Part 24 (2/2)

”No matter where he is, we'll get him,” declared Ned. ”He hasn't been away a great while, and it may turn out that his absence is perfectly natural.”

”And if it's due to the plots of any of his rivals,” said Mr. Damon, ”I'll denounce them all as traitors, bless my insurance policy, if I don't! And that's what they are! They're playing into the hands of the enemy!”

”All right,” said Ned. ”But the thing to do now is to get Tom. Perhaps Mrs. Baggert can help us.”

It developed that the housekeeper was of more a.s.sistance in giving information than was Mr. Swift.

”It was several hours ago,” she said, ”that the telephone rang and some one asked for Tom. The operator s.h.i.+fted the call to the phone out in the tank shop where he was, and Tom began to talk. The operator, as Tom had instructed her, listened in, as Tom wants always a witness to most matters that go on over his wires of late.”

”What did she hear?” asked Ned eagerly.

”She heard what she thought was your voice, I believe,” the housekeeper said.

”Me!” cried the young bank clerk. ”I haven't talked to Tom to-day, over the phone or any other way. But what next?”

”Well, the operator didn't listen much after that, knowing that any talk between Tom and you was of a nature not to need a witness. Tom hung up and then he came in here, quite excited, and began to get ready to go out.”

”What was he excited about?” asked Mr. Damon. ”Bless my unlucky stars, but a person ought to keep calm under such circ.u.mstances! That's the only way to do! Keep calm! Great Scott! But if I had my way, all those German spies would be--Oh, pshaw! Nothing is too bad for them! It makes my blood boil when I think of what they've done! Tom should have kept cool!”

”Go on. What was Tom excited about?” Ned turned to the housekeeper.

”Well, he said you had called him to tell him to meet you over at that farmer's place,” went on Mrs. Baggert. ”He said you had some news for him about the men who had tried to get hold of some of his tank secrets, and he was quite worked up over the chance of catching the rascals.”

”Whew!” whistled Ned. ”This is getting more complicated every minute.

There's something deep here, Mr. Damon.”

”I agree with you, Ned. And the sooner we find Tom Swift the better.

What next, Mrs. Baggert?”

”Well, Tom got ready and went away in his small automobile. He said he'd be back as soon as he could after meeting you.”

”And I never said a word to him!” cried Ned. ”It's all a plot--a scheme of that Blakeson gang to get him into their power. Oh, how could Tom be so fooled? He knows my voice, over the phone as well as otherwise. I don't see how he could be taken in.”

”Let's ask the telephone operator,” suggested Mr. Damon. ”She knows your voice, too. Perhaps she can give us a clew.”

A talk with the young woman at the telephone switchboard in the Swift plant brought out a new point. This was that the speaker, in response to whose information Tom Swift had left home, had not said he was Ned Newton.

”He said,” reported Miss Blair, ”that he was speaking for you, Mr.

Newton, as you were busy in the bank. Whoever it was, said you wanted Tom to meet you at the Kanker farm. I heard that much over the wire, and naturally supposed the message came from you.”

”Well, that puts a little different face on it,” said Mr. Damon. ”Tom wasn't deceived by the voice, then, for he must have thought it was some one speaking for you, Ned.”

”But the situation is serious, just the same,” declared Ned. ”Tom has gone to keep an appointment I never made, and the question is with whom will he keep it?”

”That's it!” cried the eccentric man. ”Probably some of those scoundrels were waiting at the farm for him, and they've got him no one knows where by this time!”
