Part 6 (1/2)
The main trail, which turns to the left, should be followed. It continues the climb towards the northeast. About half a mile westward are the two ~Quarter Domes~ (Alt. 8160 and 8276). At an alt.i.tude of 8200 we pa.s.s a spring. Above this the trail rises sharply by zigzags to the base of the ~Pinnacles~ (Alt. 9451). A climb of a few hundred feet along their east flank takes us near the summit of ~Clouds Rest~ (Alt. 9924). A short branch trail up the steep and rocky slope leads to the crest, from which is a vast view in all directions. This is the highest of the Yosemite Valley summits.
We descend again to the trail, which turns northeast and follows along the canyon rim, keeping generally just east of the crest. In two miles the cut-off trail from Little Yosemite joins from the right. After gradually bearing to the left, now on the Tenaya Canyon slope, we pa.s.s a small lake at the right of the trail. The lake contains no fish, but upstream one mile is ~Mildred Lake~ (Alt. 9600), in which are some very large trout.
Traversing ~Forsyth Pa.s.s~, the picturesque trail now descends 1000 feet in the next two and a half miles over rough granite to the rocky meadows just below ~Lake Tenaya~ (Alt. 8141). This large, deep glacial lake is beautifully surrounded by granite crags and domes. Its Indian name, Py-we-ack, meant ”lake of the glistening rocks,” referring to the glacier-polished granite at its upper end. The lake and the peak to the east were renamed ”Tenaya” when the last remnant of Chief Tenaya's Yosemite Tribe was captured here by the Mariposa Battalion on June 5, 1851. There is here good camping, and pasturage seems abundant, but horses do not like it and should therefore be hobbled to prevent straying. The lake was stocked with Loch Leven trout in 1911 and with rainbow, eastern brook, black spotted and steelhead in 1917, 1918 and 1919, but fis.h.i.+ng is only fair. Crossing the meadows at the outlet our trail joins the ~Tioga Road~, which follows the western margin of the lake to the ~Tenaya Lake Lodge~, about one and a half miles distant, where good accommodations will be found. The road continues up the canyon to ~Tuolumne Meadows~ seven and a half miles distant, and to Mono Lake.
From Tenaya Lake to Mirror Lake are two trails, which unite after about two and a half miles. The first of these starts from the road just beyond the sharp bend about one and a quarter miles from the lake and bears southwest thru the forest. The other, which is far more scenic, crosses the meadow and park-like forest below the lake, pa.s.sing a beautiful little unnamed lake where good camp sites and horse-feed will be found, but no fis.h.i.+ng. Beyond this is a gradual 300-foot ascent along an open ridge. Below is the deep chasm of the inaccessible and little known ~Tenaya Canyon~. The unbroken granite abutments of ~Clouds Rest~ sweep down almost 4000 feet. After each snowstorm these cliffs shed avalanche after avalanche. At about two and a half miles from Tenaya Lake the less scenic trail from the Tioga Road joins from the right. Descending southwest thru timber the trail ~Hidden Lake~ (Alt. 8400--picturesque but no fis.h.i.+ng) which is to the left of the trail but invisible without making a detour. About two miles further is ~Tenmile Meadow~ (Alt. 8400) on a small tributary of ~Tenaya Creek~. This is a good place to noon. There is here fine horse-feed, also good camp sites, but no fis.h.i.+ng.
An abrupt climb of 650 feet now takes us over a spur ridge and to the source of the east branch of ~Snow Creek~. There is here a small meadow at the left of the trail, where good horse-feed and camp sites will be found. A 1500-foot descent by zigzags thru scattered timber takes us down a side canyon to ~Snow Creek~, across which is a foot-log. About 300 yards beyond the crossing, the ~North Dome Trail~ (Trail Trip 4) turns northwest and follows up the west branch of Snow Creek. We turn left, pa.s.sing thru a beautiful forest of Jeffrey pine, lodgepole pine and fir. Fis.h.i.+ng is fair, but the trout are small.
About one mile below the crossing we suddenly emerge at the rim of the canyon between ~Mt. Watkins~ (Alt. 8235) at the left and ~Basket Dome~ (Alt. 7602) at the right. The following abrupt descent of 2500 feet by 108 switchbacks takes us to the bottom of ~Tenaya Canyon~. Turning downstream our trail enters a dense forest of oaks, laurel, pine and cedar. One mile of almost level path takes us to ~Mirror Lake~, where we skirt the west sh.o.r.e to the end of the road. Yosemite is three miles distant by road.
Reverse of Trail Trip 5
(32.25 miles--2-day trip)
~Tenaya Lake~ is one of the gems of the High Sierra. The very scenic two-day round trip from Yosemite is too long and strenuous to be attempted in one day. Excellent accommodations will be found at Tenaya Lake Lodge, but reservations should be made in advance by telephone.
If the trip is to be taken in the following direction one should start early to avoid the intense heat of the zigzags above Mirror Lake.
Water should be carried.
The trail starts at ~Mirror Lake~, three miles from Yosemite. One should plan to see sunrise there (about 8 a.m. in summer). Skirting the west sh.o.r.e the trail follows up the canyon about one mile, thru a dense forest of oak, laurel, yellow pine, Douglas fir and incense cedar. Then begins a long, hard climb of 2500 feet up 108 switchbacks (one and a half miles--two hours).
Above the rim of the canyon the trail follows the west bank of ~Snow Creek~. Fis.h.i.+ng is fair but the trout small. Further down stream are picturesque cascades. After pa.s.sing thru a forest of Jeffrey pine, lodgepole pine and fir for about one mile the trail to North Dome and Tioga Road (Trail Trip 4) branches to the left. Our trail turns right and crosses ~Snow Creek~ (foot-log) about 300 yards beyond. We then climb 1500 feet by zigzags up an east branch of Snow Creek thru scattered timber. At the headwaters of this creek is a small meadow at the right of the trail, a good campsite with forage fairly abundant.
Rising over a spur ridge, the trail drops abruptly about 650 feet to ~Tenmile Meadow~ (Alt. 8400) on a small tributary of ~Tenaya Creek~.
This is a good place to noon. It is a fine camp and horse-feed is abundant, but there is no fis.h.i.+ng. Climbing to the northeast thru timber the trail ~Hidden Lake~ (Alt. 8400--picturesque, but no fis.h.i.+ng), which is a short distance to the right of the trail but not visible from it. About two and a half miles beyond Tenmile Meadow the trail forks. The left branch leads to the ~Tioga Road~, about one mile distant, which may then be followed to Lake Tenaya. The trail to the right is far more scenic. It follows an open granite ridge revealing the wonderfully glaciated canyon below and ~Clouds Rest~ opposite.
Down the canyon are Half Dome and the head of Yosemite Valley.
Descending about 300 feet the trail a beautiful little unnamed lake, where are good camp sites and abundant pasturage, but no fis.h.i.+ng. From here the trail traverses almost level meadows and a scattered forest of lodgepole pine one mile to ~Lake Tenaya~ (Alt.
8141). This large, deep glacial lake is beautifully surrounded by granite crags and domes and is a splendid place for a permanent camp.
Its Indian name was Py-we-ack, or ”lake of the glistening rocks,”
because of the glacier-polished granite pavements near the north end.
On June 5, 1851, when the last remnant of old Chief Tenaya's Yosemite Tribe was captured here by the Mariposa Battalion, the lake and the dominant pyramidal peak at the east were renamed ”Tenaya.” Forage is abundant in the vicinity but it is not liked by horses, so stock should be hobbled. The lake was stocked with Loch Leven trout in 1911 and with rainbow, eastern brook, black spotted and steelhead in 1917, 1918 and 1919, but fis.h.i.+ng is only fair. The ~Tioga Road~ follows around the western margin of the lake to ~Tenaya Lake Lodge~, about one and a half miles distant, where good accommodations will be found.
The road continues up the canyon to ~Tuolumne Meadows~, seven and a half miles distant, and to ~Mono Lake~.
Our return trail starts just below the lake. Crossing the meadow it mounts the east slope steadily climbing 1000 feet up the rough granite to ~Forsyth Pa.s.s~, two and a half miles distant. Fine views are obtained all along the trail. Near the summit a small shallow lake can be seen east of the trail. By leaving the trail and following up the small stream about one mile, ~Mildred Lake~ (Alt. 9600) can be reached. This little lake contains some very large trout. From Forsyth Pa.s.s the trail follows southwest along the rim of Tenaya Canyon about two miles and then forks. The trail to the left descends thru timber about three miles and joins the ~Sunrise Trail~, making the shortest route to Yosemite. The trail to the right leads to Clouds Rest and is far more scenic than the cut-off. It follows just east of the canyon rim for about two miles and joins the ~Clouds Rest Trail~. A short, steep ascent by foot over rough granite takes us to ~Clouds Rest~ (Alt. 9925), the highest point near Yosemite. From here is a vast panorama to all sides. Returning to the trail we descend thru stunted forest and rough granite. To the right are ~The Pinnacles~ (Alt.
9451). The trail descends about 1000 feet by switchbacks to a spring.
~Quarter Domes~ (Alt. 8160 and 8276) are half a mile west on the canyon rim. The trail descends thru denser and denser forest. A short distance below, the ~Sunrise Trail~ joins from the east. After trending westward along a bench the trail is joined from the northwest by the ~Half Dome Trail~. Descending thru the pine forest, we now and then are treated to glimpses of ~Mt. Starr King~ across Little Yosemite. About one-third of a mile takes us to another junction where a branch trail turns left descending 400 feet into Little Yosemite.
The main trail to the right of a granite k.n.o.b and reaches the floor of ~Little Yosemite Valley~ near the lower end, where it is joined by a trail from up the canyon. Turning right we pa.s.s ~Liberty Cap~ and after a 200-foot descent join the main Glacier Point Trail at the top of ~Nevada Falls~. There is here a government telephone (Central 1 ring). We turn right. Yosemite is six miles distant via Trail Trip 2.
(16.5 miles--6 hours)