Volume IV Part 74 (1/2)

_Records of the Federal Convention of 1787._ Edited by Max Farrand. 3 vols. New Haven. 1911. (_Records Fed. Conv._: Farrand.)

REIGART, J. FRANKLIN. Life of Robert Fulton. Philadelphia. 1856.

RICHARDSON, JAMES DANIEL, _compiler_. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. 10 vols. Was.h.i.+ngton. 1900.


RITCHIE, THOMAS. _See_ Ambler, Charles Henry.

ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. Naval War of 1812. New York. 1882. (Roosevelt.)

SARGENT, NATHAN. Public Men and Events, from 1817 to 1853. 2 vols.

Philadelphia. 1875. (Sargent.)

SCHERMERHORN, JOHN F., _and_ MILLS, SAMUEL J. A Correct View of that Part of the United States which lies west of the Allegany Mountains, with regard to Religion and Morals. Hartford. 1814.

SCHURZ, CARL. Henry Clay. 2 vols. Boston. 1887. [American Statesmen.]

s.h.i.+RLEY, JOHN M. The Dartmouth College Causes and the Supreme Court of the United States. St. Louis. 1879. (s.h.i.+rley.)

SMITH, BAXTER PERRY. The History of Dartmouth College. Boston. 1878.

SMITH, ROBERT. An Address to the People of the United States. London.


SMITH, _Mrs._ SAMUEL HARRISON. _See_ Hunt, Gaillard.

SOUTH CAROLINA. Statutes at Large. _See_ McCord, David James.

_Southern Literary Messenger._ Richmond, Va. 1834-64.

STEINER, BERNARD CHRISTIAN. Life and Correspondence of James McHenry.

Cleveland. 1907. (Steiner.)

STORY, JOSEPH. Life and Letters. Edited by William Wetmore Story. 2 vols. Boston. 1851. (Story.)

STRICKLAND, WILLIAM PETER, _editor_. _See_ Cartwright, Peter.

Autobiography. (Strickland.)

SUMNER, WILLIAM GRAHAM. Andrew Jackson. As a Public Man. Boston. 1882.

[American Statesmen.] (Sumner: _Jackson_.)

---- A History of American Currency. New York. 1875. (Sumner: _Hist. Am.


TANEY, ROGER BROOKE. _See_ Tyler, Samuel.

TAYLOR, JOHN. Construction Construed and Const.i.tutions Vindicated.

Richmond. 1820. (Taylor: _Construction Construed_.)