Part 36 (1/2)
The three days that followed were days of unrest to Constance Wardour.
The intangible, yet distinctly realized trouble, and fear, and dread, were new experiences in her bright life.
The mystery round about her, her inability to cope with the unknown, the inaction, the waiting, was almost more than she could calmly endure; and all this distress of mind and unrest of body was for others. Personally, she had nothing to fear, nothing to annoy her; but the warm-hearted heiress made a friend's cause her own. From the first she had grieved over the sad fate of Sybil Lamotte; not lightly, not as society sorrows over the fall of its some _proteges_; but deeply, from her heart of hearts. And now there was added to this, her concern for Clifford Heath, and the danger that menaced him tormented her.
If her own honor were threatened she could not have been more troubled and full of fear; for in rebellion, in self-contempt, in a fierce burst of rage against the heart she could not control, Constance Wardour, heiress and queen absolute, was forced to confess to that heart that Clifford Heath's happiness was her happiness too.
Having been forced to recognize this fact, against her wish and will, Constance came to a better understanding with herself, and she confessed to herself, with cheeks aflame at the recollection, that her petulant outbreak, and shameful accusation against Doctor Heath, was but the mutinous struggle of the head against the heart's acknowledged master.
Too late came this self confession. Sybil Lamotte's letter had never been found; the mystery surrounding its disappearance, remained a mystery; and, how could she recall her accusation, while the circ.u.mstances under which it was made remained unchanged? Realizing that she owed him reparation, she was yet powerless to make it.
”It would be equivalent to a confession, that I could not be happy without his friends.h.i.+p,” she said, hotly. ”And he would not accept an apology while his innocence remained unproven. Let me suffer the consequences of my own folly; I deserve it; but,” setting her white teeth resolutely, ”no harm shall come to him that I can avert; and, I am not the weakest of women.”
Oh, the perversity of women. Who can comprehend it? Who a.n.a.lyze the mysterious creatures?
When there was against Clifford Heath only a breath of suspicion, a few whispered words from his own lips, that might mean nothing of importance, when calmly reconsidered; a missing letter, with the contents of which he was familiar, and which, therefore, could be of little value to him, and it was enough. He stood before her accused, and went out from her presence wronged, insulted, splendid as King Arthur in his helpless indignation.
Now the detective's strong chain of evidence, John Burrill's strange insinuations, and still stranger conduct, his words when he spoke, his reticence when he kept silence, all were arrayed against him, with telling effect, and in spite of them all, Constance Wardour angrily a.s.sured herself, and fully believed, that Clifford Heath was a wronged, and innocent man. She did not reason herself into this belief; and it was absurd, of course. She arrived at her conclusions, as all loving women do, through her feelings, and her instinct. A woman seldom reasons, but in many cases her ready intuition is worth more than all man's wisdom. Her delicate instinct strikes directly at the truth, when man's reason gropes in darkness.
Constance went out very little during these troubled days, and for this there were several reasons. John Burrill's obtrusiveness was at its height, and he fairly haunted the vicinity of Wardour; and since the advent of Mr. Belknap, Constance had an uneasy feeling that she was in some way, under surveillance. Nelly, who was argus-eyed, and always in armor on behalf of her mistress, had, on one or two occasions, spied a lurker about the premises; and Constance was resolved to give Mr.
Belknap as little trouble, on her account, as possible. She had not visited Sybil for some days, for, although she had informed the detective that she desired to consult Mr. Lamotte, she had no such intentions; and, since the day when she had promised Mr. Lamotte to retain the detective for another week, she had avoided meeting him, and being forced to resume the conversation.
To know herself under the watchful eye of one detective, while anxiously expecting the advent of another, and to be aware that the presence of the one must not be made known to the other, afforded her a new and strange sensation; not altogether an unpleasant one either, for Constance was no coward, and had a decided taste for adventure.
She realized, too, the absurdity of being thus shadowed in her own house, by her own hired agent.
”I should go down to posterity as the first woman who ever hired a spy to watch herself,” she mused with a little laugh. ”I begin to think that I _am_ an absurd creature, throughout.”
Two days pa.s.sed, and Constance endured them, although the hours crept slowly. On the third, her anxiety was almost beyond control.
If Bathurst should fail her! If her letter had not found him! If he were absent from the city! Oh, what a chance was here for disaster. Mr.
Belknap would soon be in the field, and Ray's time had almost expired.
”Oh,” she said, anxiously, ”if he disappoints me, what _shall_ I do. I must trust Ray, and will he be strong enough to battle with this danger?”
While she mused thus, growing wild with anxiety, a half grown boy, bearing on his head a small tray of delicate ivory carvings, was applying for admittance at the servants' entrance. He was shabbily dressed, but possessed a fine, intelligent face, and bore himself with cool confidence.
”I have brought the carving for Miss Wardour,” he said, briskly. ”Can I see her, please?”
Nelly hesitated.
”She expects me,” said the boy, quickly; ”and, as I am a little late, I would like to show her the wares and be off, for I've more to sell in the village. Just tell her it's the chap she's looking for.”
Constance stared in surprise when Nelly delivered this message.
”The chap I am looking for,” she repeated slowly; then, with a sudden brightening of her whole face, she added: ”Oh, to be sure? I had almost forgotten. Send him here, at once, Nelly.”