Volume III Part 11 (1/2)

[194] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 99.

[195] Morris notes in his diary that, on the same day, the Senate resolved ”to admit a short-hand writer to their floor. This is the beginning of mischief.” (Morris, II, 416-17.)

[196] January 27, 1802.

[197] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 149.

[198] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 150.

Burr's action was perfectly correct. As an impartial presiding officer, he could not well have done anything else. Alexander J. Dallas, Republican Attorney-General of Pennsylvania, wrote the Vice-President a letter approving his action. (Dallas to Burr, Feb. 3, 1802, Davis: _Memoirs of Aaron Burr_, II, 82.) Nathaniel Niles, a rampant Republican, sent Burr a letter thanking him for his vote. As a Republican, he wanted his party to be fair, he said. (Niles to Burr, Feb. 17, 1802, _ib._ 83-84.) Nevertheless, Burr's vote was seized upon by his enemies as the occasion for beginning those attacks upon him which led to his overthrow and disgrace. (See chaps. VI, VII, VIII, and IX of this volume.)

[199] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 178-79.

[200] See Appendix A to this volume.

[201] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 179.

[202] _Ib._ 180.

[203] It was five o'clock (_ib._ 178) when Senator Breckenridge began to speak; it must have been well after six when Senator Morris rose to answer him.

[204] _Ib._ 180.

[205] _Ib._ 180.

[206] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 181.

[207] Troup to King, April 9, 1802, King, IV, 103.

[208] Bayard to Ba.s.sett, Jan. 25, 1802, _Papers of James A. Bayard_: Donnan, 146-47.

[209] Except Colhoun of South Carolina, converted by Tracy. See _supra_, 62.

[210] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 183.

[211] _Ib._ 510. A correspondent of the _Columbian Centinel_, reporting the event, declared that ”the stand which the Federal Senators have made to preserve the Const.i.tution, has been manly and glorious. They have immortalized their names, while those of their opposers will be execrated as the a.s.sa.s.sins of the Const.i.tution.” (_Columbian Centinel_, Feb. 17, 1802.)

[212] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 518-19.

[213] _Ib._ 521-22.

[214] See vol. II, 532, 541.

[215] _Was.h.i.+ngton Federalist_, Feb. 13, 1802.

[216] Henderson in _North Carolina Booklet_, XVII, 66.

[217] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 529-30.

[218] See _infra_, chap. IV.

[219] _Annals_, 7th Cong. 1st Sess. 531.