Part 10 (1/2)


New York, New York.

Back in Hong Kong, right after Mother had helped me bring in the luggage and closed the door, she lowered her voice as if to divulge a secret. ”While you were away, some gweilo gweilo has called several times.” has called several times.”

My heart started to pound. ”Oh, what's his name?”

”Mic Ko something. He said he called from the United States.” Mother eyed me suspiciously. ”Who is this foreign devil?”

”Nothing, Ma-”

”You mean this man is nothing, or he wants nothing from you?”


”If a man's mouth says he wants nothing, that always means he does want something, you understand?” She paused. ”I don't like foreign devils-they always want more, more, more!” Now she stared at me through her pinched eyes. ”But then when you want to get married, they don't want you anymore!”

”Ma, no one is talking anything about getting married!”

”Oh, if you react so strongly, that means you're thinking about it, right?!”

”Ma!” I decided to lie to save myself from more motherly hara.s.sment. ”I think it must be the Asia Society in New York, which might be interested in my application for a position.”

Mother looked happy. ”Good. Now let me fix some tonic soup to invigorate you after the plane ride,” she said, then whistled ”One Day When We Were Young” all the way to the kitchen.

Although I was dying to call Michael right back, I decided to wait a little.

Mother prepared a big dinner. ”This is to celebrate your Ph.D.” she said, then started to pile fish, chicken, shrimp, and vegetables onto my plate.

Starved from the unsatisfying airplane meals, I was hungry for my mother's delicious cooking and ate with great relish. As I was raking rice into my mouth with my chopsticks, I noticed that she was not eating.

”Ma, are you not hungry?”

”Ah”-she looked at me as if I were her first love, then rolled her eyes heavenward-”I don't know how an ignorant woman like me can give birth to a doctor daughter like you!”

I reached to pat her hand. Just then the phone rang and Mother dashed to pick it up.

She cupped the receiver and made a face. ”It's that same gweilo! gweilo!”

I went up to s.n.a.t.c.h the receiver from Mother and waved her away. ”Michael?”

”Meng Ning?”

A silence. Then Michael's voice again. ”Meng Ning, where have you been? I was worried about you!”

He sounded so upset that I didn't have the heart to blame him for not calling me earlier. ”I Paris.”

”Your mother told me that, but she wouldn't give me your phone number.”

”I'm sorry, Michael. She doesn't trust strangers.”

”It's all right. So you've gotten your Ph.D.?”


”Congratulations, Meng Ning. I'm so happy for you!”


Another pause. His voice now sounded low and edgy, as if he hadn't slept for days. ”I'm so sorry I didn't call you earlier. The operator tried many times, but couldn't connect from Tibet to Hong Kong. Then when I tried from the States, you'd already left for Paris.”

”Michael, I'm sorry about all that...but anyway, I'm talking to you now.” A pause, then I asked, ”How's Professor Fulton?”

”He had a stroke while collecting antique thangkas thangkas in Lhasa. When I arrived, the local doctors were treating him with Tibetan medicine, which I didn't understand at all. I immediately booked a flight, brought him back, and put him in New York Hospital.” in Lhasa. When I arrived, the local doctors were treating him with Tibetan medicine, which I didn't understand at all. I immediately booked a flight, brought him back, and put him in New York Hospital.”

Michael went on to tell me that fortunately it was only a mild stroke, so the Professor's partial loss of memory and motor function would only be temporary. Already he could eat on his own and move around, though with a walker.

”You don't have to worry, Meng Ning. He's fine now,” Michael said, sounding more relaxed. Then he changed the subject. ”Will you come to the States to see me?”

I didn't know how to respond to this for several seconds. Then I felt his antic.i.p.ation rolling toward me from the other side of the world.

”Meng Ning, you there?”


”Will you come? Please...”

I didn't know what to say. Wasn't he angry with me? If I went to see him in the States, what would happen? Would he still be serious about me, even though I'd turned him down?

I covered my chest, fearing that my heart would flutter out of me. In the intimate silence stretching across the Pacific Ocean, I imagined myself listening to his breathing and touching his eyebrows, which resembled the Chinese character ”one” saturated with qi. qi....

”Meng Ning, please.” Michael's urgent voice rose again. ”Please say yes.”

A moment later I looked at the telephone receiver, now back on the table. I had agreed.

I went back to finish my celebration dinner. I decided not to tell Mother about Michael-not yet.

So, when she asked about my long-distance telephone conversation, I said, ”Ma, it's the Asia Society in New York. So I'm going to the United States for a job interview.”

”Wow, Meng Ning.” A big smile bloomed on her face. ”Now good luck finally pours into our house one after another!” she enthused, beginning again to pile food on my plate until it'd become a miniature meat mountain.

So barely two weeks after I'd come back from Paris I was packing again. My hands were busy smoothing the tiny red flower on a pair of black lace bikini panties, from which Mother's suspicious eyes seemed unwilling to part.

Then my mother, who'd never been to New York, but who had her opinion about any city, told me emphatically, ”Meng Ning, when you take a taxi in New York, you have to make sure you never take your eyes off the meter, because the driver has fixed it to jump faster.”