Part 13 (1/2)

”Noon?” she cried, astonished. ”It can't be! But I can't stop now. I think I'll have Wing pick me up a lunch. There's plenty in the house.

It's too much bother to clean up.”

Keith demurred; then wanted to stay for the pick-up lunch himself. Nan would have none of it. She was full of repressed enthusiasm and eagerness, but she wanted to get rid of him.

”There's not enough. I wouldn't have you around. Go away, that's a good boy! If you'll leave Wing and me entirely alone we'll be ready to move in to-morrow.”

”Where's Gringo?” asked Keith by way of indirect yielding--he had really no desire for a picked-up lunch.

”The little rascal! He started to chew everything in the place, so I tied him in the backyard. He pulls and flops dreadfully. Do you think he'll strangle himself?”

Keith looked out the window. Gringo, all four feet planted, was determinedly straining back against his tether. The collar had pulled forward all the loose skin of his neck, so that his eyes and features were lost in wrinkles.

”He doesn't yap,” volunteered Nan.

Keith gave it as his opinion that Gringo would stop short of suicide, commended Gringo's taciturnity and evident perseverance, and departed for the hotel. In the dining-room he saw Mrs. Sherwood in a riding habit, eating alone. Keith hesitated, then took the vacant seat opposite. She accorded this permission cordially, but without coquetry, remarking that Sherwood often did not get in at noon. Immediately she turned the conversation to Keith's affairs, inquiring in detail as to how the settling was getting on, when they expected to get in, how they liked the house, whether they had bought all the furniture.

”You remember I directed you to the auctions?” she said.

She asked all these questions directly, as a man would, and listened to his replies.

”I suppose you have an office picked out?” she surmised.

At his mention of the Merchants' Exchange Building she raised her arched eyebrows half humorously.

”You picked out an expensive place.”

Keith went over his reasoning, to which she listened with a half smile.

”You may be right,” she commented; ”the reasoning is perfectly sound.

But that means you must get the business in order to make it pay. What are your plans?”

He confessed that as yet they were rather vague; there had not been time to do much--too busy settling.

”The usual thing, I suppose,” he added: ”get acquainted, hang out a s.h.i.+ngle, mix with people, sit down and starve in the traditional manner of young lawyers.”

He laughed lightly, but she refused to joke.

”There are a good many lawyers here--and most of them poor ones,” she told him. ”The difficulty is to stand out above the ruck, to become noticed. You must get to know all, of course; but especially those of your own profession, men on the bench. Yes, especially men on the bench, they may help you more than any others--”

He seemed to catch a little cynicism in her implied meaning, and experienced a sense of shock on his professional side.

”You don't mean that judges are--”

”Susceptible to influence?” She finished the sentence for him with an amused little laugh. She studied him for an instant with new interest, ”They're human--more human here than anywhere else--like the rest of us--they respond to kind treatment--” She laughed again, but at the sight of his face her own became grave. She checked herself.

”Everything is so new out here. In older countries the precedents have all been established. Out here there are practically none. They are being made now, every day, by the present judges. Naturally personal influence might get a hearing for one point of view or the other--”

”I see what you mean,” he agreed, his face clearing.

”Join a good fire company,” she advised him. ”That is the first thing to do. Each company represents something different, a different cla.s.s of men.”