29 Chapter 29: Bandit Hunt 2 (1/2)

Mercenary System RisingDoom 36490K 2022-07-19

Adam's team separated into two; those that gather information and those that survey's the area where the bandits are supposedly located.

The people that were given the task to gather information, scour the whole town's Inn, Pubs, the guild, etc, etc. Especially the places where merchants gather in leisure time; specifically those merchants that use the road where the bandits do their robbery. They also keep in contact with their leader to report what they have found.

While those assigned to survey or investigate the area search every nook and cranny to find where the base of the bandit. After searching from morning till afternoon they finally found where the bandits are staying. Finding what they came for, they memorize in their head the geography and topography of the bandits base surrounding, finding the best locations for entering the base, location for lookouts better view of the base, etc, etc.

When the group was done with their respective task, they all meet at the designated location at exactly seventeen hundred hours. Then they started planning on how to break into the bandits base; of course, Razlov was also with them listening and observing them.

The group looks at Razlov's smiling face as he observes them. It made the group nervous about the possibility of making a blunder but they steeled themselves cause this is the moment of truth where all the hardship they endured during the training will come to fruition.

”Now that we are all here, its time to lay out the intel we gather so far and plan out on how to invade their base, exterminate every hostile enemy or capture those that will surrender and then complete the mission”

Adam has a stern face as he looks at his teammates, he could see that all of them has the same expression as him; serious.

”From our investigation, we found out that the base of the bandits is in-between the ravine of the two cliff that is 5 meters wide at the entrance then it gets wider as you go further and its approximately 20 meters deep at the end of it is an encampment and a cave which serves as the base of the bandits.”

Adam was explaining the layout of the bandit's base and also drawing it.

”Their whole base is composed of an encampment that has a single watchtower, four tents, and a cave. From Mercy and Carl's report and also from our observation, we can estimate that there are 16-18 hostile enemies.”

”Now unto how to advance, because of the location of the base, it would be hard for the lookout to find where to position. Except for a big tree just 20 meters away, that is directly facing the entrance and could view the whole camp. There is also the issue about the cave but if my guess is correct the cave must not be too deep and it should be the place where they keep all the goods that they have robbed”

Adam looks at his teammates then stop at one of the young women in their team. Adam's team is composed of 3 young men; Adam, Carl, and Mike, and 2 young women; Mercy, and Cassie.

”Mercy, as you are the best shooter in our team, you would be assigned to be the lookout and sniper of our team by position yourself atop the tree. While the rest will follow me to storm into their base.”

”Now, is there any question?”

When Adam asked if there's any question one of the females in his group raise her hand; which is Cassie.

”Cassie, what is it?”

”Sir, what if the enemy escapes into the cave?”

Razlov nodded in approval and glad that someone pointed out this problem. Because of their current lack of equipment like tear gas grenade, they would have no way of flushing out the enemy making the situation difficult.

”Regarding that, we must prevent the enemies from escaping into the cave but if they really manage to enter into the cave. We would have no choice but to assault the cave.”

”Mercy, after we storm into the camp watch out and kill any enemies trying to escape into the cave.”


Mercy nodded in confirmation regarding the task she was given.

”Any further question?”


”Now make preparation and be ready to move out!”

” ”Haa!” ”


When night falls, Adam's team was already on their way to the bandit's base. Their mission is to subjugate the bandit Black Vipers, they must take them by surprise so night became the perfect time for it.

They proceeded on their way to where they saw the bandit's base is located. When they arrive at the location, Carl went to scout and check the situation on the bandit's camp and went back to report.

”The bandits are having a meal right now but there are five bandits guarding the vicinity of the camp, one on the watchtower and four people on the ground patrolling in pairs.”


Adam, then look around his teammates with a stern expression.

”Just follow the drill and stick to the plan then everything else will flow smoothly”

” ”Roger” ”

”Now check your gears”

Then they all went and check their gears as they don't want any mishap to happen during the mission. From their rifles to grenades, they check everything if they are right in position and ready.

”Alright, let's move out”

Then they all move out.

Adam, Carl, Mike, and Cassie went outside the entrance where the bandit's base is located and ready to storm the place.