence is possible)


Elder Sister Maid: “!”

Clang! Swoosh!+

Elder Sister Maid: “—!”

Swing! Whoosh!+

Elder Sister Maid: “Hah!”


Elder Sister Maid: “… Pant… Pant…”


Elder Sister Maid: “Heh!”


Elder Sister Maid: “!”

The Female Paladin: “Ah, it’s me”

Elder Sister Maid: “…Female Paladin”

The Female Paladin: “Did I scare you?”

Elder Sister Maid: “Ah No”

The Female Paladin: “This is the sword that the Disciple Soldier used to use a long tiht? I think it’s too heavy for you”

Elder Sister Maid: “But I’m used to it already”

The Feet used to — When did you start?”

Elder Sister Maid: “Since last autumn”

The Female Paladin: “A year…”

Elder Sister Maid: “—”

The Female Paladin: “Shohat you know”

Elder Sister Maid: “Alright”

The Female Paladin: “…”

Elder Sister Maid: “……”

The Female Paladin: “Don’t make such a troubled face I won’t tell anyone”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yeah…”

The Female Paladin: “It’s this sort of era Everyone should know a few self-protection techniques”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yeah”

The Feth You’ve got to use your legs more If you hold the sword so far away, you do increase your power, but your body will be forced to swing in the opposite direction In that situation, you won’t be able to avoid the enemy’s attacks”

Elder Sister Maid: “Is that… so…?”

The Female Paladin: “Yeah”

Elder Sister Maid: “Use s…”

The Female Paladin: “Bend your knees more… Yeah”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yeah… Like… this?”

The Female Paladin: “Turn your body so you hide it in the shadow of your sword Strike towards the head of the enemy, steady your blade Pretend that there is another sword in between you and your opponent Practice th is enough for now You probably don’t have the strength to cut through a suit of arth should be sufficient”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yes…”

The Female Paladin: “Listen to the sound of your breath, don’t transfer your weight to the heel of your foot”

Elder Sister Maid: “…Yes!”


The Female Paladin: “Good”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yes”

The Fe around, flying all over the place, and shi+ning laser beams of destruction all over the place is only possible if you’re of the same class as the Hero Try not to shake your body too much and don’t jump around without purpose Above all, you need to calm down”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yes”

The Feo on”

Swing! Swish!+

Elder Sister Maid: “Hah!”

The Female Paladin: “…”


Elder Sister Maid: “… Hah… Hah…”

The Female Paladin: “Good Stretch out your wrist more”

Elder Sister Maid: “…”

The Female Paladin: “Steel your chest and breathe slowly”

Elder Sister Maid: “Yes…”

The Female Paladin: “…”

Elder Sister Maid: “U?”

The Female Paladin: “What?”

Elder Sister Maid: “Should normal peasants be allowed to hold swords…”

The Female Paladin: “The Holy Order does not think about such pointless things Do you think they should?”

Elder Sister Maid: “…Yes”

The Female Paladin: “It’s late… I wish you the best of dreams, Elder Sister Maid”

Elder Sister Maid: “Thank you very much”

——– In a Bar in a Nameless Settlement

~♪ ~~♪

Disciple Bard: “~♪ …♪”

Elderly Settler: “…”

Drunk Villager: “…Ahh, that was great!”

Innkeeper’s Daughter: “That was a”

Innkeeper: “Ohh, lady, that was a good song Have a glass on the house And if you feel up to it, play another song!”

Disciple Bard: “Of course!”

Elderly Settler: “Ms Bard, I ain’t never seen such an instrument before”

Disciple Bard: “This is a Dragonshead Fiddle It’s got a sweet sound, doesn’t it?”

Elderly Settler: “Yeah, it’s a very pleasant sound”

Drunk Villager: “For a bard to stop by a nondescript village like ours, youby to let us hear a little bit”

Innkeeper: “Indeed”

Disciple Bard: “Oh, really?”

Elderly Settler: “You olden hair you’ve got there”

Drunk Villager: “There’s a country called the Kingdodoms away That place is filled with bards and ood to these artists and the city streets are like music halls Since winter is the season of dom of Ice each winter”

Innkeeper: “Registered minstrels often conised enough When they have sponsors, they’ll stay with them for years That’s why there are live-in bards and even bards hired as private dom of Ice Since there are so many people there, it is known as the Hohout the land have spent some time there, it’s a very festive mood”

Disciple Bard: “Ehh! I’ve co way Apart from this Home of the Bards, is there any other place famous for its music or instruments?”

Elderly Settler: “Hmm, let me think”

Drunk Villager: “Hmm”

Innkeeper: “Well, if it’s about music, there’re two”

Disciple Bard: “Two?”

Innkeeper: “The first is the dom of Ice before so she’s more familiar with that”

Disciple Bard: “Thank you I’ve collectedhere!”

Innkeeper: “I see, I see! Then let ot to stay the night I’ll charge you a good price And you can let the other custon lands”

Disciple Bard: “Sure!”

Innkeeper: “Right First is the music of the bards At pubs and festivals… Well, on the streets and in the shrines, we’ve got a different kind of ht and fun and rowdy I love it The popular ones get transh the countries”



Dragonshead Fiddle: This is olian Horsehead Fiddle (onhead A horsehead fiddle is a bowed instrus, and the scroll is usually carved in the form of a horse’s head


Disciple Bard: “Is it like a chorus?”

Elderly Settler: “What’s a chorus?”

Disciple Bard: “Well, u?”

Innkeeper: “Yeah Musical instru to Froet just one of them, but that’s not really very common Thelike your Dragonshead Fiddle, but the itterns, lyres, those sorts of instruments”

Disciple Bard: “Hmm, I would like to see that”

Innkeeper: “There is one more type of music, and that’s church music”

Disciple Bard: “Church?”

Innkeeper: “In order to give praise to the Spirit, the Church plays so at least a few hy cities tend to have Holy Choir Brigades”

Disciple Bard: “Holy Choir Brigades?”

Innkeeper: “That’s right There’s been a bunch of really talented singers airls The voices of children are ether, theout of this world Unlike bards, church musicians don’t need to e instru as entire sheds”

Innkeeper’s Daughter: “Sheds?!”

Disciple Bard: “By sheds, do youimplements?”

Innkeeper: “That’s the one They’re as big as small houses, really”

Innkeeper’s Daughter: “What!”

Disciple Bard: “How surprising”

Elderly Settler: “It’s true”

Innkeeper: “Furthermore, since bards usually travel alone, they don’t like to use instruments that require their ”

Innkeeper’s Daughter: “Now that you say it, I haven’t really seen many bards with flutes”

Disciple Bard: “I see”

Innkeeper: “Instruments like the fife or the musette, which resemble flutes, are commonly used in the church Of course, there will be bards who are capable of using them as well”

Disciple Bard: “I know fifes…”

Looks around

Disciple Bard: “These, right?”



Lute: A stringed instruuitar, the strings are plucked with fingers The body is shaped like a pear which has been cut into half The front is flat but it has a rounded back

Rebec: An ancestor of the violin This medieval instrument is shaped like a lute but smaller It used to be played with a bow

Gittern: A medieval instrument also known as the citole It also looks like a violin and was plucked by finger

Fife: A ind instrument, but played vertically rather than horizontally It is a relative of the flute and the piccolo

Musette de Cour: A type of bagpipe It is used as an oboe but produces a higher pitch sound


Elderly Settler: “Ahh, I’ve seen this”

Drunk Villager: “My grandpa played this at festivals”

Innkeeper: “That’s right The shape isn’t really the same, but it’s a fife Can you play this too?”

Disciple Bard: “Of course”

Drunk Villager: “Let , miss!”

Innkeeper: “Would you?”

Disciple Bard: “Of course It’s no trouble”

~♪ ~~♪

Disciple Bard: “~♪ ~~♪”

Elderly Settler: “Ahh, how beautiful”

Drunk Villager: “Indeed”

Innkeeper: “I’ve never seen such a skilled bard”

Innkeeper’s Daughter: “Yeah, she’s incredibly good! It’s almost as if a bird had flon from heaven…”

———- The Winter Palace, the Strategy Room

Disciple Merchant: “Hey Hey”

assistant: “Yes” Scampers over

Disciple Merchant: “What are you doing?”

assistant: “I’ up the books”

Disciple Merchant: “Alright Good”

assistant: “Hehe”

Disciple Merchant: “Everyone’s been working like crazy”

assistant: “Work has been insane”

Disciple Merchant: “Is it really that crazy? You just sit there the whole day”

assistant: “It’s because I sit here the whole day that it’s so crazy There’re not a lot of people who can do this sort of work in this country”

Disciple Merchant: “Is that so?”

assistant: “Yes”

Disciple Merchant: “You don’t seem to be fazed by that”

assistant: “I don’t really have anywhere else to go…”

Disciple Merchant: “I see I see”

assistant: “Hehe”

Disciple Merchant: “In that case, I’ll think of so for you to do”

assistant: “What?!”

Disciple Merchant: “Relax A frog will die instantly if it is put in boiling water, but if you slowly increase the teht?”

assistant: “Wait, are you thinking of so terrible?”

Disciple Merchant: “Not at all”

assistant: “Uhhhhhhhh”

Disciple Merchant: “Don’t be so bothered Make me a cup of tea first”

assistant: “Yes”

Runs off

assistant: “Alright, let’s take a look at the work you’ve done Let’s see You’ve done a great job on the accounts Thisyou don’t understand… so that you can ask questions later? You’re learning well How nostalgic Good job”

Flip flip

Disciple Merchant: “Hmm”

“The potato is extreood that you can never stop at just one, which is sad… Which is e need to produce more potatoes”

Disciple Merchant: “…What are you thinking about?”

“Today, a servant girl gave s She asked me out for dinner, but because I was afraid, I ran away Sorry”

Disciple Merchant: “…What is this?”

assistant: “The tea is here”

Disciple Merchant: “Good job!”

assistant: “Really!”

Closes book

Disciple Merchant: “Not bad”

assistant: “Thank you”

Disciple Merchant: “Then shall we deal with the issue of the census records?”

assistant: “Right, I’ve cleared all the census accounts”

Disciple Merchant: “Very good So what is your estimate?”

assistant: “Estimate…?”

Disciple Merchant: “Yeah How et?”

assistant: “Surely that’s just se”

Disciple Merchant: “It dom of Winter, the country’s e proportion of that comes directly from the taxation of production and currency transfers This co and autumn In other words, while this is a source of incoh h the next season and we’d end up starving We’ve got to carefully plan our spending That’s quite iht?”

assistant: “Yes it is… But if it’s so i about it up till now?”

Disciple Merchant: “Because the scale has been so small You need to have the acumen of a merchant”

assistant: “?”

Disciple Merchant: “It also increases the adom of Winter, forfood and monetary aid from the central Continent There were a lot of settlers but those wereto lose, those whom had hoped to avoid the heavy taxation in the Central Continent At the time, to survive properly in the country, it would require a large gamble on the part of each individual But noe have potatoes Because of the potatoes, the population can increase and we can escape from the binds of the curse set on us by the Central Continent That is how the Southern United Kingdoms were able to plan for independence

“Up till now, in this ti due to various incidents This has exacerbated the situation, which ishave to deal with this in this manner”

assistant: “So it’s kind of like when the father leaves the house and the brother assumes his responsibilities?”

Disciple Merchant: “That’s a good analogy”

assistant: “Hehehe”

Disciple Merchant: “Because of the Tripartite Econoed to achieve soains in production However, it’s clear that there are soain dom of Metal, but every year our need for wood increases Our kingdoms have quite a few forests but even these have limitations On top of that, we also lack horses and brass, spices, and textiles”

assistant: “…”

Disciple Merchant: “Well, for all of these, ill require is help Thethat we need”

assistant: “Then what should I do?”

Disciple Merchant: “That’s your job To figure out what it is that you should do”



Brass: An alloy created from the fusion of copper and zinc, which was produced in very large quantities around the 17th century The standard ratio is 65 copper and 35 zinc, but sometimes the amount of copper is more or less The more copper there is, the redder the brass becomes; the less copper there is, the whiter the brass becomes When more than 40 is zinc, the old and is hence often used as a replacee of brass would be the 5 yen coin Most gold-coloured instruments like trumpets are also made from brass


assistant: “Ummm Ummm”

Disciple Merchant: “What’s the ?”