Part 38 (2/2)
”Worse and worse, Conny; can't I even know who has supplanted me?”
”It's a great secret, and must be carefully guarded, but, I believe I will confide that much to you, as it does not conflict with any promises.”
”Well! I listen.”
”Doctor Heath is protected by an able detective. His name I must not communicate.”
Ray Vandyck opened wide his handsome eyes, and gave vent to a long, low whistle.
”Conny, you are too deep for me,” he said; ”I am all at sea; I will drop the subject, as it is working severely upon my curiosity.”
For a few moments they sat in silence, Constance thinking how much she regretted not asking Mr. Bathurst to make himself known to this loyal friend, who must now be kept in ignorance, however worthy he might be of all confidence, and Ray thinking of something that caused his face to sadden, and his eyes to darken with inward pain. Presently he drew a little nearer his hostess, and asked, in a low, sorrowful tone:
”Conny, have you seen her lately?”
”Not for a week or more, Ray.”
”I saw her yesterday.”
”And she,” anxiously; ”did she see you, Ray?”
”No, thank G.o.d! she was driving with her mother, and, Con.,” his voice broke and he turned his face away; ”I wish you would go to her.”
”Why, Ray?”
”Because--oh, you should have seen her face. She is suffering horribly; she is dying by inches.”
At early morn on the next day, Jasper Lamotte and his son, Frank, were seated together in the dining-room of Mapleton.
Jasper Lamotte was hurriedly eating a bountiful and appetizing lunch, and was.h.i.+ng it down with plenty of light claret; and Frank was seated near the table, smoking a strong segar, and giving an attentive ear to the words of his sire.
”This is the first time that we have got the lead on Burrill,” said the elder Lamotte, ”and in some way it must be made to count. Drunk or sober, heretofore, he has looked after his interests too closely to serve ours.”
”The devil's got into Burrill,” replied Frank, bending forward to knock the ashes from his black segar; ”and into the rest of the family too, I should say; Evan has been bad enough any time within the memory of man, but look at him now. Why, he has not been sober for ten days.”
”Well, he is sober this morning.”
”Really, have you seen him?”
”Yes. I went to his room to ask him some questions about Burrill. I found him white as a cloth, and quite as limp; he had overdone himself at his last carouse; is as sick as a dog, and on the verge of delirium tremens if a man ever was. He won't get out of his bed for a few days, if I am a judge; the room was full of medical perfumes, and his mother was trying to induce him to drink some hot coffee.”