Part 49 (1/2)


While he was still gazing thoughtfully at this Johnny Fairfax, fresh as the morning, appeared at his elbow.

”h.e.l.lo, wise man,” he greeted him cheerily. ”You were a good prophet--and you got some sleep. I hung around all night, but nothing new was done.”

”Look here,” said Keith, placing his finger on the notice, ”do you suppose this genuine?”

Johnny read the notice.

”Couldn't say.”

”Because if this is actually the old Committee of '51, it means business.”

”There's one way to find out.”

”How's that?”

”Go and see,” advised Johnny.

Number 105-1/2 Sacramento Street proved to be a big three-storied barnlike structure that had been built by a short-lived political party called the Know Nothings. Already the hall was packed to its full capacity, the entrance ways jammed, and a big crowd had gathered in the streets.

”Fine chance we have here!” observed Johnny ruefully.

They stood well free of the press for a few moments, watching. More men were coming from all directions. But Johnny was resourceful, and likewise restless.

”Let's prowl around a little,” he suggested to his companion.

They prowled to such good purpose that they discovered, at the rear of the building, opening into a blind alley, a narrow wooden stairway. It was unguarded and untenanted.

”Here we are,” p.r.o.nounced Johnny.

They ascended it, and immediately found themselves In a small room back of the stage or speaker's platform, It contained about a score of men.

Their aspect was earnest, serious, grave. Although there was a sufficiency of chairs, they were all afoot, gathered in a loose group, in whose centre stood William Coleman, his ma.s.sive shoulders squared, his large bony, hands clenched at his side, his florid complexion even more flushed than usual, his steady eye travelling slowly from one face to another, Again the strange contradictions in, his appearance struck Keith with the impact of a distinct shock--the low smoothed hair, the sweeping blue-black moustache, the vivid colour, and high cheek bones of the typical gambler--the clear eye, firm mouth, incisive, deliberate speech, the emanation of personality that inspired confidence. Next him, talking earnestly, stood Clancey Dempster, a small man, mild of manner, blue eyed, with light, smooth hair, the last man in the room one would have picked for great firmness and courage, yet destined to play one of the leading roles in this crisis. The gigantic merchant, Truett, towered above him, he who had calmly held two fighting teamsters apart by their collars; and homely, stubborn, honest Farwell, direct, uncompromising, inspired with tremendous single-minded earnestness, but tender as a girl to any under dog; and James Dows, rough and ready, humorous, blasphemous, absolutely direct, endowed with ”horse sense,” eccentric, but of fundamentally good judgment: Hossfros of '51; Dr. Beverly Cole, high spirited, distinguished looking, courtly; the excitable, active, nervous, talkative, but staunch Tom Smiley, Isaac Blucome whose signature as ”33, Secretary” was to become terrible; fiery little George Ward, willing--but unable--to whip his weight in wild cats. As Keith recognized these men, and others of their stamp, he nodded his head contentedly.

Johnny Fairfax must have caught the same impression, for he leaned across to whisper to Keith, his eyes s.h.i.+ning:

”We've hit it!”

Their entrance had pa.s.sed unnoticed in the absorption of discussion.

Coleman was speaking, evidently in final decision.

”It is a serious business,” said he. ”It is no child's play. It may prove very serious. We may get through quickly, so safely, or we may so involve ourselves as never to get through.”

”The issue is not of choice, but of expediency,” urged Dempster. ”Shall we have vigilance with order or a mob with anarchy?”

Coleman pondered a moment, then threw up his head.

”On two conditions I will accept the responsibility--absolute obedience, absolute secrecy.”

Without waiting for a reply to this he threw open a door, and followed by the others, stepped out on the platform. A roar greeted their appearance. Johnny and Keith, remaining modestly in the background, lingered near the open door.