Part 8 (1/2)
When they are once more seated, he turns to Constance.
”They gave you a very light dose of chloroform, Miss Wardour.”
”Very light,” she replies; ”and that was most fortunate for me.”
”How fortunate?”
”Allow me to explain,” interrupts Doctor Heath. ”Miss Wardour possesses one of those peculiar const.i.tutions upon which all opiates act with disastrous effect. It is fortunate that a cautious hand,--I was about to say a skilled hand,--administered the drug. I could swear that not the half of an ordinary dose was given her, for a full dose would have prostrated her for days; and the quant.i.ty it would require to make you or me sleep soundly for half the night, would kill her outright.”
”Ah!” says the detective, softly, to himself. ”Ah-h-h!”
”Now I wonder;” it is Mrs. Aliston who speaks. ”I _wonder_ how in the world you knew that they had given my niece only a small dose.”
”Very easily, madame. The phial is very small, and it is now over two-thirds full.”
”That, indeed!” murmurs Mrs. Aliston, feeling somehow extinguished, while the others smile at his simple explanation.
”And now,” says the detective, ”for my deductions. First, then, the robbers did not enter these grounds last night for the first time. They did not enter the library at random, or because that window could be easily forced. They, whoever they were, knew their grounds, not only from without, but from within. The disturbance in the library is only a ruse,--the robbers wanted nothing, knew they should find nothing, there.
They were not amateurs; yet, somehow, in this case, they bungled somewhat in their work. Before they approached this house, every thing was planned, and all was done as planned. They were systematic, therefore successful; and yet--they bungled. They came by the river,--came in a boat, with oars m.u.f.fled; they came by the footpath over the river slope, and entered your garden by leaping the fence just below the gate, which was locked. Then they followed the footpaths through the shrubbery, and straight to that library window. They came there because they knew it to be the library window, and they wished to cross the library because they knew that from the door of that room they stepped at once upon the stairs, thus having the nearest, easiest and safest route to Miss Wardour's rooms. Either they found her door unlocked, or they were prepared with skeleton keys. Was the door locked, Miss Wardour?”
”It was locked.”
”It was locked. They then used a skeleton key, entered, and knowing just the proportion of chloroform Miss Wardour could bear, they administered it carefully, secured the booty without further trouble, and made their escape without detection.”
No remarks from his listeners. They sit amazed, incredulous, admiring, yet speechless.
”Now, I see I had better prove my statements,” goes on Mr. Bathurst, looking from one to another with a smile of easy superiority. ”Miss Wardour is beginning to think that I _do_ belong to the G.o.dmother species, and yet, it's all very simple.”
”No doubt,” retorts Doctor Heath, drily; ”yet we are willing to endure your simple explanation.”
”I say the robbers came by the river,” continues the detective. ”Before sundown I sauntered along the river bank; to-morrow I can show you traces, indistinct but sufficient, to prove that a boat has been drawn out of the water, and overturned upon the gra.s.s; keel, prow and oar-locks have left their traces. There is also the print of a clubbed and m.u.f.fled oar, above the water mark, where an impatient hand has pushed off the boat. Here is blunder number one. All these traces might have been avoided or obliterated.”
He pauses a moment, but his listeners sit, a very respectful audience, and are inclined neither to question or argue. So he continues:
”I said that the robbers entered purposely at that particular window, and because they were familiar with the interior of the house. Now I have examined all of the windows of this floor, and I find that a person unfamiliar with the inside of the building, and not aware which of the upper rooms were occupied, would have chosen differently. The dining-room windows, from without, would seem much more inviting; still more, the drawing-room windows. Naturally, our burglars would select a window which was tolerably easy of access, and where they knew there was the least chance of being overheard and observed from above. Now, the dining-room windows are close to the ground, and the awnings cut off all chance for observation from above; but--they knew that Miss Wardour's coachman sleeps in a small room just in the rear of the dining-room.”
This was too much for Mrs. Aliston.
”Now, how _did_ you find that out?” she asks, with staring eyes.
”From my friend, the gardener,” he replies. ”Oh, I am quite familiar with things about here. The very best place for a burglar to operate would be these windows,” motioning toward the front of the drawing room; ”he could stand in comfort on the lower balcony, screened by the upper, and cut away at shutters and panes; but, our burglars knew that Miss Wardour's rooms were directly above, and that Miss Wardour is a light sleeper. Now, the very place that would be shunned by an unfamiliar robber, is this very library window; it is higher than the others, has a little thicket of shrubs just beneath it, and is overlooked from above, being near an angle, by six windows. But our burglars knew that not one of those rooms to which the six windows belong, are occupied; and that the servants all sleep on the opposite side of the house. Now, then, I say that the robbers knew Miss Wardour's sensitiveness to the effects of chloroform; how else can we account for the fact of their giving just enough to cause her to sleep, and not enough to cause any unpleasant after effects. We can call it a coincidence, but it is one not likely to happen; Doctor Heath knows that.”
”True,” responds Doctor Heath; ”in a matter of this sort one would hardly be likely to make so fortunate a blunder, or guess.”
The detective pauses a moment, and then concludes: ”My reasons for saying that the robbers entered the garden by leaping the low fence just below the gate, are, first, that gate creaks loudly when opened or shut, and they knew this, and therefore avoided it; and, second, one of them, the heavier of the two, came over with sufficient force to leave the imprint of his right boot heel in the ground. It was the right heel, because the deepest side of the indentation is to the right, and he would naturally strike the ground with the weight resting on the outside of the foot; and here, my friends, as the lawyers have it, I rest my case.”
”And a very clear case it looks,” says Doctor Heath.